High-tech museum brings creationism to life

This is perhaps the biggest disgrace to science, only second to Kent Hovind's Creationism park:
Here is my favorate line:
John Morris, president of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, an organization that promotes creationism, said the museum will affirm the doubts many people have about science, namely the notion that man evolved from lower forms of life.“Americans just aren’t gullible enough to believe that they came from a fish,” he said.
Shut the fuck up, did a brick fall on your head? Arn't you the people who believe snakes talked? It doesn't get much more gullible than that, asshole.
"In the high school halls, in the shopping malls, conform or be cast out" ~ Rush, from Subdivisions
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Atheist Books
I was reading a different link about that. They were talking about how people and dinosaurs existed at the same time.
I guess the people back then were like, "hey, forget the horses and cars, we gun rid dem t-rexes back to school today!
Atheist Books
Just more proof that god must of been high off his own supply when he created the creationists...
Some people are just that gullible....
Flying Spaghetti Monster -- Great Almighty God? Or GREATEST Almighty God?
What's funny is these Answers in Genesis (AIG) people are intertwined with my decision to deconvert from christianity and become an athiest.
The reason I was begining to doubt christianity was because I was learing of the scientific flaws of the bible, e.g. the age of the universe. I spent hours upon hours reading AIG's material, listening to recordings of their speakers, etc, to try to find a way to explain these errors in the bible and keep my faith. But AIG failed, and I eventually found most of what they say unconvincing.
AIG are worlds above Hovind, for what it's worth. They try to maintain some facade of respectability. They at least stopped using the really bad arguments (http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/dont_use.asp).