Channel 4 (UK) Documentary 01 Feb - Inside Waco

I know this happened a while ago but this program is really the most in-depth reporting of the episode that we have seen in the UK. I t really highlighted to me all the deificencies of religion and scared me immensley that are people that can be led so blindly without question in the name of God including the acceptance of child abuse and statutatory rape of minors. What I found most frightening was that several of the survivors were still convinced that David Koresh was the son of God and continue to follow his teachings which he based on scripture from the Bible. For parents of children to deny their children the chance o freedom and condemn them to death for me is incomprehensible.
Fair enough this was a pretty extreme example but it really show how dangerous this kind of religious indoctrination can be.
anyway, a breif synopsis of the program together with discussion can be found at
It's also interesting to note how the Branch Davidians were labelled "a cult" by the media when in fact it was a breakaway sect of a religion with over 14million people worldwide. This meant that the religious connection was played down by the media as Koresh could just be considered as a crazy cultist but, in fact, according to dictionary definiton a cult is:
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
so all religions are, by definiton, cults.
"The World is my country, science my religion" - Christiaan Huygens
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The Branch Davidians where a Seventh Day Adventist group, if I remember correctly.
I remember it was a Hardy Boys book that first scared me with a cult. I don't remember which one, but it was a well put together storyline. Then Waco happened about a year later, and I realized there was no difference between religion and a cult. It was about then that I decided to fight religion my whole life.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.