Judge's pants lawsuit rightfully thrown out.

A judge who suid for a rediculous $54 million over a pair of pants handled by Asian dry cleaner owners, had his case finally thrown out.
This moron had to be delusional to think he could get that amount of money over a pair of pants? Not only do I think he owes the business owners legal fees he should be disbard as a judge for even proposing such a preposterous case in the first place. I think he was simply gold digging and finaly a court rightfully threw it out.
At best the business owners might have been obligated to re-clean or replace the pants or entire suit. But how this idiot thought he would actually get away with extorting money from these people is criminal in and of itself. Having the right to sue over a givin issue should not be taken away. It is how we hold each other responsible and how courts arbitrate disputes. But this goes way beyond reality. When it was first filed to the first court the amount he wanted that judge, way before this one who finally threw the case out, should have done it much earlyer.
This was not a case that belonged in such a long drawn out situtation belonged in small claims court. How this asshole thought he could get away with extorting $54 million from these dry cleaners is outragious. I hope they sue his pants off and this time, I hope they get what they ask for.
Maybe he should have done the right thing and accepted any offer of resonable reconsiliation they had offered insted of wasting their time and draining their resorces and making them emotionaly suffer over his stupid ego and delusional claims.
THIS GETS MY "SHUT UP YOU CRYBABY" award. People getting killed in Darfure and some nut case judge thinks he can extort $54 million from someone over pants that at best might cost a couple hundred dollars?
And if there was any legal athority to remove you from the bench, I would do that too.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Haha we need a real "Shut up you Crybaby" award. I have a few people I'd like to nominate.
So wait the case was "finally" thrown out? How long was it entertained as a REAL case?!!
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-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
I can't believe that someone allowed this to go as far as it did. That judge was just trying to strong arm the dry cleaners. I'm glad it was thrown out.
And I think we do need a 'Shutup you crybaby' award.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
I think this case has been in the system for a couple years now. I'd like to bitch out both the judge who filed this rediculous claim and the judge who allowed the amount asked for to get past the first filing and to even be heard in the first place.
Lets say we take the judges side and the pants became worthless to damage. Lets also say that he missed some time off work to rectify the loss of the pants. FINE, you seek the cost of the pants and payment for cost of inconvienance. But how this idiot thought he could turn this into a Megga Millions ticket astounds me. And any person who would file such an absurd suit in the first place does not deserve to be a judge.
Damages have to be equitable not outragious. It sucks when a business gives you bad service. But it doesnt intitle you to turn around and use a court to try to rob them. This was extortion and I hope these business owners give that prick a taste of his own medicine.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Talk about getting your knickers in a twist!! I remember reading about this a while back so I am glad you posted the follow-up. It annoys me how some people think they are above bad things ever happening to them. Somebody always has to pay for their suffering. Who is going to pay for the rest of us having to suffer this guy's existence?
The Plaintiff, an administrative federal judge, will likely lose his bench for this suit. He wept over his pants in his opening statement. Yes, he wept over pants; so, he is a little touched I would say. It is unlikely that he will be disbarred. This does not rise to the level of violating the Code of Ethics, but he may be suspended.
THe trial judge was right to allow the suit to proceed. As long as there is some proof of measurable harm, a plaintiff has a right to be heard by a jury. Yes, this was stupid. Often, not in this case, people can make valid, legal points with small sums at stake.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Mesurable yes, absurd no. The key is "equitable". I dont call suing for $54 milion over a pair of pants "equitable" or resonable.
This belonged in small claims where it should have stayed. The judge who allowed this suit was right in allowing it to be filed, again, yes. But should have demanded the idiot come back with something reasonable like replace the pants or give him two new suits. How you get 54 million dollars out of this is outragious.
And again, as far as the idiot judge who sued for $54 mill, what he did might have been "technically legal", but that doesnt mean I wouldn't feel like having his ass thrown off the bench, even if I couldnt. I was making an "if i could" statment, which is sperate than the actuall legal law as far as throwing him off the bench. I am not saying there is a way, I was only saying, "If only I could".
At a minimum he should be ashamed of wasting the courts time and trying to distroy someone's livelyhood over something that could have easly been delt with in a much more reasonable fassion.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
He should at the very least have to pay the dry cleaners legal fees. If he had taken them to small claims court for say $100 he'd have had a case, but this was bullshit.
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Equity and legality are often separate matters. It may seem outrageous, but judges must uphold the law as it is written. They have relatively few "equitable" powers.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Well, I read that the judge is making this asshat pay their court costs, and may make him pay the attorney fees.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team