Atheist music and movies?
Hello everyone,
I apologize if a similar thread is already in existence, but I'm new to this forum! I'm interested in finding music and movies that have atheist or anti-religious themes. Unfortunately, even a lot of the so-called "blasphemous" movies I've seen stop short of attacking the existence of god. For example, movies like "Saved!" and "Dogma" aren't really as radical as they appear to be at first. Both films opt in the end to uphold the values of liberal, "moderate" Christianity. Even "Jesus Camp" contrasts the crazy mullet-wearing fundamentalists with a liberal Christian talk show host. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all of these films to some extent, but I'm looking for more unapologetically atheist films and music (any genre).
Thanks in advance for all suggestions!
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Bad Religion!
and AFi but you have to look deeper into their songs to find it. Their Black Sails album (to me at least) is pretty anti-religious. And songs like the Great Disappointment and Smile just come right out and say it.
I think a lot of hardcore punk it fairly anti-religious. But then again, it's basically anti-everything.
From Minor Threat's song "Filler"
I may be dating myself, but I'm partial to classic rock. Although the holiday season is over, I'd suggest my favorite xmas song, "I Believe in Father Christmas" by Gregg Lake who said it wasn't anti-religious, but anti-commercialism. Still, I prefer to think of it as anti-religious.
They sold me a dream of Christmas,
They sold me a silent night,
They told me a fairy story,
'Til I believed in the Israelite.
And I believed in Father Christmas,
And I looked to the sky with excited eyes,
Then I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn,
And I saw him and through his disguise.
And don't forget "Dear God" by XTC
I won't believe in heaven and hell.
No saints, no sinners, no devil as well.
No pearly gates, no thorny crown.
You're always letting us humans down.
Responsibility: A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one's neighbor. In the days of astrology it was customary to unload it upon a star. ~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, 1911
Thanks for all the suggestions so far! I guess I'll throw out a few good songs, too:
"Propaganda" - Dead Prez
"Imagine" - John Lennon
"Christianity Is Stupid" - Negativland
Anything by Greydon Square
"Religious Vomit" - Dead Kennedys
"Holy Deception" - Deicide (although the band is satanist, not atheist, some songs like this one only argue against theism, not for satanism)
"No Jesus, No Beast" - Immolation (same situation as Deicide above)
Propagandhi - Haile Selassie, up your ass (or anything by Propagandhi really)
Poison Idea - Got not God
GBH - Prayer of a realist
Motörhead - Bad religion and Don't need religion
Good Clean Fun - Between christian rock and a hard place
I can't think of any more right now...
I'm assuming you've seen the move "The God Who Wasn't There" that's about as atheistic as you get.
If you are looking for a movie with a story, then my favorite is "Contact" It doesn't come out and blast religion, but it has a few atheist themes in it.
Also, if you haven't seen them yet, go watch some episodes of Penn & Teller's "Bullshit!" They deal with everything from creationism and the bible to talking to the dead and PETA
"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan
Yeah, dude, Deicide has a whole slew of anti-religious songs, (and they're not really satanist, the singer just really loves to piss off christians) and Slayers got a good number as well.
"Desciple" off 2001's "God Hates us All"
"New Faith" same album
"Skeleton Christ" off 2005's "Christ Illusion"
"Cult" same album
just to name a few
Also look into Amanda Bloom, if you haven't already. Tori Amos seems pretty atheist as well, though I'm not sure she's ever come out and said it. Then, of course, there's Tool!
The darkness of godlessness lets wisdom shine.
I recommend the film Bad Boy Bubby. It's hilarious, disturbing, and uplifting all at the same time.
Here's a quote from one of the scenes, which is indicative of the film's underlying anti-theism:
The Scientist (to Bubby): You see, no one's going to help you Bubby, because there isn't anybody out there to do it. No one. We're all just complicated arrangements of atoms and subatomic particles - we don't live. But our atoms do move about in such a way as to give us identity and consciousness. We don't die; our atoms just rearrange themselves. There is no God. There can be no God; it's ridiculous to think in terms of a superior being. An inferior being, maybe, because we, we who don't even exist, we arrange our lives with more order and harmony than God ever arranged the earth. We measure; we plot; we create wonderful new things. We are the architects of our own existence. What a lunatic concept to bow down before a God who slaughters millions of innocent children, slowly and agonizingly starves them to death, beats them, tortures them, rejects them. What folly to even think that we should not insult such a God, damn him, think him out of existence. It is our duty to think God out of existence. It is our duty to insult him. Fuck you, God! Strike me down if you dare, you tyrant, you non-existent fraud! It is the duty of all human beings to think God out of existence. Then we have a future. Because then - and only then - do we take full responsibility for who we are. And that's what you must do, Bubby: think God out of existence; take responsibility for who you are.
