Anyone ever have nightmares about being persecuted?

I know it's kinda odd, but I had one last night and just wanted to see if anyone else ever has them. It was really strange, I flick off two proselytizers at the grocery store, only to have an awkward moment when I run into them at a party, and after I make some comment about me being an atheist, next thing I know they are hunting me down and shoving me in a dark room where they kill me. One of them even had the gaul to say that Christians were oppressed! Needless to say, I woke up thoroughly pissed off. Anyone else have dreams dealing with you atheism/being hunted for it. And since when has the existence of another point of view meant that you're oppressed?!?!
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Thankfully no, I have more mundane dreams, involving pornstars and my nightmares were usally about deaths in my family.
Morte alla tyrannus et dei
Not yet but if Huckabee become president, I might start having lots of nightmares like this.
Well, I wouldnt say a nightmare as much as a post apocalyptic war scenario. That I plan to turn into A film short of maybe 20 minutes or so. it basically goes something like this.
-year 2047-
the American Inquisition has been happening fo about 10 years now. Christian Crusaders alongside a theist Government Tyranny known to have been in place since the turn of the Century are hunting down Scientists and rational thinkers alike and killing us all in the name of there imaginary friend. all other countries remain Neutral while government grounds al flight. some have Managed to flee to Canada but most killed in the process.
A group of us inparticular are to have higher rewards on our head and are to be tortured and made slaves of, as we hold the last written Old Testament as Hostage threatening its Destruction if the Crusades fail too cease.
-Entire MAD MAX ACTION sequences shuld be refered too
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..
Crap, if that started happening I'd just blend back into the theist crowd.
I already know all the words and secret handshake.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
He wouldn't admit it...but Brian does. *shhh*
Thanks sounds like a really awesome movie.
I've always been a fan of post-apocalyptic stuff.
Ok. So if you were in a dream and you got killed and then you woke up, then that your dream world, this is your heaven.
Which means, in the dream world there really is an afterlife. And that afterlife is this world. Which means, this world is the real heaven and the dream world is the real world.
It's all starting to make sense now. We are all in heaven. Right now!! Thank you Jesus!! Praise be to Jesus!
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
I've had nightmares stemming from the Patriot Act in which the core RRS team was put in Guantanamo with no rights to a lawyer and no charges.
Scarier though is a nightmare I've had a few times involving my head being chopped off while I hear "Allah Akbar" in the background, and see it played on Al Jazeera.
P.S. Allah doesn't exist... never did.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I had a dream where I was beaten and crucified by my wife's family on bamboo reeds that kept bending down to the ground because of my weight, the weirdest part was Mell Gibson was there giving direction and so was Mel Brooks who was trying to stop them by telling them I was Chinese.
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..
when i was about 14 or so i remember dreaming about going to church with my family and somehow they knew i didnt believe and they started to burn my like they did witches back in the salem days really trippy part it was my family that was lighting the fire i was really creeped out for a while but now i mainly have nightmares of dying in general or loosing my mind and being locked in a small cell for ever
Great Moriarty
Evolved Morality
Why? To make a poetic end of my life to deluded theists on a bloodthirsty witchhunt?
I guess the evolutionary desire for self preservation is a little too strong in me for such a pointless gesture.
"He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day."
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I've always been the attacker in my dreams.