How would you feel about family members who snooped into your private life and read your posts on RRS?

I found out a family member has been snooping.
I've been trying to work out feelings I have about being indoctrinated as a child, so I've needed to vent. Peek not, lest ye be vexed.
What would you do if you found out your Christian family members were snooping and violating your privacy?
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We have privacy?
I've had relatives get very pissed at me for blogs I've posted elsewhere, cos they were able to identify themselves among my unflattering descriptions of actions by various anonymous agents. I think we take our chances, and shouldn't expect privacy.
Hmmm. I guess I expected privacy because I would never pry into anything she did online. I also expected privacy because I told her once to stay out of my Internet places.
Once before when she was snooping, she came across a post and a poem that led her to conclude I was demon-possessed. Um, poems tend to be sort of, you know, allegorical? And a support forum is supposed to be private.
She actually called my counselor and told him I was demon-possessed.
She crossed the line then and she's crossing it now.
Hi mom!
Had she asked me not to pry, I would have never dreamed of it. I guess I know better now, eh? Gee, it took me TWO lessons. I'm far too trusting.
Note to self: Believe actions, not words. Remember this and the circumstances under which it happened (painfully wrenched knee).
You'd think I would have learned by now, wouldn't you? Part of me still trusted her. I guess I know better now.
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I would say that anything you post on publicly accessible forums including personally identifiable information should have no expectation of privacy. Also, in my experience, parents tend to be very nosy and seem to want to involve themselves in the lives of their offspring to a logic-defying order of magnitude. My recommendation is always use an online alias that your family doesn't know, and don't use any real names in your posts.
That being said, if you've specifically asked your mother to not read your posts on these forums, it would be impolite of her to ignore that request. Also, the poem/councelor/demon-possession incident shows rather poor judgement on her part for a variety of reasons, althought I would consider it not entirely unexpected behavior for a fundamentalist christian mother.
As for dealing with my own mother's meddling, the only method I've found that works is to anticipate it and actively work against it where I consider it inappropriate. Part of that includes setting ground rules and punishing her with criticism and withheld attention for breaking them.
She must have noticed me surfing at this site at my place because my nickname is completely different from the one I use elsewhere. There is no other way she could have found out.
As for lack of privacy: I'm figuring that out.
Ugh. I just wish my mother had minded her own business like I asked her to.
When she decided I was demon-possessed, I told her to mind her own business and to not read posts I made online because I considered them private. That includes any forum.
Unexpected, no; upsetting, yes. She seems to think she's a saint, yet she had no qualms about going off on me when I most needed her help.
Today I slipped and fell, twisting my knee. I heard an audible pop and kind of freaked. I couldn't get up so it was lucky there was a phone nearby.
Yeah, yeah. You can start with the "I've fallen...and I can't get up!" jokes.
My entire family was at a funeral, so I had no one to call for help. A friend called the paramedics for me. I crawled outside and waited for them, but when they arrived they said there was nothing a doctor could do for me because it was the weekend and there was no access to an MRI machine. Fuck.
I tried to put some weight on it, managed a bit and lurched inside.
When my mother arrived I was irritable because I was injured and scared. I have chronic health problems so I'm supposed to get assistance from the state. I've asked my mother to fill in, hoping the small amount of money she gets would offset any sense of being obligated to me. I think she resents the fact I'm sick because it so often interferes with her plans.
I was scared because I knew that injuring myself when she had big plans was really going to piss her off. (Sadly, I was right.
) At the same time I wanted someone to care that I was hurt and scared. The paramedics basically told me to go put ice on it and see a doctor on Monday. Thanks a lot, guys.
Yes, I was irritable. I was scared because I knew that injuring myself was going to interfere with Mom's plans. Also, she can't have been in a very good mood after attending the funeral of a 20-year-old girl who should have had a long, productive life. The girl in question was my nephew's cousin, whom he called his "sister." I declined to attend because of my long illness. I'm just now starting to feel better after being sick since July. Let's hope the knee isn't going to be a big issue because if it is, that's going to really suck ass.
