Comment for The Rational Response Squad ON MYSPACE!! By Compromisso

Change your profile picture, to help end religion!! Lol so let me get this straigh if i change my profile pictures im helping to end religion! really. . . what a load a crap. . . you know your nothing more than an imature group of people attempting to attack religion and end it in the same exact way religion attempts to attack every opposing belief system. What does religion do. . . ? religion tells us that an Almighty Creator exists and we should serve him, or live for the cause of the religion itself, because (place your religion of choice here) posses the path to salvation or to the only truth!
What exactly are you trying to do with your movement? Are you trying to prove to the world that God isnt REAL!! The HOLY SPIRIT isnt real, ok big shit i don't believe they exist either, but im not going around telling people that what theu believe is wrong!
Who are you to tell people what is true and what is not! I dont care how much proof you think you have to back your claims, it will never be enough to convince born christians that their God does not exist. As they too have their own proof that God does exist. Where is exactly does all this proof come from. . . well our expeirence ofcourse, our observations of the external world.
Have you thought for a moment that maybe its possible that people have different expeirences growing up that lead them to believe what they do? You are a dame good example of that yourself. You belive what you do with reason as do every other person in the world. Nothings going to change that. . .
And nothing is also going to the change our nature. . .God or no God, Human beings are no better than animals, we all live in uncertainty, and kill to exist in attempt to justify whatever purpose we think we have in life.
On another Note you imature little shit!! I never deleted your dame comments, i just never approved them to be posted. If you had half a brain you would of noticed that when you posted a comment on my page it said " comment must be approved before posting!" HERE ill post your litte comments for a day or two maybe it might make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!! Go on, come on check my page. . .lol
By Compromisso Comromisso Myspace
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A hypocrite. Lovely. How about you re-read that whole bunch of bullshit, only consider that you're the recipient this time around. You only prove yourself an idiot for criticizing others while doing exactly the same thing you criticize them for.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Im just re posting to clarify my point. . .because some imature little shit deleted my comments off myspace thinking i deleted his, but little did he know. . .i just never approved them. . .anyway lets not wast time on such stupid people. . . .moving on now. ..
my point here is simple. . . even if you are successful at Helping to eliminate Religion, do you actually think this will change anything?
People are born selfish beings, and with or without a belief in a God or Religion, people will alwasy find a way to justify killing one another through some idea of a greater cause or purpose.
I feel that what you are doing here is simply drawing a line between Atheists and Theists, stirring a war of beliefs which only leads to much more conflict.
what i think this all boils down to is what kind of people are in high positions in our government that have the power to direct our lives, Do you think if all of the worlds leaders were athiest this would change anything at all? I highly doubt it. . .
"Admittedly, once one decides in one’s own mind to reject the fallacy of God, the world indeed becomes a scary and lonely place, but one of truth not delusion."
Moving on acceptable.
Yes, I do. Everything? No. But a great many things. Though I doubt many actually think it will happen in our lifetime. I can't think of a single thing short of a god saying it didn't exist(ironically proving the opposite) that could erase religion so quickly and completely.
The erasure of religion isn't the only thing we have to work on as a species obviously, but it's one of the primary barriers to moving on. So it's a priority.
I agree that people will continue to find ways to cause society harm. They'll just be harder to find, and have less people automatically agreeing about the method and motive. Thus they'll be less common.
As for a line, religion drew it themselves. Thousands of years ago. By burning or otherwise torturing to death anyone who disagreed with them. We're simply more civilized about it.
And if all the worlds leaders were atheist, at least 50% of the motives for wars currently under way would vanish instantly.
It should also be noted the religion is far more devious than just starting war. It is 99% responsible for the rapid spread of the HIV virus around the world.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Immature? So I suppose when my post is not riddled with insults but yours is, can we assume that you were merely projecting your flaws or looking in the mirror when you wrote this diatribe?
Christianity attacks other belief systems often by legislating their own, Islam attacks other belief systems through violence, we do neither. But I'm all ears, please prove your point.
We're trying to do our part in ending the most widespread lie that has ever graced the face of the planet.
In my moral structure, I must then confess that I think you don't care for people as much as I do. I think it's very disrespectful of you to not show others that they live a life of delusion, I wouldn't ever want to be your friend because I couldn't trust you to help me if I was ever getting conned or swindled.
Apparently we're not much different than you. Were you looking in the mirror this time, or just projecting?
Oh goody an absolute statement that I can easily debunk:
You have proof of god that comes from observations of the external world yet don't believe in a god? Oh boy.
Yup. So? This still doesn't make god belief logically tenable.
My reasons for belief are verifiable, a theists reasons for belief in god are not. My beliefs are more worthy of being held then theirs.
Stop projecting.
Oh I remember you now, yes, you're the one that committed a strawman fallacy on our comment section without taking heed to the warning that states on our page: "This is not the place to engage us in debate or leave the common strawman argument we've been seeing here lately."
You see when you state that our site is only aimed at the Christian god and then attack that position you do several things, none of them point to you as being a good thinker.
The only thing you got going for you is that you had the decency to show up here. Now hopefully in future posts you'll settle down, maybe apologize for the comments about being immature and have a discussion like a man.
- Sapient
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For the readers here was the course of events:
1. You leave strawman on our myspace page
2. We ask for proof of your claim in a comment to you.
3. You read the comment, don't accept it, then come back to our page and go on a tirade
5. We deleted your comment as we should've done from the get go, we always delete strawmen from our page.
Right because people with a 158 IQ are stupid. Obviously lets all just move on from the idiots in the genius bracket of the intelligence spectrum.
Yes. I can't believe you'd even ask this question.
This is necessary for survival. However your next statement doesn't follow, isn't necessary for survival and is unproven...
What kind of conflict? If it's the kind when people are forced to question why they believe things they can't prove, then I'll gladly force that conflict. You wont see me condone violence though, and you will see me expose people who would condone violence for us speaking up.
Oh boy. So you think God would be on our money and in our pledge, gays wouldn't be allowed to marry, abortion would still be an issue, we wouldn't be researching stem cells, and faith based groups would still be getting millions if all of the worlds leaders are atheist?
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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He could have at least in his initial post let the rest of us know the background, except he probably would have lied.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
ok. . . you win! im being serious. ..
i apologize for my own imature comments above. . .
I did realize even as i was Writing my reply, that this wasnt exactly the best way to deal with this but i just made the choice to continue with hopes of a positive reaction. And so your reaction was very positive and very informative, i will admit and say that i am abit lazy when it comes to researching sometimes. So i guess you could say this is a usual stradegy of mine to get others to lead me in the right direction.
I liked your response and i appreciate it. Thank you,
Your response to the part about "what would change in world if there was no religion" was really good i completly forgot about Gay marriage, Abortion etc. Which are two major things i never understood . . . i mean shit it should be our choice to make life or not . . . not religion's choice, and it should be our choice of who we want to love and be with, man or women, not religions choice. ..
so i must say once again i apologize, and i thank you for your response. . .and i 100% support your cause and movement, not sure how much i can do to help because i dont really like arguing with christians. . .as ive done so and lost a couple friends so thats a no go. . .
Well I'm floored. Thanks Jon for the very sincere apology, you get major respect from me for that. Apologies are not always easy (especially public ones), and your understanding of the situation even though I was a little harsh myself deserves recognition, so thanks again.
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