Out of Sync

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Out of Sync

Alright, I had an experience today that illustrated for me what I have come to know for some time: I am out of sync with the rest of humanity.  From childhood, I knew that other children looked at the world in a completely different way from me.  I won't delineate puerile experiences because those of my adulthood are more telling.

I am aware that esse est percipi, and my interactions lead me to believe it more and more.  I went to my nearest city's downtown today to meet with a business associate.  We were to meet at a restaurant, but I was having trouble finding it.  So, I asked a fellow who appeared to be familiar with the area.  His response was to point vaguely in a direction and say, "If you want to be funky, feel free.  Just, please, don't spread that funk onto me."  I asked him to repeat the phrase because I thought for a moment that I had heard him incorrectly.  However, he repeated it perfectly in the same way.

Now, I am walking along the street repeating to myself what he had said.  I sat down in the restaurant, waited for my business associate, and asked him.  He seemed to pick right up on it and explained that there is a gay bar three more blocks down.  So, he reasoned that the urban habitant thought I was asking about a gay bar.

Here's the problem.  I am puzzled all of the time by what people say.  Now, I am well versed in English and like to think myself rather eloquent in its usage; however, I spend a lot of time every day trying to figure out what the hell people are talking about.  People seem to understand what I am trying to communicate to them, but only rarely do I end a conversation and not wonder, "What the fuck was that guy's point?" 

Further, these people don't seem to have trouble understanding one another.  Here's another example, this fellow works for me, and we were discussing the direction in which the business is moving.   He said, "If I were here at only one time, rather than being here then and now, I would have been better then than now."  He's only been with me nine weeks though.  The problem was that another of my employees nodded and added to the thought!

In conclusion, I am often left wondering what the hell is really going on and have come to the conclusion everyone else cannot be the problem.  Do any of you folks suffer as I do, or am I just screwed?

"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer

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لماذا أكتب لكم

لماذا أكتب لكم في هذا الفرنسية؟

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aiia wrote: لماذا

aiia wrote:
لماذا أكتب لكم في هذا الفرنسية؟

I chose french because my interlocutor did.  However, أنا اخترت فرنسيّا لأنّ هي فعلت.  هل تفضّل اللّغة هذا؟


"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer

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Nero wrote: aiia

Nero wrote:
aiia wrote:
لماذا أكتب لكم في هذا الفرنسية؟

I chose french because my interlocutor did.  However, أنا اخترت فرنسيّا لأنّ هي فعلت.  هل تفضّل اللّغة هذا؟


People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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aiia wrote: Nero

aiia wrote:
Nero wrote:
aiia wrote:
لماذا أكتب لكم في هذا الفرنسية؟

I chose french because my interlocutor did.  However, أنا اخترت فرنسيّا لأنّ هي فعلت.  هل تفضّل اللّغة هذا؟


Sorry, I don't speak box, which explains my current lack of gf.  Smiling

"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer

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انا جائع ، وانا

انا جائع ، وانا الخروج للحصول على شيئ لياكلوه. ان اعود في وقت لاحق

People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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aiia wrote: انا

aiia wrote:
انا جائع ، وانا الخروج للحصول على شيئ لياكلوه. ان اعود في وقت لاحق

You are hungry.  You make the happening occur.  They come, and you come later.  Nice.  Wrong word for an orgasm though. Smiling

"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer

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We probably should back off

We probably should back off the arabic a little or we'll attract the attention of those with whom we'd sooner have no contact.

"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer

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Nero wrote: Vraiment?

Nero wrote:

Vraiment? Mais, dans le cas de mon petit gateau sec, il n'y avait rien du verbe. Quand j'etais a la chine, j'ai trouve que c'etait les differences entre les tons qui m'ont donne des difficultes.

I cannot even imagine the horrors that would befall non-native English speakers if we had both tonal and semantic differences between words. Never mind the fact that you can say absolute nonsense things in English (piss off, fuckface!) and have your meaning perfectly understood.


En tout cas, evidement, tu etudes des langues occidentales et orientales. Dis-moi, penses-tu que c'est une manque de plus-que parfait que me cause mes problemes en anglais? Je crois que non. Alors, je me demande, 'Pourquoi est-ce que cette personne discute les moyens des langues?' La question, je la laisse pour toi.

With regards to your specific "don't get your funk on me" problem, I believe the issue may be resolved with the help of June Cleaver.

The problem arises from the rather

maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.