My mother brought me a knee brace and told me my brother's stepdaughter would help me clean house. I told her I didn't want the girl coming over to clean house because I was in no condition to give orders. I guess I should have realized that my mother meant the stepdaughter would help me do stuff like eat, drink, use the bathroom, etc. if my knee is so bad I can't walk.
It turned out the girl can't come until Sunday, anyway, so yeah, if I can't walk I'm pretty much fucked. (Please continue with your plans, Mom. At this point your staying here won't do either of us any good. I'd much rather crawl around the apartment than deal with the awkward situation we created.)
When my mother was out of the room, I tried to call county agencies to find assistance so she could go through with her plans. When she figured out what I was doing, it pissed her off.
I'm going to guess she was already feeling guilty about leaving as well as annoyed that I had fallen and hurt myself at such an awkward time. I didn't plan it. Honest.
She launched into a tirade, telling me what an awful person I am. I'm hateful and mean all the time. I'm never nice to her. I'm always mean. She seems to think I think she's evil. I don't think she's evil. And the truth is I love her despite the issues I'm trying to work through.
It's just I need to vent sometimes to people who realize, as I do, that it can be harmful to raise children in a fundamentalist Christian environment. In many ways, the parents are just as trapped as the children, although I do admit to wishing she had been the one to find her way out so that I hadn't been saddled with the responsibility.
It's hard to lose your world view. If I really hated my mother I'd harass her about her religion constantly. But I realize that she's too old and set in her ways to change, so I leave it be. The only flak she gets is here at RRS, where it wasn't supposed to hurt her.
Doesn't she realize I bitch here so that I don't explode one day and hurt her feelings the way she hurt mine today? I can't change the way I feel about what religion has done to me and to our family. Religion is harmful, divisive and dangerous. What happened today proves it once again.
Of course, she will never even consider that possibility, so in order to keep the peace I have to keep my mouth shut.
Again, Mom: don't you realize I have to vent somewhere? I can't talk about these things with you because you have always refused to listen. I have to talk about them somewhere. I do it here so you don't get hurt. But you had to go and break an agreement and see what I didn't want you to see. You got hurt. And, quite honestly, it's your own damn fault.
I love you, but I can't trust you. I love you, but religion has made you sick. I've been learning to love you the way you are, but it's been hard because you do not listen to me. You will never listen to me because religion is more important to you than I am and it always will be.
Yeah. This only works if I totally cut off communication, which I had to do once. I don't want to do it again, but if I have to, I will.
My mother does not respect any boundaries I try to lay down. She never has. Yet she complains that people are always so secretive around her. Mom, shouldn't that give you a clue? You say you don't interfere. Bullshit. You interfere like crazy. You don't know where you stop and I begin. You don't respect my personhood.
If I try to set boundaries, you pull the martyr routine like you did today: "You hate me! You don't love me! You think I'm evil! 99% of the people in the world would love to have someone like me as their mother! You don't love me! You hate me! You think I'm evil!"
Frankly, Mom, I'm sick of your bullshit martyr routine. Yeah, I'm not perfect. But I sure as hell know you aren't, either. That's the part you seem to miss. Did it ever occur to you that I wasn't "being nice" because I was in pain and scared? Having a throbbing knee and worrying about how you're going to make it to the bathroom the next couple of days can make a person rather irritable. I'm human. That's the thing about religion. It doesn't allow you to accept that people are human. I'm still having problems with this even after escaping, so I know you must be.
Now that I've seen the martyr routine a few times I know what to expect. It doesn't hurt me as much as it used to. It just confirms to me that you resent me. You resent the fact I'm sick and today you resented the fact I had hurt my knee.
I wish I could take this burden away from you because we would both be so much happier. It would be easier for us to love one another from a distance.
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Aren't you posting on a public board? Perhaps the issue is taking pride in what you post.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
It depends upon where you live, if you have your own computer or if you are sharing one.
If you are living in your parent's home and are under age or any age unfortunatly the owner of the house, like it or not, sets the rules. It would be nice if they would respect your privacy in that context, but the fact is they dont have to.
