Whatever you think of us, THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!

"Don't pick on my sky daddy" does not intitle you to do this!
I dont like the way the artical was written and I suspect the writer of the artical is not giving the full story trying to make it look like the atheist was "asking for it".
As atheists we expect condamnation. We realize some ignorant assholes will say stereotypical bigoted things about us. I personally dont want people to be stopped from doing that. I am hardly PC and laws are already in place that both the theist and atheist can abide by. DONT PHYSICALLY HARM PEOPLE!
But, no matter how "offended" an atheist may be by a theist, or how "offended" a theist might be by an atheist, THESE GUYS ARE DICKS and I hope they spend a long time in jail for not controling their tempers.
I could give a shit less weither a bigot likes me or not and I could care less what they say. But violence be it against a family member, neighbor or stranger FOR WHATEVER REASON, should not be tollerated.
This shows these idiots inmaturity and insecurity in their beliefs. If they truely thought that that atheist was being a bigot, the mature thing for them to have done is simply walk away. THEY HAD ABSOLUTLY NO RIGHT TO ASSALT AND ROB HIM. Even if he wasnt an atheist they still wouldnt have had that right.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
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They were offended by his 'anti-christian' statement so they robbed and beat him? How very Christian <wipes sarcasm from mouth> I mean, they were so offended that they not only beat him up, the also robbed him?
My guess is that these guys were just looking for a fight and they happened to find one with an atheist. What a bunch of twatwaffles.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
The people I call friend, the people who are theists who know me personally, might find my sig offensive. BUT, at the same time, since they know me personally, THEY KNOW, I am not a bigot and DONT hate all Christians or all theists.
Nothing I say here and nothing that was written on that sign on his vehical deserves that.
So someone finds my sig "offensive" SO THE FUCK WHAT! I find alot of what SOME (NOT ALL) but some Christians say about others such as Muslims, Gays and atheists. But I would never beat the crap out of them over mere words.
And by the same token, my Christian friends and co-workers have said things about atheists that I find "offensive", but that contextually in a given situation doesnt mean that they hate ALL atheists or hate me because I am an atheist. When that has happened I simply ask them "WHY" they say what they said.
I find the "You better be right" bumper stickers aimed at non-Christians implying "You will burn in hell for not believing" offensive. But I dont distroy their property or beat them up because I find that selfish and offensive. I might mutter something under my breath driving by, or flip them the bird where they cant see it. But I see no need to confront somebody to start a physical fight over something as trivial as a bumper sticker.
300,000,000 Americans and we WILL NOT like everyone and some do hate some. While bigotry should be challenged that should not come at the cost of free speech. I dont care if some bigot hates me. I'll agree not to beat them up if they agree not to beat me up. They can say what they want about me and I can say what I want about them.
Common Law is quite simple and stems from two very simple concepts. Nobody likes to have their property stolen and nobody likes to be assaulted.
Weither you are beaten up for cheating on your spouse, or weither you are beaten up for your money, or beaten up because someone doesnt like that you are gay, is still violence no matter the motive and doesnt make it any less harmfull.
So to the Christians who hate me(NOT ALL DO) for not believing, I say, shout it from the rooftops as much as you like, I wont stop you or beat you up for it. But do the same for me. Let me say what I want too.
It is a fact of life that not everyone will like everyone and you cant force people to do that. But we should agree at a minimum that whatever we think of our neighbor NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO PHYSICALLY HARM SOMEONE OVER MERE WORDS!
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Hopefully they're caught and spend a long time in prison with "Bubba" as a cellmate.
Hemant(friendly atheist) blogged about this when it happened.
The guy wrote: "FUCK THE SKULL OF JESUS" and that's why he was attacked.
No. Not in my opinion.
It could've said: "jesus: the bastard" and it would've had the same outcome despite being true.
Charge the attackers. Sue their church. Arrest and charge the parents of the minor involved.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Ok, so. I agree not the wisest thing to put on your vehical, but their reaction is just as inmature and sick and violent as the Muslims who threatened the cartoonist with death.
I wouldnt put that on my vehical. But I would put something like "Dont pray in our schools and I wont think in your Church".
Or, "Moral values shoudn't include torture devices" Picture of a cross on it.
What they did is no more different than beating someone up for calling their mother a whore. It may be offensive but you can rise above it and DONT have to react to it. No matter how wrong they thought he was they were just as bad as he was when they did that.
I get really pissed myself when Christians equate us to Hitler or claim we condone child rape. I still wouldnt have the right to beat them up no matter how much I hate what they say.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog