Does God Sin?

New thought.
If a person was sent to hell, ya know the fiery pits of no return and whatnot, wouldn't God be directly responsible for a person's pain and suffering? In society, we could see a person punch another, and he or she would most likely go to jail. I mean even if the one guy said something like "I did your mom and she was no fun." the person would still go to jail right? I mean, yeah the dude said some nasty crap, but would't God be sinning in a way? Or I guess it might be considered something like a "justified sin" by Christians, Jews, etc. Idk, thoughts?
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When I think of the Abrahamic God, these words come to mind to describe him:
-muderous, genocidal, racist, bigoted, homophobic, obsessive, petty, ruthless, tyrannical, unjust, bloodlusting, unreasonable, illogical, phsycotic control freak.
These words do not come to mind:
loving, caring, compassionate merciful, benevolent, judicious, fair, reasonable
So yeah, God sins. But no need for him to go to hell, we atheists already tossed him into the brain's garbage incinerator where all the retarded ideas men ever came up with go
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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Actually I thought of a spin of the "all powerfull" concept after reading this.
"All powerfull" unlimited power. So if God is "all powefull" then he must be capable of sin.
The theist may respond, "God wouldnt do that"
My response would be, " I'm not talking about what God would or wouldnt do, I am talkjng about capability, two different subjects."
If God is all powerfull then he must be capable of sin.
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I'm learning so much off of this site it's rediculous. Not only do I have my ideas, concepts, and arguments but other points of view as well.
This is pretty sweet.
what if the theist said that God isnt all powerful?
First: nwsa_boy, if you are referring to the Abrahamic God, then you are contradicting Genesis 17:1, Genesis 18:14, Job 42:2, Matthew 19:26, Psalms 33:8-9, Jeremiah 32:29.
Second: The Abrahamic God not only can, but has sinned: 1 Kings 22:23, 2 Chronicles 18:22, Jeremiah 4:10, Jeremiah 20:7, Ezekiel 14:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, and that if we only resort to lying. Considering some verses, we are also told that God cannot lie (thus not being able to do something that is not beyond logic, therefore He is not omnipotent) in Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, 2 Samuel 7:28, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18, but, considering the first biblical references, we are given a clear counter-example of the last ones, so we can only conclude (since the whole scripture is supposed to be God-inspired) that God actually lied when he inspired these verses, therefore proving beyond doubt that he HAS sinned.
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
hmm.. i guess something i could see coming from a christian would be that sin is being away from god or some retarded shit in the same direction. So god wouldn't be able to be away from himself or going against himself, but then again if he's all power he could do it anyway. But obviously if he christian used the above he wouldn't see how it logically contradicted its self.
Well, considering the omniscience vs. free will debate, that wouldn't surprise me.
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
isn't sin simply rebelling against God? So really how could God rebel against himself?
Well by the word "sin" I meant an act which is defined as such by God himself. And God commiting a sin wouldn't be rebellion against himself, it would be hypocracy.
I presume you meant hypocrisy.
If so, then that's pretty much the case.
Whatever makes you feel smart Rigor.
I kid you not i read a brochure once that said almost exactly what i tried to say here. It then even went on to say that Jesus helps us bridge the gap that sin causes. What a load of absolute shit!
I would have to agree that god can and has sinned. He is all-powerful and infinite. A god can not be infinite if he has not done everything. He has broken several of his commandments, has sponsored mass genocides, has killed on his own. The Abrahamic god is vengeful, capricious, murderous and hateful to the most extreme degree.
This is the definition of sin that I've heard from most Christians.
They seem to believe in divine command ethics.
It seems that God cannot sin.
It's not a sin to rape, murder or steal, it's just a sin for you to rape, murder or steal. You see, it wasn't a sin to make the Jews suffer the holocaust (after all, God had something much better planned for them in the afterlife!) it was just a sin for Hitler to do it.
Even if sin is contradicting the will of God, or somesuch, the theist isn't lost. Saying God cannot sin isn't putting a limit on what God can actually do, it is putting a limit on what you can call it.
Saying that God can't sin is no different from saying that anything done by God must be done by God. This is admitting that God is bound by at least some rules of logic, but I think that most theists would be prepared to admit that.
It's kind of funny watching a bunch of atheists arguing over something they don't believe in.
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I think it's kind of like the saying 'without light there wouldn't be darkness'. Without sin there wouldn't be... well "righteousness"... right? one is needed to define the other. I would think that God would have to understand and have a copasity to sin. If he created everything, then he also created sin, correct?
It kind of reminds me of something my brother always says "Can God create a dinner too big to eat?" or "Can God create a rock to heavy for him to lift?"
Prayer: How to do nothing and feel like your doing something.
To answer your question, no, God can not sin. He is not a man. He is a Holy and righteous God, something us humans are not, apart from Christ. To say that God is responsible for a persons suffering and pain is not the case. When we as humans choose sin and destruction, WE are responsible for OUR sin and the pain and suffering that it causes. When we choose ourselves and not God, we are basicly saying, " Ok, God I don't want you, I want myself and my desires," which are by nature evil. Because God is Holy and just, He MUST judge those who do not repent of sin, and turn to Jesus for the remission of OUR sin. We cause our own pain, suffering and everything that follows because to follow after sin, means that we are in rebellion against God, and those who are in rebellion against a Holy and righteous God, will suffer His just wrath. This is why He sent His Son into the world, that He might not condem the world, but through Him, we might be saved. God did all the work at the cross, all we have to do is trust Him and believe on Him.
I hope this explains a few things.
It explains that you know how to use the special pleading fallacy well.
It also shows how little you know of scripture. But then, I expect that from someone who accepts Paul's replacement religion.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
This explained that yeah, god sins. This has got to be one of the most rediculous statements I've heard. What about people born with painful disabilities? Did he just figure they were going to rebel against him? Second, he let his son be crucified. How is that loving? Last, I'm not evil by nature because I don't want god and I choose to live a life free of worry about pissing some supernatural being off and being condemed to hell. So eeerrrrr, wrong!
If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.