A search for Philadelphia atheists - future activism
We're currently searching for Philadelphia area atheists on myspace and elsewhere. This thread will serve as an all purpose discussion area until we have enough people to make our efforts worthwhile. We're looking for hundreds... to thousands.
Everything we hope to do is completely legal. From peaceful protests outside of a Courthouse posting the Ten Commandments to hosting a movie night with Brian Flemming... it'll all be legal. So don't be scared. If you have a group you are heavily involved with in the area feel free to discuss it, if it's something that all of the founding members of the Rational Response Squad can agree on, we might use our clout to help you in your efforts as well. The Squad gladly plays supporting roles for other groups!
Please keep in mind, in this thread, and in any requests for assistance or unity... the only thing any two atheists must have in common is a lack of belief in a god.
If you like the idea of meeting other Philly atheists but don't want to be an activist, then join up with the Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia.
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Well, you've got my support on just about any activity I can make it to. Organization is, I feel, the most important tool in battling the admittedly well coordinated efforts of conservative Christian groups.
A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.
i am all over this philly place. this city is my bitch. i strike fear in the hearts of the "righteous", i flip off their children and 'teachers' when they get out of bible school. i've got a few good ideas for activity percolating, and am down for looking mean at whatever funk-shuns you may conceive. keep the lines of communication flowing.
Fear out.
Fear is the mindkiller.
While I admire his enthusiasm, I don't think DrFear's tactics of rabid anti-theism is exactly the sort of thing that is required here. People need to understand that perhaps they could be wrong about religion. You can't argue with people, that will solve nothing.
Religion can be a good thing for many people. People have had their lives changed for the better by whatever faith drives them. More still live their lives and bother no one with their beliefs. I have no problem with those people.
What I do have a problem with is those that try to push religion on other people. Those are the people who need to be exposed and have their arguments destroyed systematically with counter-points.
Atheists need to show themselves as people that should be considered rational beings, not rabidly anti-religous with no real cause.
believe me, i'm well aware of the necessity to be rational in order to be taken seriously. but as usual there are two sides to the coin, especially of late, with the atmosphere of rabid theism that is overtaking the world.
i agree that not all christians are bible-thumping, bus-stop witnessing, doorbell ringing bugaboos. regardless, their danger-zombie generals at the pulpit are ringing out the command to do so. every sunday in church they are encouraged to witness to people, reach out to the unsaved. and that's just the least of it.
fundamentalists grow more and more rabid every moment that passes that they don't get their way. and more and more they are advocating violence as an acceptable solution to the infidel "problem".
so i hardly think a drive-by bird flipping of some bible school children is out of order. it's like making fun of motorcycle cops for wearing leather uniforms. it's funny, and ultimately harmless.
Fear out
Fear is the mindkiller.
Good Morning. I have just become a member, but I did not get a chance to look into the "Mission Statement". But what I've read sounds interesting. Are "Rational Responders" atheists'? I am not an atheist, but I do believe in common sense and consideration. I have looked into alot of different religions for the fact that everyone interprets religion in their own way. I do have a bit of knowledge of some religions from their books, not from what people tell me. To sum it up I am not an atheist because I do not believe in a higher power that deals our fate. My higher power is me. GET BACK AT ME. Still inteterested in hearing what the group is about. And "DRFEAR" sounds like he has some issues. That's cool, I believe everyone needs enemies or one cannot say they're truly living. So to DR. FEAR I say you are righteous...
I take back what I say about you having issues, you are absolutely correct. While those go to church for forgivness from what they know they are going to do is funny to me. I like the way you mock mainstreaqm religion with your (harmless) outspoken activism. I still say you're righteous, truly though, not as christian.
For the record, the FSGP does engage in all sorts of activism, from picketing at the courthouse to demonstrating at the Boy Scouts of America's free building.
But of course, add me to the list of interested people for the RRS project.
show me somebody that doesn't have "issues."
i usually find that claiming "issues" is a good way to discredit those with strongly held opinions in the public eye.
Fear is the mindkiller.
activism, as stated in another thread, (perhaps sapient would be so kind to link it here) has to be spread among many fronts....a multi-faceted approach is what's needed. we need the RRS, people like Drfear as well as the more moderate organizations such as Americans United for the separation of Church and State American Atheist etc....
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.

Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
MontCo Atheist right here.
welcome to the fold, johnson. read the posts on "the war on easter" in News&Activism. spread this truth to the Montgomeries.
Fear is the mindkiller.