Here's a "free thought" for you:

I just heard this guy on Laura Ingraham. Great work if you can get it - get your girlfriend to support you so you can tell everybody else what they should and shouldn't think.
Here's a "blasphemy challenge" for you: how about if you go over to Iran and convince them that there is no God? If you do I'll not only give you a DVD, but also the player to play it on!
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Great, now do you have anything actually worth saying?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Are you serious, or just trolling?
Yes, she's an amazing woman.
Pay for all of my expenses, travel, accomodations, and most of all... security and you got a deal. Are you gonna come as well to try and convince them to turn to Christianity as it commands you to do in the bible? Or would you prefer to leave your archaic religious beliefs behind and stop enabling muslims to commit the injustices they do. That's right, you're an enabler. If all of the Christians abandoned their superstitious nonsense we could change the tide of what seems normal in the world to work together to end the more violent of the irrational beliefs on the planet. So, you with me? Or will you just continue to show muslims that some sort of belief in a god (even if it's the wrong one) is a good idea?
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1. A Dare
2. Talking down tone
3. First post filled with anger
4.Egocentric name
This person is a troll, ignore them
A poorly formed one as well. I can do more from my cpu in the muslim world if I could speak the language than I could do walking the streets of Iran. The same holds true in the US. We put out one radio show and it's heard 10,000 times in a year, I spend the same 2 hours on the street and I talk to 20 people. It's not rational to put yourself so easily in harms way however it's very rational to stop the societal conditions that allow such violence as a result of irrational faith to occur. Christians need to abandon their irrational and unproven beliefs and join us in the endeavor of bringing reason to millions of irrational muslims.
So what do you say folks? Any takers today? Who's ready to leave Christianity behind?
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Was the supposed to be an insult? I mean c'mon, if you are just gonna post and run atleast make it good.
I have to make a living, so it's not like I can play with you guys all day.
My point was, for the lower wattage intellects among you, is that this guy doesn't seem to have the courage of his convictions. He reminds me of Benny Hinn and Jim Bakker - guys who have suckered people into supporting them.
If it wasn't this it would be scientology. If it wasn't that, it would be New Age or Tarot or something - anything but mainstream.
No, sir, you won't get a penny from me for anything. You've managed to BS everybody else into supporting you but I am not going to be one of them.
Apparently you don't, or you might have said it.
Serious as bone cancer. This guy's a grade A con man.
Name a few convictions that you think I have that I don't have courage in. Don't dodge this. Name them.
(prepares for the strawman)
We ridicule all of those things, we just had a show about scientology. Did you not understand, I have a problem with all irrational claims, not just Christianity.
You may not realize this, but this is actually an insult to the intellect of anyone who has ever donated to us, not an insult to me. And these are the actions of a "Saint" ? Now think for two seconds why it's so easy to see through the load of bullshit that is the world of Christendom.
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Feel free to start proving it. I contend you're actually projecting the ability of religion to con you into belief onto us, because you have a deep seeded understanding that you've been conned yourself.
For the record, I want you to be posting here, so as I said, start by addressing the convictions issue above, if you don't you will have your posting ability removed.
Read the rules.
And don't even think about whining about restrictive rules without addressing that convictions issue. If you do bitch about me referring to the rules, not only will you be gone, but this thread will be deleted. Now show you have a backbone and a little integrity and prove your case.
The floor is yours.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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When you say him do you mean Sapient? It's hard to see the correlation between RRS and people like Benny Hinn. Who preach es salvation and miracles via the almighty buck. While RRS are a vocal atheistic group, that doesn't charge anything. Atleast I've never paid anything. They rely on donations in order to stay afloat like any non-profit org. I mean do you think technology such as this runs and pays for itself? I can assure you sir, as an IT professional it doesn't. Is there something other that you contend with?
In the first place, I have already made my case: you remind me of a TV evangelist. You get other people to support you while you "spread the word". What part about that was unclear to you?
And don't project your neuroses on me - you don't even know what my religious affiliation is, if any. For all you know, I could be a fan of a certain football team or a fan of an old TV series. (You guess which one!)
So don't start talking about how my "religion conned me". I am not so easily conned - especially not by you!
If you don't have the intellectual honesty to engage me, then go ahead and ban me - it gives me an idea what to expect when religion really is wiped out. Any idea that doesn't conform to the prevailing groupthink will be silenced.
"Freethinkers" indeed!
You wrote: "It's hard to see the correlation between RRS and people like Benny Hinn. Who preach es salvation and miracles via the almighty buck."
Is it? Same methods, different message. Churches depend on donations, too. This guy has a "cause". Benny Hinn has a "cause". They both serve their own "cause" by taking donations. Somebody gave me a videotape of a kid preaching some kind of weird theology asking for money, too, and he said the same thing: "It costs money to produce these programs".
What's the difference. You just pick your poison.
A person can support him without giving money. I'm dead broke, so he obviously isn't getting a penny from me either. However, I still offer my support. I think it is awesome that SOMEONE finally put forth the effort to start a site like this, to work on organizing these various campaigns. He, and everyone involved with the RRS, gets my support, although it isn't financial.
Do you consider the leader of every organization to be just con men? If so, you have to include the various religious leaders.
I consider people who are con men con men. The wording of this guy's "Blaspheme Challenge" is very telling: "Show the world the "Christian God" doesn't exist? Come on!
This is just some guy with an axe to grind against the Catholic church (and you'd be amazed at how many there are just like him). Why do you think I challenged him to tell the Muslims their Allah doesn't exist?
And he's got people sending him money.
No, I don't believe he is an atheist because of superior reason and logic. I believe he has an emotional reason for giving God the finger and is making a career out of it.