"You are 'atheist' simply you are PSYCHO or IGNORANCE. That's why even youself feel like not EXIST on this world."
~Yahoo message board poster
"Bright Eyes" has some pretty athiestic lyrics sometimes.
"Crass" is great, anarchist and atheist songs from the late 70s and early 80s.
Dan Barker has a lot of songs on CDs you can get from the FFRF.
The band Corporate Avenger also has some anti-religious songs (The Bible is Bullshit was played twice on RRS radio shows - one was one of the 1st shows, one one of the newer ones.)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I love your taste in music. (I never heard of the last one, though)
There's also:
Born Against, Econochrist, the Exploited, FYP, Hickey, All You Can Eat. I'm being lazy about getting up and searching through to find which songs exactly have to do with theism but I am pretty sure these bands contain such music.
Yeah, I love Deicide, but I've read and seen interviews with Glenn Benton and he is definitely a satanist. He spoke about performing rituals, "serving his master", and he made a clear distinction between his beliefs and his (now ex-) wife, who is an atheist. One thing that surprised me is that one of the new guitarists in Deicide (post-Hoffman bros) is a Christian!
I'm also a longtime Slayer fan, so I was surprised to hear that Tom Araya is actually an observant Catholic! But Kerry King, an outspoken atheist, writes most of the lyrics, which explains why their lyrical focus is always anti-religious.
You're right on about Tori Amos and Tool! I haven't heard Amanda Bloom, so I'll have to check her out soon.
Yeah, I just got my free copy of "The God Who Wasn't There" today in the mail! Great flick! "Contact" was a good movie, but I think it kind of played the fence between the two opposing worldviews presented. Penn & Teller's Bullshit is one of my favorite tv shows!
Some other movies I've seen that are critical of religion are:
"Chocolat" -- Showed that one should enjoy themselves, have fun, and be tolerant of difference, as opposed to the strict, rigid fundamentalism that previously controlled the town.
"Water" -- Very critical of irrational, sexist Hindu religious law in India. Apparently, the film was met with violent opposition from Hindu fundamentalists in India.
"120 Days of Sodom" -- Pasolini's adaptation of the Marquis de Sade's book is still banned in many countries. While the film pushes the limits and goes out of its way to be blasphemous, the fact that it is set in Fascist Italy may cause many viewers to equate anti-theism with totalitarianism. A film worth seeing, anyway.
" The Last Temptation of Christ" -- Not an atheist film, but it addresses many taboos in Christian dogma.
I am also lazy, those were the ones I knew on the top of my head
Punk and hardcore has lots of bands with atheist songs. I add to the list: Articles of Faith, Christ on parade, Gang Green and possibly the best name ever: MDC (Millions of dead cops) with such songs as Millions of damn christians.
Monty Python's "the life of Brian" hasn't been mentioned yet?
One of the funniest movies ever.
I know Todangst might recommend The wizzard of Ozz. 'You don't need the wizzard' is indeed but a smal step removed from 'you don't need God.'
~Let us be reasonable~
You want to claim there's such a thing as "the supernatural"? Fine. I hereby declare you to be "paracorrect" in doing so.
Life of Brian was funny and definitely anti-Christian!
HItchikers Guide to the Galaxy
Cool! We need more metal heads around here! Yeah, Ralph, the new Deicide guitarist said in an interview that he's, "a believer", while he was sitting right next to Glenn!! lol He was kinda sheepish about it too. I also heard that about Tom Araya, and that Kerry King writes most of their lyrics. I read evey interview I can about those guys.
Amanda Bloom is an RRS supporter, so you should deffinitely check her out! I think there's a link ot her myspace page on the RRS myspace.
The darkness of godlessness lets wisdom shine.
Bad Religion has always been my favorite.
I highly recommend you to download Jared Paul's cd called fight the tide. He did a show with the RRS once. He's a social worker/activist that does slam poetry, spoken word, and hip hop. It's really good and touches on politics a lot as well. You can check him out on myspace too.
Other than that a lot of 80s hardcore is really good. Check out neon christ, dr know and void (of course).
You have to love Jello Biafra though. This is the best shit ever right here,
"Every true faith is infallible -- It performs what the believing person hopes to find in it. But it does not offer the least support for the establishing of an objective truth. Here the ways of men divide. If you want to achieve peace of mind and happiness, have faith. If you want to be a disciple of truth, then search." - Nietzsche
What's funny is I didn't think The Life of Brian was that sacrilegious. Maybe it was for it's time, and I'm too young.
I take hardcore punk to heart and the essence of radicalism right along with it.
