Evangelicals Love Global Warming---a rant by me.
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They just think it is a sign of the coming of the lord. So, they want nothing done about it. If you, for one fucking second, think that religion does not hurt anyone..just sit for a second and think about the beliefs of fundametnalists and what they are trying to do here. They are in our political system, they are our judges, they pander to corporations so they can extract money, and...they're viral, spreading like a fucking wildfire.
You think that religious moderation is the key? No..they allow the fundamentalists to become powerful by exhibiting "tolerance". This is the end course...we have fundamentalists who believe the earth is about to reach apocalyptic climax and they fucking love it. When you have thousands of these assholes running the show, we are all doomed because they will dictate policy based on biblical rapture bullshit.
To those who believe in moderation, I suggest you start to question your beliefs, question the beliefs of the fundamentalists and hopefully realize how detrimental religious beliefs are to our earth and to our children. They want global warming to happen and they have launched a propaganda campaign to tell you it's not, and to tell you it's natural...so that we keep blinded, go to church, go to wal mart, watch our nascar as this earth is deteriorating....to a point where we will be all fucked. Thing is..once these assholes realize that it's too late...and there is no fucking apocalypse, and no jeeeezus and this earth is completely fucked..only then will the see the grave mistake their ignorant, selfish absurd little minds would have made. And I blame the moderates as much as the fundametnalists..for being too nice....and "tolerant". Tolerance is derserved, not automatically attributed.
Religion MUST be held to the same standards of criticism as the fucking evangelicals give to homosexuals. And this is just the fucking tip of the iceberg..... look at the wars..the hate....the destruction of our constitution...all due to religious "tolerance".
The other irony is this, if the xtian right believes that jeezus is comin' (all over their face) soon, why do they keep breeding? Fucking STOP FUCKING.
And if you think my cursing is harsh....just imagine what my mind is thinking. I'm not writing for the fucking new york times here.. I'm fust fucking pissed. So spare me the comments on my language.
Check out this article, here is a quote:
"No you will not teach or show that propagandist Al Gore video to my child, blaming our nation -- the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet -- for global warming," Hardiman wrote in an e-mail to the Federal Way School Board. The 43-year-old computer consultant is an evangelical Christian who says he believes that a warming planet is "one of the signs" of Jesus Christ's imminent return for Judgment Day.
Read the rest of the article here:
Gore Film Sparks Parents' Anger
Showing 'Inconvenient Truth' Would Require Counterpoint
By Blaine Harden
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 25, 2007; Page A12
FEDERAL WAY, Wash., Jan. 24 -- Frosty E. Hardiman is neither impressed nor surprised that "An Inconvenient Truth," the global-warming movie narrated by former vice president Al Gore, received an Oscar nomination this week for best documentary.
"Liberal left is all over Hollywood," he grumbled a few hours after the nomination was announced.
The Federal Way Public Schools Board of Education, including members from left, Thomas Madden, David Larson, Edward Barney and Charles Hoff discuss the controversy surrounding the Al Gore-narrated movie. (By Joshua Trujillo -- Seattle Post-intelligencer)
The Evolution Of an Issue
President Bush's statements on global warming:
"America's on the verge of technological breakthroughs that will enable us to live our lives less dependent on oil. And these technologies will help us become better stewards of the environment, and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change."
- Jan. 23, 2007
"We must also act in a serious and responsible way, given the scientific uncertainties. While these uncertainties remain, we can begin now to address the human factors that contribute to climate change. Wise action now is an insurance policy against future risks."
- Feb. 14, 2002
"Global warming needs to be taken very seriously, and I take it seriously. But science, there's a lot -- there's differing opinions. And before we react, I think it's best to have the full accounting, full understanding of what's taking place."
Hardiman, a parent of seven here in the southern suburbs of Seattle, has himself roiled the global-warming waters. It happened early this month when he learned that one of his daughters would be watching "An Inconvenient Truth" in her seventh-grade science class.