If you are an adult using your own computer living in your own place and they do that, then it can even become a potential crime depending on the curcumstances.
How I would feel myself is that IT WOULD SUCK. But if economics and age make it impossible for one to live anywhere else then unless you want to live in the street, you'll have to put up with it untill you can move out.
Thats my blunt opinion. Not knowing the details of your particular situtation I cant assess this other than to say it sucks that they wont respect your privacy. But what other options do you have?
In any case I think you dont need to cause WW3 and do realize that their lack of respect doesnt mean you have to make their hangups your problem. Just realize that there is a future ahead where you will at some point be able to remove yourself from prying eyes. Without knowing your situation that is the best I can tell you at this point.
I think what you can do is appeal to them telling them that just because you have these differances doesnt mean you dont love them and doesnt mean you want to barbaque kittens or belong to a satanic cult and howel at the moon.
You dont have to react negitively or "get even" or "rebel" and you dont need to start a war over this. Your privacy is important. But they will not back off if you react with yelling or arguing.
I dont know what the solution is because I am not you. Only you can determine the best course for you. Just let them know that you love them and you are not a bad person simply because you dont share the same beliefs.
Sounds like you dont like the position you are in. But dont compound it with loud confrontation.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Do you think that she's reading this right now?
to you!!
Hello Iruka's mum! We have your daughter's soul now and you can't come and get us because I live all the way in England and you're not allowed guns over here so
I know how you feel. Luckily my mom isn't computer savy enough to do that. She does go through all my stuff and has even opened my mail.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
My father is on the board because I invited him to come. He's an atheist from way back. I don't know which user he is, but we discuss the forum from time to time.
I would use the medium as a way of informing your family of what you think. I could be cathartic.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
I have my own place and my own computer. Please explain how it could be a potential crime. I'm interested.
Due to my health issues I sometimes need financial support, but buying a van and living on the street is actually beginning to look attractive. And no, I'm not kidding.
Trying to go it alone the best I can. When I run out of money, I'll sell or give away everything I own, buy a van and head for someplace where she won't find me.
I didn't. She did. She came into my home when I was injured and started WWIII. She started it. I'll end it. This has gone on long enough.
It never has been my problem. My only mistake was letting her back into my life when I had to have surgery. I was weak and alone. I should never have trusted her again. I knew what she was.
I thought she might try to change, but it's apparent she hasn't.
My situation is this: This county sucks ass. My mother is a religiously insane peeping tom.
Yeah, I'm more angry than I was yesterday. Yesterday I was simply shocked that she would pull something like that in my house. I should have kicked her out.
This doesn't work, apparently. I have tried to bridge the rift. I thought our relationship was getting better. Then I find out little Miss Can't-Mind-Her-Own-Goddamn-Business won't leave me the fuck alone. There is something really scary about a mother who stalks her own grown daughter. It's sick.
The last time I kicked her out of my life she tried to get me committed to a mental institution. I'm not fucking kidding. Can you believe I went and trusted her again???? God, I am so fucking stupid. She is not to be trusted.
It's my right to tell her to fuck off. This had become an abusive relationship where I keep going back to the abuser because I don't want to believe she is as fucked up as she obviously is.
It's way past that, dude. This has gone on long enough. I won't let her hurt me again.
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{deleted--too much information}
I need time to wrap my head around this.
I think you should change your signature to "Hi mom!
" just to piss her off.
It's only a crime if she uses your computer to do this. I assume she's sitting at home on her computer with Google.
This situation sucks. Your nosey Mom should realize your an adult living YOUR life and you're not supposed to live for her. Unfortunatly though you have to consider that anyone could stumble upon this thread - or any one in general. Heck, for all you know I could be your neighbor, your stalker ex, or the cashier that rung up your Monistat-7 last month.
Maybe this isn't the place to specifically vent. Perhaps you could start a LiveJornal or something else only visable to specific users for the super-personal things. I know it sucks and personally I value the opinion of people on here and I don't really like having to walk such a fine line myself but that's how it is.
