Hallowe'en is a-comin!

Funny, isn't it?
Some xtians made up their little "War On Christmas"......
"How dare you stifle our religious holiday! We're persecuted!"
And yet again, xtians are launching warning shots over the bow of someone else's religious holiday....
Now, I don't believe in the whole wiccan thing (I dabbled, also in christianity and a few other faiths before I came to my senses). However, if the xtians are allowed to have their holidays....then shouldn't wiccans be allowed to have theirs?
I celebrate hallowe'en as an excellent oppurtunity to eat candy, carve pumpkins, get tanked, and blow up small colourful packages made for blowy-uppyness.
Some choice phrases from the 700 Club's "Hallowe'en Special"
Check it out......
"“Shock” is the only word to describe what I found. Halloween is a real, sacred day for those who follow Wicca. In fact, it is one of two high and holy days for them. The Celtic belief of spirits being released is current, along with the worship of Samhain (the lord of death) – both are promoted as something to embrace on that day. There is no question in my mind that to those who believe and follow the practices of witchcraft, Halloween represents an opportunity to embrace the evil, devilish, dark side of the spiritual world."
"those who celebrate Halloween either are unaware of its roots, or are intentionally promoting a world where evil is lauded and viewed as an ultimate power."
"Included in things of the occult are precognition (or fortune-telling), ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, automatic writing, ouija boards and other games that claim a magical or demonically spiritual orientation, astrology, horoscopes, tea leaf reading, palmistry, techniques of mind expansion, drugs, hypnotism, mind control, transcendental meditation, yoga, sorcery or witchcraft, physical phenomena, telekinesis, levitation, astral projection, spiritism, seances and satanism, animal and human sacrifices, animism, etc."
"Since I was a young child, I have understood the reality of this night. I have appreciated the nature of this “holy” day because I grew up in a place where witchcraft was not only common, but it was accepted, and even celebrated, as a heritage. In 4th grade, for instance, a “real witch” came to school and told us about herself and her holiday. That day was the day I first understood my charge as a member of God’s army. It was the first time I understood what it meant to be different, and it was the first time I answered God’s call to set myself apart. That day, I left grade school in protest, and spent the day at home with my mom, who heartily rewarded my young exercise of faith."
edit: Hahahahaha, while I was posting this the "Christians against Hallowe'en" episode of South Park came on TV......
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What if I dress as god?
I wonder why it was so shocking to him that they stole the day? But he did just say meditation and yoga are a part of the "occult"
I heard differently....
All growing up, I heard two stories about the origins of Halloween...
First it was the night that witches came out and stole babies, so households would put food outside on that night to keep them from taking their children.....
Then it was people dressing up to scare off the witches and demons and such....
you can imagine how it evolved after that.
I always thought it was a christian thing.
I know very little about wiccans, but I do know that halloween is special for them. And I wonder, before christians even knew about this....WHAT HARM DID IT EVER DO TO THEM!?!?!?
If they dont like halloween then dont fuckin celebrate it!
Lock your doors and turn your porch light off. If your still scared of the evil evilness out there...set out a basket of fucking food for the evil little bastards to fight over!
Oh...and pray, your god will save you. Remember that psalm about the the valley of shadow and death and not fearing evil??? You just need the faith of a mustard seed. Surley your god wouldnt abandon you in a time of crisis. Remember, also, the footprints in the sand story?
I had a theist friend of mine tell me that atheists think theists are dumb....well with stupid little quarls over silly holidays...is it any fucking wonder?!?!
We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling. Otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth.
~ Richard Dawkins
Yeah, I've heard that one too....... It seems so many holidays have tangled up origins. It's like that game "telephone" where you whisper something and by the time it gets atound the circle, it's completely different!
Who knows what it truly is. Oh well, I'll eat candy anyhow. 
Samhain(pronounced Sow-enn) is popularly translated as "Summer's End". Samhain is not a god, LOL. It's basically the standard cultural "Harvest Festival" for druidic/celtic religions.
Also, wiccans/druids and other pagans usually light bonfires. YAY, fire! 
On this day, their "god" (who has grown old since winter) dies. To be reborn once again.....YOU GUESSED IT, on December 21-22nd. Winter solstice. Yule. Their pagan god shares his birthday(close enough) with a little someone I like to call Jesus.
Wiccans believe that on this day the spooooooky veil is lifted and our ancestors and the dead can communicate with us humans easier.... *spooooky*
Strangely, (or perhaps not, as some historians believe the holidays DIRECTLY related) some xtians celebrate The Feast of All Saints on November 1st. On this holiday they pay homage to faithful saints and all martyrs. Dead people. Hmmmm......
Cool beans. I heart mythology. Kinda cool to see the common strings that run through as people sample from other religions.
Info FTW!!!
When I was a pre-teen my church would have a party for the kids to keep them from celebrating halloween. it was a most defenately harvest themed party. Costumes were encouraged but only harvest themed. It was like Thanksgiving with candy instead of turkey!
Go figure
We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling. Otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth.
~ Richard Dawkins
Hahah, that's cool. It seems humans really like to celebrate ANYTHING based on seasonal occurences..... first day of this, last day of that...... Kind of makes sense.
"This is the last time we harvest crops before snow comes down and covers everything up......SO let's PARTAYYYYYY!!!!"
I'm gonna start celebrating, "Last symbolic day of fall, and man i'm gonna freeze my tits off in the winter Festival". It's a nice sentiment.......
People have to watch out for those hell houses too
Oh Noos satan!!!
I could go there for a laugh. What about dressing up as a naked Jesus - pecker hanging out and everything?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
p.s. Take pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.p.s. why is it that this particular post makes me wanna cuss??? I bit my tongue this time.....
We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling. Otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth.
~ Richard Dawkins
Kinda like the war on christmas....everyone dress up as jesus or mary or a disciple and go to the hell houses and tell the kids its all just scare tactic BS.
Ohh crap...now I gotta go find some middle eastern garb....
We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling. Otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth.
~ Richard Dawkins
We are so going to hell.
I once proved will get brownies if we go there
In the RRS stickam chat actually, someone, I'll call him Fred, came in there and was bitching. At one point someone, I'll call him Bob, asked where hell was. Fred said, "Your mom's house." So I asked Bob if his mom would make us brownies, he said yes. Thus we get brownies when we go to hell, if indeed Fred is right and hell is Bob's mom's house.
How about Jesus in a pimp costume! :
Like this?
Yeah! Now that is funny!
Two years ago, I dressed up for a halloween party as the crucified Christ. I put together a crucifix, got some wounds for my wrists with fake blood, and a crown of thorns (actually from Jerusalem; ebay), and dressed in some simple poor middle-eastern looking garb. I had fake blood drinning down my forehead (the real thorns did hurt) and carried the cross wherever i went (it was about 6.5 feet tall--taller than me).
I don't know if i have the pictures handy, but if I can find one I'll post one up here.
Many people were quite offended, especially one of the neighbors of the party that saw me with a crucifix in one hand and a beer i the other.
Just thought I'd share.
I'll fight for a person's right to speak so long as that person will, in return, fight to allow me to challenge their opinions and ridicule them as the content of their ideas merit.
I SO want to see that!
I kind of want to go to a Hell House this Halloween, just for shits and giggles. They look hilariously over the top....
But I bet I won't find one in BC........ It's pretty liberal here......not a lot of fundies.....
Dawkins interviews a Hell House pastor
I'd love to make fun of one....
Yeah, maybe it's a good thing I can't find one. I'd probably laugh my ass off. I'd TOTALLY heckle them. Imagine getting kicked out of a Hell House!!!??? How's that for heathen street cred? LOL