"No you will not teach or show that propagandist Al Gore video to my child, blaming our nation -- the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet -- for global warming," Hardiman wrote in an e-mail to the Federal Way School Board. The 43-year-old computer consultant is an evangelical Christian who says he believes that a warming planet is "one of the signs" of Jesus Christ's imminent return for Judgment Day.
His angry e-mail (along with complaints from a few other parents) stopped the film from being shown to Hardiman's daughter.
The teacher in that science class, Kay Walls, says that after Hardiman's e-mail she was told by her principal that she would receive a disciplinary letter for not following school board rules that require her to seek written permission to present "controversial" materials in class.
The e-mail also pressured the school board to impose a ban on screenings of the film for the district's 22,500 students.
The ban, which the school board says was merely a "moratorium," was lifted Tuesday night, subject to rigorous conditions. Still, the action has appalled the film's producers and triggered a ferocious national backlash.
Members of the school board say they have been bombarded by thousands of e-mails and phone calls, many of them hurtful and obscene, accusing them of scientific ignorance, pandering to religion and imposing prior restraint on free speech.
It has been a terrible ordeal, school board member David Larson said during a long, emotional speech at the board meeting.
"I am here to foster healing in our community," he said, while noting with sadness that "civility and honest discourse are dying in our country."
What the school board had really intended to do, Larson and school board members insisted, was not to stop schools from teaching the science of global warming, but merely to follow long-standing school board rules that require students to be exposed to "other perspectives" when they view a film like "An Inconvenient Truth."
Gore Film Sparks Parents' Anger
"We do not need to lose balance in order to save the Earth," Larson said.
Exactly what "balance" might amount to, however, was not spelled out.
The Federal Way Public Schools Board of Education, including members from left, Thomas Madden, David Larson, Edward Barney and Charles Hoff discuss the controversy surrounding the Al Gore-narrated movie. (By Joshua Trujillo -- Seattle Post-intelligencer)
The Evolution Of an Issue
President Bush's statements on global warming:
"America's on the verge of technological breakthroughs that will enable us to live our lives less dependent on oil. And these technologies will help us become better stewards of the environment, and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change."
- Jan. 23, 2007
"We must also act in a serious and responsible way, given the scientific uncertainties. While these uncertainties remain, we can begin now to address the human factors that contribute to climate change. Wise action now is an insurance policy against future risks."
- Feb. 14, 2002
"Global warming needs to be taken very seriously, and I take it seriously. But science, there's a lot -- there's differing opinions. And before we react, I think it's best to have the full accounting, full understanding of what's taking place."
The National Academy of Sciences, together with nearly all of the world's leading climate experts, have agreed that there is conclusive evidence that human activity is causing the Earth to warm and that there is an urgent need to reduce the amount of carbon being released into the air.
In public comments at the board meeting, several riled-up Federal Way residents argued that "An Inconvenient Truth" was, indeed, scientifically true and that saying otherwise is "deliberate obfuscation."
These residents derisively compared the search for "balance" in the global-warming issue to decades of phony claims by cigarette companies about the lack of "proof" that smoking is harmful to human health.
Before the board meeting started Tuesday night, several residents buttonholed Larson and asked him if there should be a "balanced" presentation of the Nazi Holocaust, because there are many who deny that it occurred.
"The Holocaust happened," Larson said. "We have evidence and photos. The difference between the Holocaust and the global warming is we don't have photos of what will happen 50 years from now."
Sitting in on this conversation was Walls, the seventh-grade science teacher whose class includes Frosty Hardiman's daughter.
"We do have photos of snow melting off Kilimanjaro," Walls said, hopefully.
In the end, though, the board opted for an abundance of balance.
That means that "An Inconvenient Truth" may be shown only with the written permission of a principal -- and only when it is balanced by alternative views that are approved by both a principal and the superintendent of schools.
Hardiman was pleased.