Boy it realy sucks that she's gone off the deep end thinking that you are demon possessed. I dont know what to say, I really hope it doesnt come down to kicking her out of your life.
I had to do that with my biological brother because he wouldnt stop preaching at me every time I saw him. But I would understand if it became unbarrable. You have a right to your own life and no matter how much, in her twisted mind she may think she is trying to save you, she doesnt have the right to dictate your thoughts or try to scare or bully you into cow towing to her.
To this Mom, if you are reading this, you really need to get a grip before you lose your child forever It will be your fault, not hers. Your beliefs are yours and your child is not a carbon copy clone of you. I am quite sure most children want to have good relations with their parents, I know I do.
But my mom didnt flip out like you when she found out. She actually listens to me and she doesnt think she is going to get cooties having an atheist for a son. She has her beliefs and I have mine.
Insted of bowing to your own paranoid delusions that your child is at some sort of abyss I think it is time you grow up yourself and realize that 6 billion people are not clones of each other.
If you dont back off you wont have any relationship at all and you will only have yourself to blame. My own brother has lost any oportunity of having a relationship with me and I find that quite sad that he is so self centered and selfish as to presume that he can dictate my life as an adult.
If your are not a selfish person, then you must find it within yourself to see your child as a seprate and independant person with their own thoughts. You dont have to like what they believe, no one is going to ask that of you. But if you disire a relationship with anyone, be it a friend, co-worker or family member, then you must put those differances aside.
It is YOU that has the choice. You can continue harrassing them because of your own fear and hangups and insecurity, or you can face reality and understand that your child IS NOT A CLONE OF YOU.
What you are doing is not love, it is harrassment. Unless you realize that you are doomed in this relationship and I wouldnt blame your child one bit for cutting you off. Your child is not your slave or your robot.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I generally don't go posting my name too many places, and my immediate family is quite aware of my involvement here but much of my extended family is probably not. However, if they wanted they could easily look me up by name on Myspace which would easily lead them here. Tho they may not correlate the fact that not only am I member but the fact that I host the RRS network sites ;p
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Iruka Naminori you might check for a "key logger" on your machine. Run a spyware checker.
Hi to your mom.
Ever "hang-ten" on the bow of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier at 30+ knots?
Since i don't post anything i wouldn't say in real life, it doesn't matter if my family reads this.
Has Springer called?
Wow, 7 posts and you're already acting like a dick.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
The Freethinking Anonymous area of the forum is for atheists only
Wow, I've never responded to a sociopath before. How exciting!
See, there is this thing called 'relationships'. You have them with other people and they are quite complex and emotionally involved. Each relationship usually needs to be handled in its own unique way.
As a general rule, and apparently you're not aware of this, but most people do care about the people they... well, care about. Therefore, you want to avoid any strife and attempt to come to a compromise. Perhaps that compromise is not ever speaking about religion. I have friends who are well aware of my activities but we don't have debates about it because they disagree. We've agreed to disagree, if you will.
Lastly, I have absolutely no idea what being worried about a loved one has to do with atheism. This is quite possibly the most moronic thing I've ever heard. The OP is talking about her relationship with her mother, not her lack of belief in god.
Either you really are a sociopath or you're completely ignorant about how human relationships work. Or perhaps you're just a theist coming here to cause trouble. Well, either way, your post is the most assinine thing I've read in awhile. Congratulations.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
<b> I am an atheist and I don't care who knows it. I deny the holy spirit and I'm not afraid who the hell stumbles on this thread. </b> However, someone stumbling on this thread is entirely different then someone searching every post I made to draw conclusions about what is going on in my head.
Now, about Iruka: She said she was talking about her thoughts and feelings about personal childhood indoctrination experiences! It's one thing for a mother to accidently find out their child is an atheist (or even be told outright) but this woman is snooping the forums for no other reason than to spy on her daughter. (Didn't the Terms and Conditions we agreed to the other day say something about stalking? It sounds like Iruka's mother is getting pretty close to the line.)
Now personally, I feel blood is thicker than water and if Iruka's Mom was my Mom I would still invite her over for Thanksgiving dinner and whatnot. That doesn't mean I wouldn't have a right to feel hurt though.
