Philosophy Books

I'm going to order some books on Philosophy and already have the Oxford Companion to Philosophy. So I was just wondering if people had some good suggestions for some solid books and what do people think of the Oxford one.
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If I was just starting to read philosophy I would probably get an introduction like the one you ordered plus a few of the classics. A good book on critical thinking would also be good, maybe Weston's "A Rulebook for Arguments"
I would start with a classical text, Plato's
five dialogues (usually you can find them in one text called "Socrates' last days" or something like that),
Next something from modern philosophy, Descartes' "On Method" and "Meditations of The First Philosophy".
Last something from the more post-modern ilke maybe Nietzsche's "On Geneaology of Moralty" or something like that. That should keep you busy for a short while, have fun.
wow thanks a lot. I found all the books on and they were all reasonably priced. I appreciate you replying. I'll look for you after I finish with these books. Thanks again.
A couple of great introductions to Western philosophy that I have read are Richard Tarnas' "The Passion of the Western Mind" and Bertrand Russell's "History of Western Philosophy". Both offer excellent overviews of the major philosophical debates, ideas, and figures.
What are of Philosophy are you most interested? I could list off hundreds of good books, but I need some direction.
"In the high school halls, in the shopping malls, conform or be cast out" ~ Rush, from Subdivisions