If we're a supposedly Christian nation, why doesn't "God" appear anywhere in the Constitution?
For anyone who thinks that we were "founded" as a specifically Christian or religious nation, do a search of the full-text of the US Constitution.
The word "God" does not appear anywhere in the original Constitution and appears nowhere in any of the subsequent amendments. The names "Jesus" and "Christ" do not appear anywhere in the Constitution.
Doesn't it seem that if the delegates to the Constitutional Convention truly saw the nation as a specifically Christian or religious nation, that they would have specifically put it in the Constitution?
James "the Apostate"
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The problem with calling "Christian nation" nonsense is that far too many Christians dont think it is nonsense. Those who dont think that also dont realize that their are pleanty of Christians as well as people of other religions who do take their threats of "Christian nation" seriously and as such fight to prevent a backslide into pre Constitutional law wich was very sectarian and very dogmatic.
I would call "Christian nation" a national security threat before I would call it nonsense. People who use that clechi either dont like compitition of ideas and are smart enough to see the competiting ideas, or they are blind sheep following the ones that sell them that cliche.
www.au.org is full of all different labes of different religions and atheists are members as well too. They value Jefferson's wall as do I and do see the Falwell types as dangerous to everyone's freedom. Unfortunatly the people who follow those nutters dont even realize that we value their freedom as well.
They get this pursicution complex and claim that we want to purge society forcibly of Christianity. We dont have to do that at all. We can use free inquery and free speech to get our ideas and views out.
But rest assured to those who think we are out to get them by force, WRONG. We dont barbaque kittens. We dont howel at the moon and we dont sacrafice goats. We, along with many Christians are concerned with the dogmatism of OUR goverment.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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It has nothing to do with the lack of a religious test for office. The very right by which we have no religious test is itself based in a conception of a universe where human beings have a right to conscience, which comes from a Supreme Creator. First, this is not tied to Christianity so stop bringing Christ into it; many of the Founders had no belief in Christ.
Second, the very notion which undergirds freedom of religion is the notion that human beings have such a right as given to them by their Creator. The very notion itself comes from an idea of a God who creates human nature! Just saying it isn't doesn't make it so!
Yours In Christ, Eternal Wisdom,
Psalm 50(1):8. For behold thou hast loved truth: the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to me.
There's that nagging projection again. You're the one using circular logic. Not I.
Trying to change the issue at hand gets you nowhere. Other than handing victory of the point to me that is. Thanks.
Ah, so you can't read AND don't know what a fallacy is. I guess that kind of explains it.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.