Christian group calling for congressional statement

This reminds me of the backlash by the right concerning a muslum congressmen. This is so unbelievable. Look at the leeps this guy makes from a guy declaring his disbelief in something to oppression and political war.
Christian Science Aassociation
For Immediate Release
March 14, 2007 Contact: James Lafferty
(202) 547-4400
A Sad First in the History of the Congress
Washington, DC – The Christian Seniors Association (CSA) today
encouraged members of the Congress to speak of their belief in God on
the floor of the House after a liberal California Congressman made
history by denying God.
According to Christianity Today, Congressman Pete Stark (D-California)
became the first member of Congress to deny the existence of God.
"When the Secular Coalition asked me to complete a survey on my
religious beliefs, I indicated I am a Unitarian who does not believe
in a supreme being."
"It is sad but not surprising that the current Congress has produced
this historic first – one of its members has denied God," said CSA
Executive Director James Lafferty. "The liberals in Congress want to
throttle any school child who bows his or her head in prayer, but they
want to establish a right for liberals to bash Christians and berate
God around the clock.
"It is time for religious members of Congress to push back. A simple
declaration of a belief in God by members of Congress on the House
floor will be greatly informative for the American people. Members
who wish to expand could use the `special orders' portion of the House
calendar to elaborate but a simple "I believe in God" will suffice.
"We have long recognized that all of this hot air about `separation of
church and state' has been a veiled effort to intimidate and silence
religious voices in public policy matters.
"If the liberal House leadership refuses to recognize lawmakers who
want to affirm their belief in God, then we suggest they add it to the
end of floor speeches on other matters.
"Congressman Stark's statement is a very sad benchmark for America.
It could be the moment which defines the decline of our country or it
could be the spark which marks an important day. That would be the
day that religious Americans stood-up to the liberal bullies who are
so determined to use the power of government to silence prayer and
every other religious expression of free speech.
"This is a fight which is destined to be fought in America and we
think it should begin today."
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
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This article disgusts me. First off, rep. Stark did not deny god, he simply stated he had no belief in him.
"The liberals in Congress want to
throttle any school child who bows his or her head in prayer, but they
want to establish a right for liberals to bash Christians and berate
God around the clock.
I do not recall any liberal who wants to 'throttle' a child for praying in school. Does anyone? And exactly how is Stark's non belief bashing christians?
"This is a fight which is destined to be fought in America and we think it should begin today."
This is the only part of the column that I could agree with.
I'd vent further but a project just came in for me to work on. Sorry for the rant.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
I tend to agree with you about this so-called fight in America. However, I think we need to be careful of getting into an us vs. them mentality. We need to make sure that education and reason is our approach as opposed to the blind promotion of an Ideology. In other words we need to avoid an ends justifying the means approach.
EDIT: This has to be the first quintuple-post I have ever seen. Please let me know if this was an innocent mistake or something else, would be helpful to the mods
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
Ah, the backlash begins. The obvious move for them was to try to out as many as possible. We need to keep up the spin campaign to show that a) outing Stark doesn't mean anything bad, and b) they have no right to impose some sort of 'religious test' on the congress people to out themselves.
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He'll probably now be held to a higher standard than all other politicians. They'll probably watch him round the clock for the slightest mishap to latch onto as evidence of an atheist's flaws. All the while, religion never gets a bad rap despite all the bible thumpers who got caught in office cheating, embezzling, etc.
There are no theists on operating tables.
I'm not trying to get into an us vs. them mentality (though it did come off that way, sorry) and I really think the only way to overcome this issue IS through education. It just pisses me off that they're trying to make it seem like the religious right is such an underdog when, obviously, they're not. I think it's just really ridiculous.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
I hear you. This so similar to the Nazi's claiming that the Jews were oppressing them, when clearly the Christian Germans had all the power.
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
I just emailed my congressman and told them he should support Starks decision.
I probably could have wrote something better, but I was short on time.
The Enlightenment wounded the beast, but the killing blow has yet to land...
This is an official press release? These people are out of their minds ...
I'm off so you can only find me here:
Why does it seem like every time someone say's they don't believe in god, the automatic reaction from the numb nuts is to say they do believe in god? Makes me want to smack them upside the head and tell them to say something we DON'T already know.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
This is insane...
"The liberals in Congress want to throttle any school child who bows his or her head in prayer"
Last time I checked it was the conservitives who want to throttle children for anything...
"It is time for religious members of Congress to push back."
Where have these people been? If a member is making history by not believing in god what the fuck do they have to push against?
"We have long recognized that all of this hot air about `separation of church and state' has been a veiled effort to intimidate and silence religious voices in public policy matters."
Yes those evil laws that are made to protect everyone including their religion, fucking dumbasses...
I am warry of this talk of fighting. They better mean with words.
"It is time for religious members of Congress to push back. A simple
declaration of a belief in God by members of Congress on the House
floor will be greatly informative for the American people. Members
who wish to expand could use the `special orders' portion of the House
calendar to elaborate but a simple "I believe in God" will suffice.
Push back? Against one lone congressman?
A simple declaration of a belif in God by members of congress? Would that include rep. Ellis and his Koran?
Support the Separation of Church & State!
Freedom From Religion Foundation
I just got the mental image of a bigger bully saying "Don’t oppress people!" to a smaller bully.....
“Liberal bullies” to me seems more akin to the bigger brothers who stand up for their weaker siblings when picked on by the real bullies. (Religious right in most cases.)
I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.