Think for yourself!
And you remind me of a moron, but I haven't said you don't have the courage of your convictions or that you actually are a moron. Now, I'm still waiting for you to tell me what convictions I have that I don't have courage about.
I know it's not based in reason, that's for sure.
I'll make a $100 wager that you're a theist. Prove me wrong, and make it good. I'll send the money to your favorite charity if I'm wrong.
I did just engage you, you've not backed your claim, you are now on timeout until you send me an email illustrating what you believe my convictions are that I don't "have the courage of."
[email protected]
When religion is wiped out there will still be poor critical thinkers, you're an example of one, but I know some atheists that are examples of that as well.
The fact that you make this claim on a site where literally hundreds of theists are posting makes you either ignorant or a liar. We actually have an entire mailbag section of views from theists who write us that we post on the site ourselves.
Freethought has nothing to do with not silencing or silencing someone. Freethought is merely the rejection of dogma primarily religious in nature.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I'll take that fucking bet thank you. Set up a Teamspeak, Roger Wilco, or Ventrilo server, and Me, Saint, and any member you WANT(I like Natural) and have a fucking debate on just why theism can't be atheism? If you can explain that to me better then why I think theism is atheism then keep your hundred dollars. But if we have a decent conversation, and let others listen, read, comprehend an intelligible and non emotional(you haven't shown much in that category yourself Sapient) then and only then can the people decide who gets a hundred fucking dollars to spend to any charity I or Saint wants. Because you know what, at least 100 dollars is out of YOUR hands and in the hands of someone who MATTERS TO THIS WORLD.
Sapient, seriously, I think you're smart, but you are so skewed in your OWN ideas, that you are just as blinded by faith, the faith of science, that you yourself are in a moral and ethical position to ask yourself, what am I really doing THIS for? Yourself, the betterment of others? At least people like me or Saint are doing something, and if it is in the name of "God" Then who cares? At least God will have at least somewhat of a good rep?
Saint is just as angry as I am right now. Because he sees the fact that we are all so intune with how the world really(not what you or I think of it, but how it really) is, yet we are still soooo blinded right now. People like us, thesiastic in nature is simply just trying to figure out nature. And if you are so pissed off at us because we believe in God, then don't help us. Don't offer your de-conversion abilities because they're not even that great, for I could deconvert a Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist into mostly any idea I really wanted, but in the end did I really achieve anything?
What are you achieving in life Sapient? A better tomorrow?
1 in 5 Americans believe we live in a Geocentric solar system. Who do you blame for that? God? I blame god.
I do think for myself, thank you. Maybe you should take your own advice. If you think he's a con man, prove it. He's already taken on one person calling the challenge a hoax, and he's proven that wrong. People have posted videos on youtube showing they got their DVDs after posting their blasphemy. You've got no evidence to support your claim and lots of evidence against it. Are you going to be intellectually honest and withdraw your false claims that Sapient is a con man, or are you going to be a hypocrite? Pick your poison.
In our eyes, you are an idiot barging in here knowing nothing of Sapient's well-known reputation in our community. He is an activist and a trusted voice. Your blind defaming of him wipes out any credibility you may think you have.
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I'm not answering for Sapient, but isn't that what everyone is working towards? What are you working towards, Ripple? So far, after reading many of your posts, I've come to the conclusion that you don't know yourself.
Flying Spaghetti Monster -- Great Almighty God? Or GREATEST Almighty God?
I know for myself, that I do know myself, and I know what I want from myself and from others. And if you believed in your little signature, then you would look past my belief system. And you would read what I have to say. Not because I'm ignorant, or I'm smart. But because I imagine.
1 in 5 Americans believe we live in a Geocentric solar system. Who do you blame for that? God? I blame god.
With all due respect Ripple, I've been trying to figure you out for hours now. I'm new to this board, and your the first person I've read that I haven't a clue as to where you stand on any issue. Now I admit, I'm newly out of religion myself, and all this talk of logic, and science has got me scratching my head. But, I have read The End of Faith, by Sam Harris, and am currently half through The God Delusion, so I'm getting clearer. Believe it or not, I do empathsize with you in a way, but I admit you've got me baffled.Good luck to you.
That didn't answer my question.
What are you working toward?
Flying Spaghetti Monster -- Great Almighty God? Or GREATEST Almighty God?
I know for myself, that I do know myself, and I know what I want from myself and from others. And if you believed in your little signature, then you would look past my belief system. And you would read what I have to say. Not because I'm ignorant, or I'm smart. But because I imagine.
1 in 5 Americans believe we live in a Geocentric solar system. Who do you blame for that? God? I blame god.
Perhaps I'm just stupid and can't comprehend this plain English that is staring me in the face. But if you are trying to say (in some weird way) that you agree with my signature, then you sure do have a strange way of showing it. I am truly perplexed.
It would help if you just say what you mean and stop dodging questions. From what I can see, and from what I've read from your posts, all you've read from my signature is "--Imagine - John Lennon." You certainly haven't made reference to any other part of it.
If anyone else understands what Ripple is trying to say here, please explain, because I just don't get it.
Flying Spaghetti Monster -- Great Almighty God? Or GREATEST Almighty God?
He seems to feel that you, as an individual, are unwilling or unable to look beyond his personal beliefs and accept him as a fellow human. I'm not quite sure why he feels that way, though. I don't think you've said anything insulting or disrespectful toward him.
I agree with ripple, in principle. He's just trying to say that we shouldn't shape our entire perception of someone by what they do or do not believe.
However, I don't think Krehlic said anything to warrant the level of hostility you're displaying, ripple. Your wording was not all that clear. He was merely asking you to explain your statement.
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