The Rational Response Squad is a group of atheist activists who impact society by changing the way we view god belief. This site is a haven for those who are pushing back against the norm, and a place for believers of gods to have their beliefs exposed as false should they want to try their hand at confronting us. Buy any item on AMAZON, and we'll use the small commission to help improve critical thinking. Buy a Laptop -- Apple |
Passive Atheists this message is for you. |
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
Lunar this is in regards to your attitude.
I know they are atheist and I know they are shooting themselves in the foot, but your are just being too nice. So what most people are lazy when it comes to things like government or learning or freedoms. It isn't like people can't lose freedoms once they get them, right?
Note: all that should sound weird I did it on purpose
Constructive criticism: I don't consider myself a passive atheist, but I was put off by the pedantic chiding displayed here. If you want to motivate people to action, I think illustrating the effects of faith based initiatives would be more compelling. Just a suggestion.
Thank you both for your thoughts on this video... this was kind of an off the cuffs type of thing I didn't really out line what I was gonna say I just said what came to me at the time. I had just finished an exchange with the worlds most passive athiest I swear. so needless to say I will a little annoyed.
Operation Spread Eagle, Kent Hovind, Creation Science, Evange
The "wake the fuck up" line was good, but what followed, the burying part, was silly. Edit it out, if you can.
You have no reason to apologize for making a video while annoyed.
If you stand by your opinion then that's good enough for me. I feel that should be good enough for anyone.
Strange. I didn't see any reasoned arguments against your video opinion in this thread, only your delivery. Hmmmm.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Am I bad and lazy or helping them if I like to exchange gifts on x-mas or x-mas dinner but don't partake in the religious aspects of it and sing some x-mas songs or make colored eggs on easter? Silent Night by the Temptations is the shiznit.
Other then that I don't sit by when injustice is done period and don't mind joining in on activities that go against religion infringing on freethinking individuals.....I think of myself as a firm and ardent atheist but I like x-mas songs lol.
---George Carlin---
Ok Ill give my opinion on this. First I want to say I think your absolutely right! For years though I have been pretty quiet about what i think of everything. It wasnt until I heard of the rational response squad that I started to voice my opinions more. The more stuff I read and watch about the world the more pissed off I get. The thing is im paranoid as hell.(lol) I know when an atheist opinion is voiced alot of times physical violence is threatened. This honestly scares the hell out of me. But knowing that there are more people in the world than I ever realized who think like I do has helped me to overcome my fears. So Im thinking maybe for some of us it just takes time to step up to the plate like we need to.
It's a bit of a rant, but understood.
You look at all the major social advancements and you had the same problem. In all cases it always took a people being seriously angry and standing up for themselves to get the others motivated, and there was always resistance. From Slavery to woman's rights. There has always been internal opposition. It's a natural part of any kind of social development it seems.
So, your message isn't unwarranted, though the passive resistant side also should not be unexpected. The positive is that it's changing. And though the outspoken aggressive manner doesn't work with everyone, it does work with some that just need a kick in the ass.
I think it's important to hit all angles of style to getting people motivated for standing up for what's right. So good on you.
I disagree with what you said about Christmas and Easter.
Although they have Christian names and contain a few Christian traditions, they are a huge mix of traditions spanning several cultures. In England, Christmas is a secular holiday that Christians/atheists/Jews/Muslims etc all celebrate in our secular way. Religious folks might use the time to celebrate religiously but that's their personal perogative.
Saying we should give up Christmas because of the Christian heritage is like saying we should give up the current way of counting years because it's based on Christianity. (year 0 being Jesus' birth and all that) We can be rational atheists while still enjoying our Christian heritage and culture.
It seems difficult to imagine appreciating Christianity when you're living in a country where fundamentalism is still running rampant but when all this political controversy dies down and Christianity is no longer a threat to your rights and wellbeing, you'll be able to appreciate it as part of your culture's past and tradition.
I'm with you on the rest of it though. Sitting by while fundies walk over your rights and criticising those with the balls to speak out is poor form indeed!