An Atheist look on Vampires...

You know today I have not been feeling to great, so I figured I would watch a movie. I came across Bram Stokers DRACULA, so what hell I will toss it in.
So I came to thinking if for some unknown reason an atheist like me were to become a vampire. What would this mean and how would I be stopped if I dont give a shit about the holy-cross and prefer extra garlic on my pizza.
well... my thoughts were,
-seeing as souls dont exist, and vampires are souless- then I have always been a vampire but I must have suddenly came down with a case of rabies because I am chewing on hot chicks necks- but I have always done that.
- I would obviosly be invincibe because the religious crap had no effect otherthan make me slap people harder.
Well, in actuality this is all a silly post but I wouldnt mind hearing your thoughts, have a bit of fun.
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Religion is just the way people explained it. It's gotta be chemistry.
No heartbeat - nutrients and oxygen by diffusion
aversion to garlic - garlic is supposed to help immune system. Vampirism is a disease. Very bad for the vampire. free radicals GOOD.
aversion to sunlight - synthesis of vitamin D. Vampirism is a disease so vitamin D makes calcium absorption possible. Since you don't go to the bathroom anymore then you're body doesn't need to absorb more calcium other than what is contained in the blood you drink.
blood drinking - nutrients straight from the tap baby. gotta love not having a digestive system. No more diarrhea.
sleep all day preferably in tightly closed space - preserve the status quo in your body during the most strenuous hours in life. Sweat bad. Exercise bad. Unfortunately, this is prime prey time since lonely housewives woke up early to watch 'Angel' and 'Buffy' before they got the kids off to school. (Note: Kindergarten students' mothers, please dress up once in a while for the Dads that drive their kids to school every day would you? Jogging pants, hoodies, and flip-flops every friggin' day. c'mon. Maybe it's just Tennessee.)
The whole stake through the heart and cutting off of the head thing - You'd die too. Duh.
I think the chemistry puts us closer to 'zombi-ism' though because Vampires would have to be really dumb because the normal human brain uses so much energy.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Good answer however in oldschool Vamps such as these the vitamin D is apparently present as there are a few scenes where Vlad is a Daywalker. the head chopping and stake, yeah that would kill me no doubt.
I guess the possibility is however that if we as atheists deny the soul concept, then in the religious condentations would make us vampires as we stand, despite the heart beat.
yeah so now I am just having fun with the Philosophical stand and not the scientific fact that you mentioned here, which I fully agree with.
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..
Actually the first vampire was Cain, condemed by god for the murder of his brother. The reason people of faith (they have to actualy believe it and not pretend to) scare them is that it reminds them of the power of god that has forsaken them
There are actually a few jewish, christian and muslim vampires that follow the road of heaven and try to regain their soul
The theology/story line of the world of darkness/White Wolf books really are fabolous.
The ones on Demons are even better, showing how demons arent as bad as the winners make out and were basically the bringers of knowledge who could not bare to see Adam ignorant
The myth of vampirism actually stems from a rare genetic disorder called poriphyria. It involves a lack of hemoglobin, leading to pale skin, extreme sensitivity to light, degeneration of the tissue around the lips and gums (leading to pronounced, sharp teeth and pointed ears), excess body hair, and the need for occasional blood transfusion to avoid extreme anemia.
People with this disease would have been outcasts in the middle ages, having to live inside small, lightless huts during the day to avoid exposure to light and retain their energy, and would have been frightening to see. Medieval doctors attempted to treat this condition with garlic, a common herb, and this is probably where the garlic myth came from.
I don't understand why vampires are afraid of Jesus. After all, wasn't Jesus always wanting people to drink his blood? Seems like vampires would want to hang around somebody like that. I know I sure would.
I mean.... if I was a vampire.
Which I'm NOT!
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
Porphyria has to be rough.
It's sister syndrome is spherocytosis. You're okay until you get a sunburn then it's four days while your whole body regrets itself.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
You should check out the 'Veil of Night', its Whitewolf book source book for Vampires in the Islamic world during the 'Middle Ages'. Mohammed converts a large amount of vampres to Islam and is actually a very good general history of Islam (if you ignore the vampire bit). No idea if this book is still in print but I suspect if Muslims knew about it it would be getting fatwa's faster than Satanic Verses
Check Vampire: Bloodlines as well, great fun for RPG and vampires lovers
This is the type of deep philosophical question that I will only consider when and if I become a vampire.
Morte alla tyrannus et dei
Google these two real monsters for some nightmeres,
Elizabeth Bathory: born into one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Transylvania.
Truly, she was evil enough to be recognized as one of the original "vampires" who later inspired Bram Stoker to write the legend of Dracula -- but unlike Stoker's story, she was real. In order to improve her complexion and also to maintain her failing grasp on her youth and vitality, she slaughtered six hundred innocent young women. She drank and bathed in their blood.
Vlad Dracula, the Impaler, notorious for his sadism, killed up to 500,000. He showed no mercy and tortured his enemies before killing them.
Committing atrocity after atrocity against his own people, Vlad Dracula became known for his inhuman cruelty. The tortures he employed included amputation, eye gouging, strangulation, nails in heads, burning at the stake, cutting off of noses and ears, mutilation of sexual organs (especially in the case of women), scalping, skinning, exposure to the elements or to wild animals, and boiling alive.
Dracula however developed a particular taste for subjecting his victims to impalement, which was known to be one of the most agonizing ways of dying imaginable. As his victims twisted and twitched as they neared death, Dracula was known to say, "Oh, what great gracefulness they exhibit!"
The horror Dracula put his impaled victims through is nearly incomprehensible.
Despite the atrocities committed against Wallachians and Transylvanians alike, Dracula was seen as a hero of Christianity by many Romanians.
Atheism Books.