CNN Airing 3 Part Series - "God's Warriors" - 'Christians' Today 08/23/07
This series will deal with 'god's warriors' in three different religions, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
Here is a link:
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I seen the previews. As I understand it's about the nutcases in every religion. Doesn't the title remind you of this though?
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The show begins tonight.
Are you taping it for me? You know I don't have cable and I won't be able to stand it if I have to listen to you talk about it. LOL
I will tivo and burn it for you.
On now....
I only get up a bit after 10 pm for work. I did see about half of the 1st part last night.
Last night's episode was pretty good, I learned a few things and it seemed to illustrate the conflict of the West Bank fairly well. I am especially looking forward to tonight's (Muslims) and tomorrow's (Christians) episodes.
It was interesting because fanatical Jews aren't in the spotlight as the crazy Moslems or Christians.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I only caught snippets of the program but I thought it was really interesting. I also realized that I am pretty ignorant in the affairs of Israel. I always focused on the fighting that is happening now, and didn't realize the cause behind the fighting. There were some pretty sneaky tactics involved.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Part 2 tonight?
The West Bank conflict (what an understatement!) is a classic example of the harm religion can do. Centuries of lives lost because one group of people has convinced themselves that they are the 'chosen ones'. Very sad.
Haha, yeah. The thing is, that woman would probably be out of her mind even if religion didn't exist at all.
Well, I have been watching this series and it is doing well to illustrate the quote:
They are showing interviews with people who actually have come out of the extremist views they held and they fully admit they were not mentally deranged or insane, they got sucked in by the religion. They believed they were doing things god wanted them to do, especially the attacks against other religions. These people ONLY were willing to do these things under the guise of pleasing their god. Faith was their justification. The torah/quran/bible was the instruction manual. Their faith, belief in god and longing to please the invisible was all they needed to inspire hatred and violence.
I highly suggest if you get a chance to catch this series (in the OP), watch it, there are shocking/surprising things you will learn.
Last night's episode regarding muslims was certainly alarming and disturbing.
I'm so pissed I missed this!!! I hope they re-air it.
It's on YouTube, broken into 11 segments.
"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg." ~ Abraham Lincoln
I love the debate in the first part. The Muslim fucktard was completely demolished with the well-reasoned non-Muslim basically said, "no alcohol, no sex". Yeah, Islam won't catch on very well if those facts are advertised. Well, the Christian fundies will like that message but fundies are pretty much all the same.
They love the technological advances godless science brings but will whine they are oppressed. The British Muslims are given health care, education, public services, etc. and they'll complain that life in our godless societies is awful. How refreshing it must be living in a mud hut shitting in a hole in the backyard.
Imagine how effective these terrorists will be if our society no longer needs their oil. Oil is the only reason people pay attention to the Arabic states.
I seen that one too, but unfortunately will miss the Christian one.
Christians are on now.
I don't know if another television program has ever pissed me off as much as this one.
"We teach math because god created math, and god loves math."
Fucking morons, the entire lot of them.
"The powerful have always created false images of the weak."
I almost threw up when I heard that woman say the statement you quoted.
This episode is the most disgusting/disturbing/enraging so far, I guess because this is my home and these people and making very concerted efforts to change it.
This 'Battlecry' teen ministry thing is deeply unsettling, Ron Luce needs to be investigated.
What's the over/under on how many months before Ron Luce is caught in a drug/homosexual/fraud/etc. scandal?
"The powerful have always created false images of the weak."
He certainly has a 'Ted Haggard' simularity with his fervor and zeal.
Rolling Stone Magazine did a large story on Ron "Looney" Luce:
I seen part of it. I think for those of us in the United States the Christian fundies are by far the most dangerous.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Here is a link to some emails that were sent to concerning this show:
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