Everyone needs a place to vent. She came here to vent and if her mother was reading them to question her faith or something that would be one thing but it sounds like this is 100% intrusion.
Dude, you have no clue what the exact situation is. You are completely off base. I do care what my family thinks (you know, that whole relationship thing you don't do because you're a sociopath?), but I don't give the smelliest dingleberry on a dead baboon's ass what you think.
I am VERY proud of my atheism. My mother knows I'm an atheist. I told her outright. I'm not a coward, unlike my brother who (as far as I know) hides his atheism and lets me take all the smack.
My mother used information she got off my computer to stalk me from her computer for god knows how long. There are issues of which you are not aware.
I fart in your general direction. I wave my private parts at your aunties and make castanets out of your testicles, already.
Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
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Dude, I'm 40 years old. The only reason my mother is so heavily involved in my life is I'm disabled. Now I have to go it alone as best I can.
Hmmm. So you're a theist. Enjoy your badge, dumbass. BTW, you've broken the rules by posting in the freethinker's forum. Your posts in this forum and thread will most likely be destroyed.
But before I do that, I will ask you straight out: Are you a theist? If so, why did you flaunt the rules? If not, why did you stereotype atheists?
Shouldn't you be PROUD of your beliefs, smartass?
So out with it: What do you believe? Regardless, you're still a dick.
This shows how ignorant you are. The only thing atheists have in common is a lack of belief in god. For example, most of the atheists here are libertarians. I lean liberal, but there are also some Objectivists, socialists, etc. Objectivists and socialists couldn't be more at odds on political issues.
Are you really that ignorant?
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It's really tough when the people we love force us into an "us or them" kind of decision. It sounds like your mom cannot deal with the fact that you hold a different belief system and is unwilling to let it go. It also sounds like she is having a very long term Empty Nest reaction.
I wish you all of the best but, my personal opinion, I think you should tell her to go suck an egg.
Interesting: I think you are confusing the difference between compassionate and cold with the difference between theist and atheist. A person can be Atheist or Theist all day long and that has not one thing to do with how lovey dovey they are.
The OP sounds like a warm person (atheist) who has a great desire to be kind to her mother and to not alienate her. I am also and atheist but I go the other way. I do not associate with people who refuse to respect my opinions and who go out of their way to try and control my life. These people get the big "go fuck yourself" from me.
Also, there is no correlation between having concern for the feelings of others or having doubts about an aberrant belief system (like atheism) and the existance of god. If what you say is true, any doubt or frustration regarding anything is proof of god. Obviously that's just wishful thinking.
You are making what I believe is called a category error: "relationship" is a word we use to describe a situation or concept; it is not a physical thing like a butterfly or Mt Vesuvius, nor is it mathematics. Since you can't bite a relationship, or draw up a lemma-including proof of one, you will have a hard time using the word "prove" in dealing with it.
But yes, you're right: feelings are due to neurotransmitters and the like. What of it?
Again, bad argument. "Proof" does not apply for a subjective state. It's like asking someone to "prove" they "like" candy. I may be wrong on this, but I think that in general subjective beliefs cannot be analyzed with objective metrics.
What's funny is that you answered this last question right below. I'll bold it in your words:
We fear authority because we're taught to fear authority by our parents as we grow up: those in charge punish us for "bad" behaviour. The difference between us and you seems to be that we gained the ability to control ourselves without the threat of eternal torture hanging over our heads.
Please go ask a biology teacher this question; I'll let them have the fun.
So is this what you tell yourself makes it okay to go out in public and act like an angry 15 year old? ARE you an angry 15 year old?
Now let me turn this around on you: what is it about your upbringing that makes you need to feel special? Why does the idea that humanity was created specially by a god give you the warm and fuzzies? Is it your upbringing? Are you so insecure about your own life that you wouldn't know how to live (or what to think) without feeling like someone was taking care of you? Are you so infantile and scared of the world that you are comforted by the idea of someone always watching your every move?
Wow, and you make fun of US for being conditioned...
