RSVP by 11 Apr - Get Agnostic book on CNN

Dear MAAF,
Posted for Matt Taylor:
My name is Matt Taylor and I wrote a book called Tent Revival for Agnostics. It is being advertised in San Diego as a test market on CNN Headline News. If it makes 75 sales by 04/11/07, the commercial will go nationwide. Only 25 books have been sold since April 7, 2007. Yes, it will make money for me; however, it is an historical moment . . . the first atheist book advertised on CNN Headline News!
Would you be so kind as to approach the atheists in your area to make the call to 1-800-611-2736 and order the book? If you haven't seen the commercial, it is on YouTube and my website
I am sending this to as many atheists, agnostics, humanists, brights and freethinkers as possible in the hope that this commercial makes its quota of sales in San Diego and goes nationwide. This will expose the nation to the reality of secular thought coming out at last.
I just returned from the American Atheists convention in Seattle and am affiliated with freethinker/atheist/secular groups on the East Coast. The Seattle folks were very supportive of this effort, but the CNN ad must generate sales in the San Diego area.
* For the CNN deal, orders must be from San Diego and orders count one per household.
Call me, collect, and I will be glad to explain this verbally (757) 362-8400.
Thanks, Matt
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