blah... I am guilty, could use some help

So I have been seeing a girl for awhile till last night, because I felt something was wrong. but my emotions got the best of me and my thoughts became irrational, despite circumstantial evidence being there. I can say that after I calmed down I asked for rational explanations for what appeared to be downright sluttiness. if I could just hear a rational explanation I can try to forget this happened.
So aside from the situation here my unjustice to myself is WANTING to believe everything will be okay, kind of ignoring the evidence. But it wasnt till later I was thinking rationally. So I guess a question I have as a devout Atheist is. in matters of the heart in such situations as this do you also tend too have that period of irrationality? if so do you tally it up to human nature or simply the disregard to see it as truth?
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..
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No one is 100% rational 100% of the time. I've been the same way in relationships.
We are not your relationship councilers. You gave absolutly no detail in this post. You are asking us to buy your side without details and you called her a slut too.
I dont think you need to be dating someone while calling them a slut at the same time. If you dont like her behaivor, that doesnt make her a slut, it may mean that YOU are not comfortable with the way she behaives. If you dont like that, you can only change you, you have no right to dictate to her.
I am not taking your side or hers especially based on an ambigious post. Only to say you can only control what you do and have no right to try to control the thoughts or actions of another human. If she choses to change her behaivor she will, if she doesnt, then YOU have to make a choice.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I am not asking for a councelor in any shape of the form didnt ask for advice. but rather if the rationalism applies to emotionally delicate situations. It seems to me Shelley caught the point of my post.
If I needed relationship counceling it wouldnt be done on here, but I gave a brief backdrop of the reason of asking. if I needed actual advice in my life I would have given all the details, but I dont.
By the way Shelley thank you for your response... I asked because I have seen others seperate emotion and keep a rational head, so I felt initial irrationality might be a flaw, like I was some kind of freak, LOL. I can only be sure of one person and that is me but it is possible to betray myself by not thinking it thoroughly first.
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..
Yes. Absolutely. In fact, an atheist is in a great position, because we can look at it as exactly what you've said -- human nature -- and not divine retribution, fate, karma, or any other mystery bugaboo that would take things out of our hands.
Lacking a belief in god does not change the way our instincts work. We all want desperately to be loved. It's part of our evolutionary heritage. The thing is, when things go sour, we have an advantage over people who believe in things they can't prove. We have the option of seeing things for what they are and dealing with them rationally.
When someone does something to you, and you know intellectually that you should leave, but your emotions tell you to stay, you can say to yourself, "I know that my instinct is programmed to respond a certain way, and I know it's going to suck, but I'm going to do what my intellect knows to be the rational thing, and just deal with the suckiness."
We don't disregard human nature. We embrace it. Human nature is not just our "animal instincts." It's also our intellect. If you override your instinctual desire for comfort and sex and security, you've used the intellectual part of human nature to make a long term prediction based on logic, not emotion. It's in our nature to be able to do that.
Wanting to believe the irrational is part of human nature, but so is the capability of doing something different when we know better.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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There are evolutionary reasons for irrational emotions. I couldn't give you a scientific explanation for that but perhaps someone who could would chime in or you could search through the RRS Authors page. I would suggest Deluded God or Hambydammit.
I often find myself very equipted to give advice on other people's issues but when the exact same thing happens in my own life I am too emotionally involved to act accordingly. Lately when asking for advice some of my friends have responded "I don't know what to say." My reply: "Well then can you please call me back and recount my problem substituting in your name/location/etc... because then I'll know what to do."
The short version is that we don't necessarily know why a particular irrational emotion evolved, but the answer in general is going to be this. Though our culture has developed exponentially, we are still using essentially the same brain that our pre-agricultural ancestors used. What worked on the savannah while we were being chased by lions and tigers doesn't necessarily work as well today. Try telling someone that standing up in front of a thousand people and giving a speech is no threat to their life. They'll still experience a fight or flight reaction, even though they know better.
Those of our ancestors that reacted properly before taking the time to work things out rationally tended to live longer than those who had to work it all out step by step. Consider:
1) I hear a noise. It came from about seven feet away. It could be A) one of my friends, B) one of my enemies, C) A tiger, D) the wind. Let me take stock of the empirical evidence before deriving a conclu..... Ow.... tiger bites hurt.
2) I hear a.... WOAH!!!! I'm running really fast. I hope I can make it to the tribe before that tiger gets me.
Clearly, apelike ancestor #2 is going to have a much better chance of reproducing in the future. These days, rational thoughts tend to work better than emotions in many circumstances, but we still have the genetic programming that causes instinctual desires.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
hey thanks everyone, as Shelley Said, I also seem to have a rational explanation for everyone elses needs but when it comes to emotions I am like a PMS'ing chick,LOL(not really). but seeing as some of my hommies here come down to basically the same outcome as I...I really feel a bit better about my conclusion of obeying my intelligence and not my heart.
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..
Hamby My friend you have been given credit and quoted in my blogs.
by all means feel free to add me to your myspace, LJ whatever I am trying to build a bunch of rationals on my myspace because we rule
I already got our buddy Greydon
If God didn't want atheists than we wouldn't exist..