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
I believe our wonderfully ignorant visitor is no longer allowed in this thread, since he's been tagged and this is FA. No theists allowed, thankfully. We do need a little respite from their ridiculous argument occasionally.
I'll sum up ACrusher70's argument:
You're an atheist therefore you are a horrible person who is inacapable of having relationships. And goddidit.
What a moron.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
You can probably assume that you relative that is spying is either doing it out of love, or control issues.
Does your family know your believes and excepts them, or are they waiting for you to grow out of this "phase" and return to the flock?
I would propale recommend distancing your self from them narotic influences in your life.
Man is the only animal in all of nature that cannot accept its own mortality.
That's friggin' brilliant!!!!
Well, she used my computer to get the info. I honestly don't think she could have found me otherwise. I've never used this nick anywhere except on atheist boards. Proving she did so might be hard, but I'm not interested in taking her to court. I was very angry a week ago, but I've cooled down.
I honestly doubt anyone would recognize me by what I've said on here, but you never know.
I've actually held back quite a bit because I've learned how brutal Internet forums can be. A good example is the troll in this thread. If you post anything personal and someone nasty reads it they will immediately do their dead-level best to hurt you. I've seen it a million times. For some reason Homo sapiens likes to kick people when they're down. It happened with my voice teacher. It happened with my mother. My voice teacher was pissed at me for getting sick and I'm pretty sure my mother was pissed at me for injuring myself and interfering with her plans. She felt guilty so she needed to project the blame onto someone else. Guess who was handy?
So yes, I was and am aware of the nature of Internet forums. One of the reasons I vented on the Internet is I assumed it would not hurt anyone in my real life. Whoops. Sorry, Mom, but you sort of asked for it, didn't you?
The readers of this forum really don't know who I am, nor do you know who my mother is. I wouldn't tell you and I have taken certain steps to make sure I wouldn't be extremely easy to identify. I'm beginning to think I should be even more careful in the future, perhaps make up a fictitional town, etc. It's something to consider.
So, in short, I vented here because I didn't want to hurt my mother and I needed somewhere to vent. And yes, I know it can be dangerous. Now that I know a bit more about human nature, the trolls really can't hurt me. *shrug* I know what they are: pathetic creatures who enjoy trying to hurt others.
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Kill them and eat their bodies to gain their power.
I'll agree with the others that there is really no expectation of privacy on a public forum, BUT this really isn't a privacy issue.
It's one thing if a parent is a little overbearing/smothering and digs into your forum posts to find things to call you every day and try to engage you in discussion you don't want to talk about. I don't have parents like that, but it would be annoying if I did. My parents would come if invited (though I think my dad would probably get bored quickly), and anything they didn't agree with would be food for a productive conversation. That's obviously not the case here.
When you have volitile differences with family, it's not like friends where you can part ways if it's really bad enough. When it's family, you have to find ways to put aside those differences and get along.
To seek out conversations the person has had on the internet, knowing that you will have a big problem with it, then you are intentionally making things harder and just trying to find ways to create further strife
My question to Iruka's mom would be: Why? What are you getting out of this? Are you really trying to find ways to accept her philosophies, or are you just making it harder on yourself and your daughter? Wouldn't it be easier on everyone if you could find a way to put those things aside and just love your daughter as your daughter, even if you don't agree with her philosophies?
Isn't this what your religion advocates?
I suspect why many (including Iruka's mom, tho correct me if I am wrong) end up doing this kind of cloak and dagger spying is they are trying to find an angle to reconvert/convert the person involved (in this case, Iruka). In some ways I can't blame them completely. Many of these people are very much brainwashed. They truly believe that those who don't believe (or worse, actively rebel and try to end religion) are truly going to hell. We have im sure all seen many instances where parents do extraordinary things for their kids (such as many will proclaim they would take a bullet for their kids). In this mindset, they are trying to do everything they can to save the souls of their kids.
Now true, the parents who believe this are delusional and misled. However, this is what religion does to people. They turn people into people who are scared shitless that their loved ones (or themselves) are going to burn.
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