I am a false prophet and god is a superstition! -There Will be Blood
SPOILER WARNING!!!! For there will be blood!!
This movie is awesome! It builds up a christian character and makes you hate him the whole movie, only for him to be bludgeoned to death by a bowling pin in the end!! Before he is bludgeoned the main character makes the preacher character say "I am a false prophet and god is a superstition!" That was awesome I gave a standing ovation in the movie theatre! Anyone else see it I thought it was great, also has a soundtrack by Johny Greenwood from radiohead!!!
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I haven't seen it but I think it would be a good one. What's the name of the movie?
I like Funk
We need more good movies. I like playing the "buddha one" in my head.
I use too jump outta bed, like a wound up rubber band, and Buddha said "NO, Go slow" ..... I luv that guy !
Atheism Books.
Yeah this movie was amazing. I don't think it would have been half as good though without that soundtrack.
"I, on the other hand, do not feel it necessary to construct a lofty meaning for myself. I prefer the style of the butterfly myself. I will eat what I want, flit about aimlessly, and enjoy the sunshine. Then, I will die. " - Nero, RRS Forum User
Daniel Day Lewis puts on an excellent performance. The psychological battles between Ely and Daniel are phenomenol.
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
One goddamn hell of a show, no doubt about it. Anybody else get the Kubricks watching the opening scenes? Bunch of unspeaking primates in the desert while odd wailing voices bounce around atonally in the background?
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
Definitely Kubrickian in more ways than one. PT Anderson was obviously heavily influenced by the great director. A lot of the camera moves and tone are very reminiscent of Kubrick. There Will Be Blood is one helluva movie though.