"I am happy they are giving the kids as much information as possible," he said.
His daughter's science teacher, meanwhile, said she is struggling to find authoritative articles to counter the information in the Gore documentary.
"The only thing I have found so far is an article in Newsweek called 'The Cooling World,' " Walls said.
It was written 37 years ago.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
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here's a good blog on this:
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Sam Harris commented on how some Christians would see a nuclear mushroom cloud and smile thinking that their Jesus was right around the corner. It could be nuclear, global warming, the spread of disease, a meteor, or mass starvation. Anything that causes the deaths of billions is a good thing.
Their beliefs move into the politicial sphere to elect candidates who will turn their backs on scientific or technological advancements that could curb human misery. Deny global warming, ban stem cell research, don't fund AIDS research, get money to fight starvation in Africa but use it to pass out Bibles and information about how condoms don't work. Bush went so far last year to comment about stopping human/animal hybrids. I don't know what the hell that was about. Either he read the Island of Dr. Moreau thinking it was non-fiction or it somehow ties into this nonsense but certainly new strains of rice and wheat that could feed billions is a bad idea for the religious crowd.
Gore's documentary ties in quite well with fundy opposition to evolution. Both are soundly supported with science with the only critics being on the absolute fringe. Gore's is a double hit. Not only does he mention the Earth is billions of years old, but he wants to do something that will delay Jesus' arrival.
Thankfully Christians like Gore and a growing number of Christians in the Evangelical community recognize global warming as a threat and want to do something to prevent it from getting out of control. So a good side is it will marginalize more of the militant, anti-intellectual Christians into obscurity and weaken their influence in politics.
Good news, they lifted the ban:
I tried to get several members of my family to watch An Inconvenient Truth, but they refuse. I almost got my mom to watch it, and then as soon as I said it was by Gore she said "Oh, Al Gore, I don't want to watch it then." Same with the rest of them. They don't not want to watch it because it’s a documentary or about global warming, but because it has AL Gore in it. None of them even know why they don't like Gore. Apparently their preacher told them he was bad or something.
And I don't think fundies avoid global warming because they are looking forward to the end of the world - not all of them at least. I think they don't care because they are sure people are exempt from the environment. "God put us here and he wouldn't let us destroy our home." Someone's gotta’ be around when Jesus comes back. I don’t think most of them see the Earth as a lifeboat, but as the entire world that is impossible to destroy or deplete.
Flying Spaghetti Monster -- Great Almighty God? Or GREATEST Almighty God?
I've been reading lately that quite a few evangelicals are in favor of doing things to try to stop global warming - the idea is that God said we are supposed to be "caretakers" of the Earth.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Right matt, these are a few select group of folks who are also getting much flak from the traditional evangelicals. There are two stories of genesis...depending on which church you attend, you will receive one of the two stories. Usually most of those that read one story or the other are ignorant that there is another version of genesis out there. Once story claims we are "custodians" of the earth, the other claims we need to subdue the earth:
I found this website which breaks down the differences between the two Genesis stories quite well"
Also check this out:
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I guess it's kind of like if there were 2 groups of people that believed the Earth was flat and one said we should still use satellites because somehow they work even with the Earth being flat, and the other said not to because they couldn't possibly work with a flat Earth. I know both are irrational, but I'd rather work with the group that would do less harm - of course I'm sure politically I disagree a great deal even with the pro-environment evangelicals (ie on abortion, womens rights, etc...)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Well yeah, but ironically many environemntal scientists are now trying to join forces with the pro-environmental evangelicals (an unlikely but hopefully good collaboration) for the sake of curbing global warming etc... Another unlikely collaboration is the pro-gun/pro-environment folks who are joining forces with the environementalists...again....wierd but true. This administration has done wonders at dividing this country but at the same time has united some unlikely forces to combat the policies it has set forth. Both liberals and conservatives alike....are now joining together to fight this monstrosity we call the Bush Administration.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.