"Students Trade Bibles for Porn"

I found this on Fark earlier today:
Students Trade Bibles for Porn

SAN ANTONIO — A group of atheists at the University of Texas at San Antonio is putting a novel twist on the toys-for-guns programs run by many urban police departments. But instead of toys, they are handing out porn in exchange for bibles.
“We consider the bible to be a very negative force in the history of the world,” student Ryan Walker said. Walker is part of a student group that calls itself the Atheist Agenda.
Club members this week posted fliers promoting what they call the “Smut for Smut” campaign then set up a table in the student union to collect religious materials and pass out adult magazines such as Black Label and Playboy.
The group is not officially sanctioned by the university and has raised the ire of several religious organizations on campus.
“In my opinion, there are no atheists. There are fools,” Pastor Rick Hawkins of UTSA’s Family Praise Center said. “So, that would be foolish propaganda. I don't know one believer that would take his Bible and turn it in for pornography.”
Hawkins obviously didn’t stop by the Atheist Agenda table, where several students had dropped off copies of the good book and walked away with skin mags.
Athiest Agenda isn’t the first student group to explore the idea of introducing porn to former bible toters. Members say they got the idea from students in Austin who ran a similar pro-porn drive.
Walker added that members thought it sounded like a creative way to exercise their freedom of speech.
Good night, funny man, and thanks for the laughter.
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Hrrm, I live about an hour outside of San Antonio, I'm rather disapointed i missed the drive, would of found a use for my bible.
Ow... my side hurts...
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Don't worry, that article was from 2005. You didn't miss anything.
Hard to find something more obscene than the BuyBull!
lol....Who needs to look at dates
I wish they had those in SC...
Fantastic!!!! I love it. I would love to set something like that up in the philly area. Haave to deal with the legal issues though.
As much as I love porn I would never want to part with my bibles. Why? because I think it's the most effective tool to use against Christians. I mean giving it away is like disarming yourself in a gun fight. I have seen many Atheists attempt to use arguments out of the bible and they usually take the verse out of context or they can't refer to it well enough and they stumble over the verse and the meaning behind the verses, And if you don't know what you are talking about, they assume that you are ignorant in regards to Christianity. This is where a lot of Atheists fail. I mean look at rook. I doubt he would ever participate in something like this. Why? Because NOTHING in my opinion get's into a Christians head than an Atheist being able to quote scripture and use the bible while right in front of them. I mean having the bible open and using it in a discussion works so well for me. Especially with Missionaries! If you attempt to quote an evil bible verse you better be able to know what you are talking about and the context it was written, if you have to resort in a debate to admitting that you traded in your bible for a porno mag they will never take you seriously. I mean if you are out to just argue with Christians than sure, get rid of it, But if we truly hope to educate them we need to work on a level that they understand. Not to mention I live in San Antonio and while I love the guys who organized this project (atheist agenda) they aren't getting their message across at all. Most people at UTSA even Agnostics I know think they are just a bunch of pissed off emo kids who hate their lives. They have so much potential but they use it in the wrong way. So keep your bibles! read the Qua'ran and the bagavagita. I think sometimes we know what to say...but not how to say it. And it closes more minds than it opens. Just my opinion.
Co-Founder of the Atheist/Freethought website Pathofreason.com
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I agree with everything PathofReason just said. =D
I totally agree with pathofreason. However, in going to Catholic school for 10 years I accumulated almost a dozen bibles. I figure others have too. If something like this came to VA I would love to get rid of the extras collecting dust on my bookshelf.
shellymtjoy said:"If something like this came to VA I would love to get rid of the extras collecting dust on my bookshelf."
Haha sure shelly you just want the porn!
Im just messing with ya! haha
Co-Founder of the Atheist/Freethought website Pathofreason.com
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I just use the Skeptic's Annotated Bible online. I still have one of my old bibles with my name in gold leaf on it. I used it to make a graphic, so it isn't totally useless:
Books on atheism, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
ok, so i've gotten bored with the bible. i mean it is full of obscenity but sometimes a girl wants a few pictures.
I rather read book called "the holy porn" than that shitty "the "holy" bible"
Little green warrior
At first I read the title and thought to myself "Thats kinda stupid, that doesn't really show the good side of atheism" then I read the article and thought about it... (I'm tired and didn't catch it at first, just wrote a 15 minute speech, and did 2 projects
Thats amazing, then again, I personally own like 20 bibles... but I probably wouldn't trade them for porn, I have internet for that
I actually read them (NOT A THEIST), I'm the kind of asshole that laughs at someone when they talk about how God is the reason that they have anything good in their life, and that he doesn't hate gays or jews, etc etc... I like to quote from memory... always shocks em'.
We pop theist like Orville Redenbacher!
“In my opinion, there are no atheists. There are fools,” Pastor Rick Hawkins of UTSA’s Family Praise Center said.
No atheists???
He not only believes in something that doesn't exist he doesn't believe in people that do exist!
Maybe there should be a nation-wide drive of this sort.
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
Sounds like a fun idea... id totally do it
Make sure to visit hotels often. If you take a bible every time you could have enough for porn and spare copies for personal use. You can also get derisive looks from family when they see you with a large stack of stolen bibles. The only downside is storage.
That's what landfills are for.
"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson
It will be hosted again in a couple of week.