Organized Disruptive Response to National Day of Prayer

Thursday May 3rd is the " National Day of Prayer" - The Xians are going to get another free pass in the media as the unopposed representatives of ALL America. They get to say look here, we are a CHRISTIAN NATION!!!! They do not speak for me and I am mad as hell and not gonna take it quietly anymore.
Here in Texas there are several large events, most at public-owned facilities, and you can bet they didn't pay for the time and space. Also there will be thousands of man-hours of public employees time give away, uncompensated for traffic and crowd management. In short these will be TAX DOLLAR supporting Xian religious events promoting their superstitions. What BURNS ME, is that we , Atheists, Rational Responders, don't push the issue and disrupt public events that promote these myths & legends. I'm ready to rudely ruin somebody's bliss.
In Belton Texas [not far from Waco] the event will feature DAVID BARTON, the leader of WALLBUILDERS. That is the group that wants to re-write history to make the Founding Fathers devote Xians. If there were a better target among Xians to protest than Barton I can not image who it would be. He is actively trying to establish religion as part of government.
So anybody interested in getting some bullhorns and being obnoxious bastards?
I got this idea about forming a Texas Rational Response Ranger Unit to be a foil to myth-filled events
Jeffersonian Objectivist with antisocial tendencies
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Your first post! Welcome corgyn!
You're right about tax dollars going to crowd and traffic control, but if I'm not mistaken, that would also be true if there were any kind of huge event, xian or otherwise.
The part that pains me the most will be all the media coverage.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
the unchallenged - we all love Jesus - TV in south Texas is difficult enough most days but look to tomorrow night for an Xian orgy of superstition and fairy tales
Jeffersonian Objectivist with antisocial tendencies
I had a post on here about forming a RRS TX, but didn't really pan out. I don't think we even have a myspace for it, but an RRS TX might be a good place to start things. What might be good is to reserve prime locations for events next year for the National Day of Reason.
I suggest registering for well before next year, but at a time when it might not be on the mind of people, maybe next month. I know that is a long time away, but people have to plan these things. Just look at the Atheist Blood Drive.