Wife Murders Kinky Abusive Pastor Husband

SELMER, Tenn. — The wife of a Tennessee preacher told jurors in her murder trial Wednesday that she accidentally shot her husband after experiencing years of sexual, emotional and physical abuse at his hands.
After Mary Winkler shot Matthew Winkler, the defendant testified, her first thought was of her three daughters.
"I thought something terrible had happened, and no one would ever believe it was an accident and I would lose the girls," Winkler testified through sobs in her first-degree murder trial Wednesday.
Winkler, 33, said her reaction was to pack up the children in the family minivan and drive to Alabama coast for their first visit to the beach, "just to be together."
The next day, Winkler was arrested for the murder of her husband, a fifth-generation preacher who found his first pulpit at the Fourth Street Church of Christ in Selmer, Tenn., a year before his
Observers in the rural western Tennessee courtroom dabbed at tears along with the soft-spoken defendant as she described the morning she shot her husband after what she said was nearly 10 years of abuse.
Winkler said she did not remember pointing or firing her husband's 12-gauge shotgun at him shortly after he allegedly tried to silence their crying infant daughter by suffocating her.
She said all she said remembered was catching a whiff of gunpowder before she fled the room and returned to find her husband lying on the floor, bleeding from the nose and mouth.
"I wiped his mouth, but it just kept coming," Winkler tearfully testified, as her husband's relatives remained stoic in the front row.death.
McNairy County prosecutors believe Winkler intentionally shot her husband as he lay in bed on the morning of March 22, 2006, and have questioned the defendant's memory of the events.
A defense psychologist testified Tuesday that Winkler suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, which affected her ability to think clearly the morning she shot her husband.
Winkler's emotional testimony sharply contrasted with her quiet demeanor as she described the sexual acts, emotional abuse and beatings that she claimed her husband subjected her to.
A hushed gasp arose in the courtroom as Winkler showed the jury a tall white platform heel and a black wig that Winkler said her husband made her wear during sex.
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Don't you wonder if this guy counseled any of his parishoners when they were having marital problems?
Don't you wonder what they're thinking now?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I posted this on April 2, 2006
That's how long this story has lasted and I believe that it isn't over yet.
The verdict is in though: Voluntary Manslaughter instead of 1st degree murder. Crazy bitch killed the crazy prick of a husband...
The children will go to grandma and grandpa to be raised the same way mom and dad were.
People will sit back and ask why he would be that way. Some people will ask why she didn't try alternate means of getting out of the situation instead of killing him. It'll be blamed on internet porn, our 'godless society', and some mental imbalance on the dead man's(Matthew Winkler) part. The churches will have sermons for months.
Yet. Only we are capable of asking the questions, "Did his religion have even an iota of influence over him?" I thought christianity provided a 'moral' basis to the lives of christians.
Now that it is over, which name or both do I commit to memory and recall when someone asks me why I despise christianity(not christians)
"Hate the -ism. Not the -ist" - HealingBlight
Why are the hard questions that COULD make a difference never asked?
Lawyer: "Mary, did your religion teach you that killing was wrong? Why then did you do this? Aren't you concerned about punishment?
Get the answers to those questions from her and it'll be easy to see why theism, especially christianity on a local basis is IRRATIONAL!
This rant has been brought to you by darth_josh. Someone who has never killed anyone. If he ever does then Mary Winkler has taught him how to get 3-6 years instead of the death penalty or life in prison.
AND THE CONGREGATION can kiss my ass.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
And I say, AMEN, to darth_Josh~~!!!
Thanks for the info about the verdict. Linky!
You guys are lucky i live in Tenn. I've been hearing about this for months. I heard one lady say something to the effect of "God, must have decided it was his time to come home..." and I just had to take a nice long WTF moment and smoke a cigarette...
No Gods, Know Peace.