I could just see you showing up to Hell House in that low-vee-cut blouse with 'lullaby' playing in the background, glamourkat.
Nobody would be watching the play. lol.
They're taking an old abandoned church in Mt. Pleasant and turning it into a haunted house this next week. I love it. I'm taking the kids. My daughter will laugh her ass off.
They'll never see a Hell House play.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Hahahah, yeah that's actually a bathing suit, I can imagine there'd be some stares......

And it'd be chilly! Brrrrr.....
Besides, they'd probably herd me straight through to the abortion room...LOL
Yeah, I'm hoping to find a coolass haunted house or something.......maybe just get drunk and blow up roman candles.....
And is everyone going to the store on November 1st to buy TONS OF PERFECTLY GOOD CHOCOLATE at 50% off just 'cause it's got pumpkins and ghosts on the packaging?
I certainly am!
Christianity is more detrimental, but new age hippy bullshit is certainly more irritating. I guess I'm just not feeling the energy, man.
The War on Christmas is counterproductive: it merely alienates secularists. It's not so much a Christian holiday at this point as a purely capitalist one, that happens to appeal to the Christian market (which comprises the majority of the nation).
For Halloween I plan to dress up as a panda. Pandas are the pure incarnation of evil.
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
We call it "Gothic New Year" and that's how most of us celebrate it. By "us" I mean those of us who spend most of the year enduring comments such as the ever-witty: "Hey, it's not Halloween yet!"
Every day is Halloween and it's the most wonderful time of the year. I love Halloween. It's actually the only holiday I really celebrate but I don't make any pretentions that it's some deep, historical thing for me. It's largely an American holiday and I love it for the fun, the way everyone is encouraged to get wild and the endless stream of horror films on TV.
As for the Hell Houses, I find it fitting that Halloween is the only time the fundies take my advice about where to go. It kind of takes the place of getting a present on Chri$tma$ for me.
Huh, that's interesting.
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth;
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!
- Eric Idle, from The Galaxy Song
That's hilarious.
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth;
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!
- Eric Idle, from The Galaxy Song
Okay guys, I did, in fact, buy a religious themed Halloween costume. It's a short PVC nun costume......
It looks like this, except it has a high black collar and comes with a white PVC wimple for around the neck. Also, I have a huge upside-down metal cross that I've had since high school. I'm gonna be wearing that with it.
Maybe I will not wear that to work, heh. Definately on Halloween though. Maybe at the big Halloween Metal show. Yay! Although wearing it to work would get me a few laughs I think. Two coworkers are begging me to wear it.....
The invention of "Hell House" by the fundies is clearly designed to use the Halloween themes of ghosts, monsters, demons, etc. to scare children into believeing. The message is if you fail to make the right choice (Jesus) you will burn in Hell! What a loving God.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
That's what I'm talking about.
That's hot, glamourkat.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I think my old church called their Halloween prevention celebration something like "Fall Festival". I was not allowed to trick-or-treat, but I wanted to so bad. That's probably why I overcompensate with Halloween now. I always dress up in costume and go out partying. It's the one day a year I intentionally dress like a total slut.
This year I am a she-devil. It's lame, but I ran out of cool ideas.
It's crazy how much these costumes cost, especially the ones that barely cover ass and tits.
Happy Halloween everyone! Everyone loved my nun costume, maybe I'll put up some pics this week. One guy at my work dressed as Steve Irwin, covered in blood with a plush stingray stuck in his chest!
There were some good costumes and lots of candy. My poor cat was SO scared of the fireworks. Poor kitty.
How was everyone's night?
I ate some candy, next year I'm doing that pimp jesus thing. Learning the water to wine trick and everything. I should have a camera by then so I might post some video about it on youtube.
Now for the important question... How much bling would jesus wear?