What's our symbol?

What's our symbol we use for people to recognize us as Atheists? Christians use T (which makes me hate my name, Trevor), Pagans use the Pentagram, Jewish people use the Star of David, and we've all seen the "RESPECT" bumper sticker on cars with all the different symbols. Is ours just a cool looking "A" or what?
"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Give a man a religion, and he'll starve to death praying for fish." - Anonymous
"If God doesn't like the way I live, let him tell me, not you." -Anonymous
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There's also that red 'A' thingy, and the flying spaghetti monster, and the Darwin Fish (althought that is admittedly not specifically pro-atheism as much as pro-evolution/anti-intelligent design, but the two are conflated in many people's minds).
In my opinion, the most aesthetically pleasing is the invisible unicorn emblem, which can be seen here.
Since atheism isn't unified or (really) organized in any way, it's pretty much whatever you want it to be (the symbol, that is).
Oh ok, I guess that makes sense. Thank you for the responses
You can get the atheism symbol lapel pin at EvolveFish (in silver or gold):
You can also get a Flying Spaghetti Monster lapel pin.
I've ordered mine. Just waiting for the right semi-formal occasion to bust it out.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
you have your atomic A like posted above
IPU Symbol invisible pink unicorn
The celestrial Teapot
Flying spegetti monster
the out campaign scarlet A
Darwin Fish
evolve fish
a varity of meme's are used in relation to atheism or suports atheism
Evolved Morality
Funny. All this time I thought that was a dead bird. It sure doesn't look much like a unicorn.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
I think it's rather ridiculous to use a symbol to mark yourself as an Atheist....I mean, symbols represent a positive belief in something; say, a god or gods, and Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. There's no symbol for all people who don't believe in Unicorns, Faeries, Thor & Odin, Spider-Man, etc, so it just seems somewhat redundant to symbolize non-belief in deities.
Personally I'd like to see less symbols in the world, because it's easier for people to rally around a symbol to excuse violent, antisocial behavior (see all religiously motivated conflicts ever, genocides, the nationalist outbreak of the 19th and 20th centuries). Although I'm afraid it's vain idealism to suppose that all, or even most humans will ever stop finding reasons to blow each other up and do something productive with their collective lives.
The lesson of history is that we do not learn the lessons of history.
I nominate lolwut man. Is he even a man? I guess not. I guess he's a giant pair.
I like the pirate fish (see my avatar.) Comes from the Flying Spaghetti Monster stuff. Invisible unicorns aren't my thing.
I nominate Richard (avatar <.< )
He's the most anti-good/jesus being ive ever come across... that and he beat me in a baby eating contest >.<
What Would Kharn Do?
And Richard managed to crucify himself too.
Personally, I hate the atomic logo. Its just so bland. It looks like something you'd see on those 1950's, government made, school films.
We need something more dynamic and more energetic. Soemthing atheists can rally behind and scream "COBRA!!!" when they are in the presence of it.
Maybe our logo should be a cute little Easter Buddy holding a basket full of eggs and a mob of atheists running at him with baseball bats.
I think that would tone down our image some.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
I totally agree in that it's sort of retarded to put a symbol on something you do NOT believe in. But, as an ex-christian I have this uncontrallable urge to label and symbolize everything, lol. (I was well brainwashed--they did a slam up good job on me)
I am seriously considering deciding on one of the symbols and getting a tattoo. (mu-hahahahaha) My reasoning is that the christians always get those gaudy...ugly...in-your-face christian tattoos...so maybe I should get a conversation piece of my own. lol
"Chlorinating the Gene Pool"
Wait!!! Before you get that tatoo, you better read this letter to the Editor from my local newspaper today about tatoos. TATOOS With reference to your article "Ancient Markings", I would like to draw your attention to Leviticus 19:28: "Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tatoo yourselves. I am the Lord." We are so ignorant or so disobedient to the word of the Lord. ENID K. HAGEMAN Getting that tatoo might just land you in the lake of fire.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
The atheists do not need a symbol, they are not a faith or a soccer team.
Atheist, agnostics and non believers are able to recognize each other without using a symbol, but only listening.
A symbol != religion. This is iconography, not idolatry.
Nearly every social organization and community has a symbol. There is no reason why we can't have a symbol that connects us as well.
We are not an organization, why sould we use a symbol? Our symbol is the non-symbol, the a-symbol...
I still like the out symbol from RichardDawkins.net. The red A. Simple and distinct. Red because its eye-catching, A because its the first letter of atheist. No special meaning or significance just an icon to use to simply display your lack of belief in un-evidenced crap.
The Regular Expressions of Humanistic Jones: Where one software Engineer will show the world that God is nothing more than an undefined pointer.
The only issue I see with Dawkin's red "A" is that it can be misconstrued as the scarlet letter...that being a mark of sin...and as we all know the christians just love ammunition like that.
"Chlorinating the Gene Pool"
I always thougth the OUT campaign was supposed to tie into the scarlet letter... can someone clarify this?
I've always liked the Bad Religion logo, personally.
I myself use an inverted pentagram. The reasoning for this, is that a traditional upright pentagram is seen by many pagans as this:
, with mysticism on top of wisdom/knowledge. By inverting it, I say that Wisdom, knowledge, philosophy, etc, are all superior to mysticism. Plus, it is fun to piss of Christians who think you worship Satan..
.... how about
, for the most popular atheists ever ! jesus/buddha
not , ABJ , most every one thinks that means a blow job .....
Atheism Books.
It is funny, but Buddha is agnostic and do not care about something that you call god or soul.