My Bold Town

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My Bold Town

Hi all,


Well, the new mayor of my town sure has a lot of balls (good ones, I might add). This year, unlike all past years, a Jewish and an atheist display will be put up in our town's green next to the Christian nativity scene. Usually, the Christians get all the spotlight. However, yesterday a group of local (for me, anyway) atheists put up a "Imagine...No Religion" sign with a picture of the twin towers still standing. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the picture. If not, I'm sure you can just google it. 

Anyway, I thought I'd share this news. Any comments? Would you see that this is a good step forward, or a waste of time? I honestly don't know what to think of it. I mean, it might give atheists a bad name (I when Christians see it next to their infamous nativity scene. We have a right to have the sign up, and yet I don't know if it really "fits." I agree with the sign...but I just think Christmas shouldn't have ANY "advertisement" like that. I think it should be kept more personal, rather than on the public town green. This goes for Christians, Jews, Atheists, and all other groups.


Though it seems like I have a decisive opinion, alas, I don't. This is just my view at the moment. 'Tis why I look for you all for your comments. 



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I love it! It's a start.

I love it! It's a start. Plus, I like the idea that now there is something to shake smug christians who think they are the only point of view.

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What is your town anyway?

What is your town anyway?

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Wholly shit Knight! Can you

Wholly shit Knight! Can you post a picture of this?

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Atheists already have a bad

Atheists already have a bad name with anyone who believes their daddy lives in the sky.  We need more things like this.  We don't have to be in your face about it, but we need to be seen and heard.  That's why xtianity has flourished, because no one has stood up to them.  For more than two centuries everyone with a rational point of view has regarded them as mere harmless curiosities.  It's way past time to be heard and seen.

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There are a few pictures.  

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The Christians would

The Christians would rightfully bitch, but dont understand why they would be right, but would also be hypocrites.

Some Christians, not all, would shout "That Jewish and atheist display violate the First Amendment".

Then you say, "Really, I suppose a Christian nativity scene is not?"

No it is not a waste of time. The Christians who would object to it need to understand that they dont own a monopoly of public property. If they object to other religious displays, then they should have the courtacy of not doing it themselves.

"Public" vs "Private" seems to confuse some Christians. Private does not mean out of view. A shopping mall is not a gorvernment funded or owned building. It is a private building where the public is invited to shop. A front lawn of a Church which can be seen from a public road, IS STILL PRIVATE PROPERTY. Private doesnt mean out of view, it merely means no goverment aid or government ownership.

Other than generic santas and trees, no one should be posting sectarian messages for or against religion. There is pleanty of private property and private business and private media that everyone can display and sell there religious ideas. Public displays on govement property should reflect the attitude that everyone celibrates in different ways.

As inclusive as that seems to try to be, I think it is a bad idea. I think that causes fights over public property when everyone can and does have the opertunity to have their own specific displays on their own time with their own resources. Christmas trees and Santa is where it should be left at.

But at the same time I think it is nessarry to show the public how hypocritical the majority is and their lack of understanding of the First Amendment that demands that goverment not favor one religion over another.

Not having Christian displays on public property is not a call for the end of Christianity. Like I said, these people can display nativity scenes on private busines property next to public roads ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, church lawn displays ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, private media as well such as TV radio, magiznes DVDs ect ect ect.

Other religions shouldnt do it either, but since Christians insist on doing it, they cannot be hypocrites and must allow the same forum and same size displays. I say the fair thing to do is to stick to generic displays and beyond that display what you want on your own time with your own resources. 

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HC Grindon
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Wow, that's some

Wow, that's some self-righteous vandalism just waiting to happen!

Kudos to your Mayor...



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Knight wrote: Hi

Knight wrote:

Hi all,


Well, the new mayor of my town sure has a lot of balls (good ones, I might add). This year, unlike all past years, a Jewish and an atheist display will be put up in our town's green next to the Christian nativity scene. Usually, the Christians get all the spotlight. However, yesterday a group of local (for me, anyway) atheists put up a "Imagine...No Religion" sign with a picture of the twin towers still standing. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the picture. If not, I'm sure you can just google it.

Anyway, I thought I'd share this news. Any comments? Would you see that this is a good step forward, or a waste of time? I honestly don't know what to think of it. I mean, it might give atheists a bad name (I when Christians see it next to their infamous nativity scene. We have a right to have the sign up, and yet I don't know if it really "fits." I agree with the sign...but I just think Christmas shouldn't have ANY "advertisement" like that. I think it should be kept more personal, rather than on the public town green. This goes for Christians, Jews, Atheists, and all other groups.


Though it seems like I have a decisive opinion, alas, I don't. This is just my view at the moment. 'Tis why I look for you all for your comments.

Well, it is sure a step in the right direction!  Congrats to you guys for getting the word out there.  I understand what you are sayiing about it not being totally appropriate for the season, but it is a sticky issue because atheists don't have doctrine/dogma....I mean if you think about it, a christmas tree is alread is a 'symbol' to non-religious celebration.  Unfortunately, the darned christians had to go and try to suck it into their convoluted celebration.

Maybe next year put up some kind of signage stating "A Festivus for the rest of us"...LOL!!!   

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I definately like the

I definately like the winter solstice sign.  I'm not sure the "Imagine no religion" sign does any good as most people will just look at it and think "That's not my religion, my religion is peacful and would never do something like that".

At this time of year I think a great display would be one that goes into detail about the true history of xmas and how it has virtually nothing to do with xianity.  I feel like this might open some more eyes to reason. 

"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan