Getting beat up because of criticizm in regards to religion?

Every time I bring up religion near some people, they say this line. "You shouldn't make fun of peoples' beliefs. They might get mad and beat you up!" Idiots. Even if they did beat me up, then that would just prove my point that (some) theists are close minded, and despise intellectual inquiry. It's never happened to me (yet), and I hope it has never happened to any other atheist, but I'm sure it has. If I were a Muslim, and I criticized Christianity, those people wouldn't say a thing! I never really experienced the notion that it's okay to hate and discriminate against atheists until now. Weird.
JESUS SAVES!!! .... and takes only half damage!
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No, if you were Muslim and criticized Christianity, they'd spare you the beating and simply shoot you.
There's a distinct difference between making fun of someone's beliefs and questioning/challenging them.
Though I suppose I wouldn't expect someone who says what you described to be capable of discerning the difference.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
By chance are you in the states? Atheists are considered the 'least trusted' group of people in America, yet christians are threatening to beat up atheists?
That's curious (besides being terribly, obviously ignorant on their part).
Keep your theology off my biology.
Even if you are making fun of someone that doesnt give them the right to assault you.
People need to grow up, gays, blacks, atheists, jews and christians and understand that YES bigotry is bad, but how you respond to it should not be mixed or mistaken for a mere joke. And further more we should not, not them or us, throw out the constitution every time we hear things we dont like.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Whenever i get in a debate with someone about anything relegious it usually ends up with the theist saying someone is going to shoot you someday, or i would beat you up if jesus wasnt watching. It gets really retarded in the bible belt sometimes.
Warning the following post may be offensive to certain people. Theist are not advised to read unless they are prepared to debate!
Side effects include possible deconversion, rational thought, and the lack of fear in the easter bunny.
Someone threatened to beat me up for being "an enemy of Jesus" once. Didn't jesus let his enemies kill him?
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
A friend of mine was dragged into the woods and beaten until he couldn't stand by four Christians while he was in high school, simply because he refused to profess a belief in God. It seems to me that many (most?) religious people choose to believe exactly what they want to believe and then try to find a way to justify it after the fact. Then again, the same statement could probably be made about people in general.
Hmm. Someone told me my evolvefish emblem would get me beat up. Funny, it's been on my car for a few years now. Before the 2004 election I had some anti-shrub stickers on there, too. Someone started to vandalize my car and stopped after ripping off a Kerry for president sticker. Most of the stickers were magnetized and on the back of each one was a simple message: "Thou shalt not steal."
I think I may have lost business because of the evolvefish though. It may be time to flush him down the toilet.
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This is why I have a conceal and carry permit. Someone tries to beat me up, and I'll teach them all about their god with a S&W 45.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
I don't understand some people's assertion that it's wrong to criticize someone for his beliefs. If someone fervantly believes that it's okay to lynch gay people, it's perfectly acceptable to think they are absolute scum, even if he was brought up thinking that. Yet, if I have contempt for a person because he thinks that most people are going to burn in eternal damnation, somehow I'm a bad person? What bullshit.
I assume 18.
Just be sure to keep the bullet in your pocket, Barney.
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You seriously need to report this. You can remain anounomous. No Christian has any obligation to like atheists, but be it robbery, rape or hate, no one has the right to harm you.
here are some websites to report this to.
Freethough Society of Greater Philadephia
Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Atheists
We dont need to inact hate speech laws. But we do need to expose the bigotry some asshole Christians have. Not all Christians are assholes and not all Christians are violent. But this should be reported so at a minumum it can be exposed.
No one has the right to harm you FOR ANY REASON.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
And if they end up dead a Christian jury will convict you of muder one no matter how much you shout "they started it". And the first question they will ask is, "If you pulled the gun on them why didnt you walk away at that point?"
You better damn well be able to prove that your life was in danger if you kill someone.
Dont play lawyer because you are not one.
I'd rather get beat up or murdered than to kill someone and end up in prison for the rest of my life. There are more Christians in prision than atheists.
Make sure if you are going to defend yourself with leathal force that you have evidence that your life was threatened, merely claiming it wont be enough.
In "he said she said" cases they are going to side with the person injured and wont have any smpathy for someone who goes beyond merely doing only what is nessary to stop the agression.
In the heat of the moment your judgment as to how far you should go is going to be severly flawed by your adreniline rush. Precieved threats may not be actuall threats. You kill someone and you dont have a scratch on you, they, especially if there is more than one of them, are capable of lying to a court of law and will do so to protect themselves.
I would only use deadly force as a last resort and you better have the proper training to make sure you dont overreact and go too far if the situation doesnt call for it.
If you dont have a cop's training you could very easly pull that trigger, not on a real threat, but an emotional reaction.
Again, dont play street lawyer with a gun. You better be bloody and can prove harm to yourself happened.
I'd say a better tactic is to know your environment and have safty in numbers and at the first sign of possible confrontation walk away when you feel a threat and report it.
I am not saying dont defend yourself. I am just saying dont pretend that you are a lawyer. Tons of people end up in jail claiming that they were defending themselves. You better damn well be sure .
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I can remember listining to a 911 call quite a few years back where a rapist broke into a lady's home. She managed to distract the rapist long enough to get to her gun. She could be herd on the call some the to the effect, "Dont move you bastard". But she didnt shoot him, no matter how justified her emotions were at that point.
However, for every story that ends up like this, there are just as many if not more where a gun in the home actually was used to cause harm to someone in the house based on a domestic conflict, or a suicide.
Now before the NRA people jump all over me and say, "people kill people with knives but we dont ban knives", I am not advocating banning guns altogether.
What I am advocating is self awarness and proper training so that when you get into a threatening situation you dont over react once the threat is neutralized.
I look at it this way. Be it a Muslim terrorist with a bomb or a robber who wants to shoot me and take my money. Attacks like that rely on stealth and suprise and it is highly unlikely that a gun in most situtations will prevent that.
In some cases once someone gets the drop on you the odds of you getting to your weapon before they shoot you are slim.
It is not to say that guns havent worked in self protection, it is more along the lines of having the personal ability to assess each situtation as to nessesaty and viability. Sometimes simply complying with an attacker will lead to survival vs confrontation.
I myself dont like guns. I will never own one. I figure that if someone wants me dead odds are I wont see it comming in any case. But that is just me.
I simply warn about defaulting to using a gun at the first sign of trouble. You better be emotionally ready and properly trianed and know when to use it and when to back off.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
My dear Sir, I am a lawyer, and I know the legalities of my home state. Further, a great deal of training goes into the request for such a permit. I appreciate your concern but assure you that were I to be put in such a situation, there would be no trial.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer