Fetus Dolls Given to Children at Prayer Conference

Changing the World Thru Prayer Conference
"A person is a person no
matter how small he is."
Horton, a kind-hearted elephant, created by Dr. Seuss, is the only inhabitant of the jungle who is capable of hearing the Whos, a microscopic race of beings whose entire civilization exists on a speck of dust. Mocked and abused by those who refuse to believe in the tiny Whos, Horton must ultimately join them in a bold plan to prove the tiny beings' existence, and thus save their civilization from destruction.
Such was the prophetic platform Lou Engle shared with the children as he read the entire poetic journey of Horton. The classic line in Seuss's writings about those tiny beings who must be saved was, "A person is a person no matter how small he is." With that Lou showed the children models of life-size fetuses to make his point about the urgency of ending abortion in America.
Kids Were Moved to Tears
The children were spell-bound by Lou's message, and were captured with the desire to do something about the atrocity of shedding innocent blood that has blighted the American landscape. They eagerly waved their life bracelets, grabbed the microphone, and with tears streaming down their faces cried out to the Lord to end the killing. They energetically prayed with Lou, "Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of this nation. End abortion and send revival to America!" pledging to pray that prayer every time they looked at their bracelets.
Lou Engle holding fetus models
Fetus Dolls Used as Prayer Tools
Guest speaker Irma Chon brought about 100 three inch plastic dolls that were the actual size of a twelve-week-old fetus and handed them out to the children to use as prayer tools. Many of them wrapped the tiny babies in a small American flag, held them high in the air and wept as they prayed. A nine-year-old girl took the microphone and cried repeatedly, "Who wouldn't want a baby?" Her prayer ripped through our hearts and weeping could be heard everywhere.
Lou Engle Asked If He Could Come to This Conference
Lou announced to the group that he had asked if he could be a part of the three day School of Prayer for Kids when he heard about it. He said that he has only done that a few other times in his career. But he believed with all of his heart that an entire prayer movement of children was going to be birthed as a result of this conference. The purpose of the prayer movement, he believes, will be to overturn Roe vs. Wade. He believes that prophetically because it is children who are being slaughtered through abortion that it will be children who reverse the tide. He cited some prophetic experiences that led him to this conclusion.
Will You and Your Children Join the Movement?
What does a children's prayer movement to end abortion look like? Who leads it? Who keeps it going? Who organizes it? We did not do anything at the conference to rally and organize kids, ask them to sign up, lead groups at home etc. We feel it must be done by the Spirit of God. There are actually a number of children's prayer movements around the world. Esther Ilnisky leads one called the Children's Prayer Network. At one time she had signed up over a million children as intercessors. But this one is to have a narrow focus--the ending of abortion. Will God raise up specific leaders of children or adults, or will it simply be a grass roots effort that we just continually hear about children who are praying for this end? I'm am not aware that Lou plans to do anything specific.
All we are going to do is to ask you and your children or those in your Sunday Schools and children's churches to begin to pick up the anthem, "Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of this nation. God, END ABORTION and send revival to America!"
Please send us reports of what you and your group plans to do or is doing to join this prayer movement.
(This entire event, consisting of Lou's message and the children's prayer time was captured on two audio CDs which are for sale in our online bookstore.
Dynamic listening for young and old alike!)
I want some of THESE dolls instead....
Or this fetus popple...
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I suppose posting photoshopped fetus pictures on billboards and the general harrasment and intimidation of anyone getting or considering getting an abortion is alot, but rounding it off by brainwashing a few dozen children is great way to cement your postition as a complete shithead. The very idea of cramming this "They're killing babies" garbage down the throats of people are not mature enough to think critically is just plain immoral. They're lying to these kids. Well, I guess they were already lying to them about god, anyways. Might as well go for a full house.
And this "man". Lou Engle, handing it out little plastic fetus' to school children. Do you think he actually is able to sleep at night knowing he is corrupting children in the name of repressive dogma? Do you think he's able to look at himself in the mirror? To be honest, I'd think a great big fucking void would reflect nothing in return, so the point is moot, really.
Poisoning children to save babies. This guy is no better than a pedophile.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
FWIW: Lou and the above demonstration are featured in Jesus Camp the movie.
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Anti-choice people are such assholes. As George Carlin said, "Did you ever notice most people who are against abortion you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?"
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
it says somewhere in that "damn bible" that if any two believers pray they shall have it.
I wonder if these children are true believers???
We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling. Otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth.
~ Richard Dawkins
And they are usually "pro death" when it comes to criminals.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
They're usually only "pro-life" when it comes to fetuses or people who are brain dead (maybe because that's the only people they are more intelligent than?)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I was very horrified by this practice when I saw Jesus Camp.
Although I am pro-choice, I can at least understand the ethical issues raised by abortion. I have no problem with a serious debate on the issue.
However... I don't think anyone should be distorting the facts (or outright lying) to win people over to their side... especially not children. I am particularly irritated by those who show images of second and third trimester abortions (which are only legal in cases where there is severe danger to the mother) as representations of what all abortions are like.
If you are convinced you are so right on an issue, why lie to prove your point?
BTW... I love those evil Barbies!
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Little plastic fetuses would make neat team pieces for a foosball game.
My xtian dad who usually votes Republican says he is annoyed that abortion is even an issue in politics. He also doesn't think anyone has a right to tell a woman what to do with her own body. So at least there's one thing I can say me and my dad agree on. He personally doesn't like abortion but neither do I in a sense. It's sad when a young girl has to go through with it (but sadder when a young girl has to give birth to an unwanted baby). I just think it should be a procedure that can be carried out by a professional and not a back alley quack. It's just common sense.
Christians think pro-choice people are apathetic when it's exactly the opposite. At least pro-choice people are thinking about the future.
This is ripped from Dr. Suess. You know, the Who's in Whoville living on a speck of dust. Horton the Elephant has to save this speck and everyone in the forest thinks he's lost his mind because he's always talking to that speck.
Dr. Seuss was a member of the Lutheran Church but I seriously doubt this was a anti-abortion quote.
so basically this "church" group is making children idolize plastic fetuses. Interesting. Wait....idolatry...where did I see that in the bible???????? yet more hypocrisy from that shit I wipe off my feet every time I step in it... the xtian right wing fucks.
Brainwashing children is the new xtian way. Get 'em while they're young. I say we do the same.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I don't think that's a good idea. Be better to encourage (for example) more teaching of critical thinking skills in the schools. Rather than trying to recreate the Hitler Youth like they do.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling. Otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth.
~ Richard Dawkins
I guess not new...but there methods have evolved and radicalized.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Seriously is there any reason for un-wanted babies if it isn't rape then there is risk, we have plenty of stupid uneducated people having kids now so what the hell let the church support them.