The "paracorrectness" of the "supernatural"

Theists and spiritualists have this word "supernatural" that they conveniently cram in between 'exists' ( *overabundant disclaimer:as a part of nature) and "doesn't exist". But because they ususally have trouble psychologicly coping with other's calling that "stupid" or "wrong", while agreement goes against our conscience, I propose we introduce our own anoying little escape clause.
Example: I hereby declare the belief in the supernatural to be paracorrect.
(p.s. variants like "supervalid", and "ultraright" are also suitable.)
~Let us be reasonable~
You want to claim there's such a thing as "the supernatural"? Fine. I hereby declare you to be "paracorrect" in doing so.
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That's doubleplus good!
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
I like it!
Theist: Your point that god is illogical and impossible doesn't matter. God is above logic and the rules of this universe.
Atheist: Then in what sense does he exist?
Theist: He's supernatural.
Atheist: I think you're paracorrect.
Lazy is a word we use when someone isn't doing what we want them to do.
- Dr. Joy Brown
Agreed :D
Wow. Three replies. When I post stuff like this, the thread usually doesn't get very long. What's there to discuss or disagree with? Pity though, because short threads tend to draw fewer viewers, and I think it's about time atheists turned the tables on this crap. Two can play that game, ha!
~Let us be reasonable~
You want to claim there's such a thing as "the supernatural"? Fine. I hereby declare you to be "paracorrect" in doing so.
I'm going to be using "paracorrect" frequently in meetings at my Day Job. We have several who feel they are uberright about facts within my subject matter expertise. I've been living it for about six years now; I know it inside and out. Ultraduh on their part.
Can't you just hear it now... I smile sweetly and say, "You are paracorrect with your statement. However, it's my experience...."
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he he "Paracorrectness"
I still have to compare god to santa or fairies though.