"Every true faith is infallible -- It performs what the believing person hopes to find in it. But it does not offer the least support for the establishing of an objective truth. Here the ways of men divide. If you want to achieve peace of mind and happiness, have faith. If you want to be a disciple of truth, then search." - Nietzsche
I've been wanting to see that movie. Have you seen it?
When I found out about hardcore, it was like a lightning bolt. When I first heard Black Flag's Damaged I couldn't believe what I was hearing was made in the early 80's. Hardcore is more than music, it's a philosophy.
I can't wait to see that movie!! It needs to be released NOW!!
I haven't seen it yet unfortanetly. I want to so bad though.
I know what you mean. There is so much good shit out there though you just have to find it. I remember having spikey dyed hair in 9th grade and listening to the casualties, and then I went to a diy show with bands that played so much faster and better. It completley changed my life.
Yeah it sure is quite a good philosophy. I think the element of radicalism in it, the way it informs people that resistance is where it's at, is what is really great about hardcore.
To me that's how all of this is related. The very idea that we need reason. Most problems stem from a lack of critical thinking and consideration.
Unfortanetley, however, there are a lot of punks stuck up on apathy and "living outside of the system" and I think it's weak.
"Every true faith is infallible -- It performs what the believing person hopes to find in it. But it does not offer the least support for the establishing of an objective truth. Here the ways of men divide. If you want to achieve peace of mind and happiness, have faith. If you want to be a disciple of truth, then search." - Nietzsche
Alot of Gary Numan songs are atheistic (if 80's techno goth pop is your thing).
As for movies...Woody Allen, Luis Bunuel, and Stanley Donen are a few well-known atheist filmmakers (Luis Bunuel in particular had some scathing jabs at religion in many of his films).
Yeah, I have a couple of Gary Numan's albums...good stuff. And I've seen a couple Bunuel films as well ("Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" was excellent!).
Leftover Crack's Atheist Anthem
And you should DEFINATELY check out Cursive's newest album, "Happy Hollow". The whole thing is an atheist theme. Check them out on myspace or something.
A daughter of hope and fear, religion explains to Ignorance the nature of the unknowable. -Ambrose Bierce
By far my favorite atheist anthem is "God am" by Alice in Chains. For those of you who have radio shows, it's an excellent way to blaspheme over and over (god am sounds like goddamn) on the air without fear of reprimand, as you can see from the lyrics:
[water pipe slurping sounds, followed by an obviously stoned fellow saying "Sure god's all powerful, but does he have lips? Whoa. . ."]
Dear god, how have you been then?
I'm not fine, fuck pretendin'
All of this death your sendin'
Best throw some free heart mendin'
Invite you in my heart, then
When done, my sins forgiven?
This God of mine relaxes
World dies, I still pay taxes
Can I be as my God am
Can you be as God am
Can I be as my God am
God of all my God am
So lord, I see you grinnin'
Must be grand always winning
How proud are you being able
To gather faith from fable
Can I be as my God am
Can you be as God am
Can I be as my God am
God of all my God am
God am
My God am
God am
All the respect I'm giving
Shared strength acquired by living
All blooming life you're feeding
Can't hide sick ones you're weeding
Can I be as my God am
Can you be as God am
Can I be as my God am
God of all my God am
God am
God am
God am
God am
I would call NOFX an Atheist band.
Songs like
"You Will Lose Faith"
"You're Wrong"
"I Am Going To Hell For This One"
"Leaving Jesusland"
These are just off the top of my head, I know there are more.
BTW - Yay! first post.
Tons and tons of punk and hardcore musichave atheistic.
Bands like:
GBH(already mentioned)
Broken Bones - Religion Is Responsible
Minor Threat(one of the greatest bands of all time and already mentioned)
Dayglo Abortions - Religious Bumfucks
I'm My Own God
Holy Shiite
Rancid - Cover of Jimmy Cliffs "The Bigger They Come, The Harder They Fall"
Lyrics are worth reading
Well they tell me
There’s a pie in the sky
Waiting for me when I die
But between the day
You're born and when you die
Oh Lord, they never
Seem to hear even your cry
And as sure as the sun will shine
I’m gonna get my share of what’s mine
And then
The harder they come
The harder they fall
One and all
Oh the harder they come
The harder they fall
Well the oppressors are trying
To get me down, trying to drive me
Under the ground, and they think
That they have got their battle won
I say: "forgive 'em Lord
They no not what they’ve done"
And as sure as the sun will shine
I’m gonna get my share of what’s mine
And then
And I keep on fighting for
The things I want, though I know
That when you’re dead, man you're gone
But I’d rather be a free man in my grave
Oh, than living like a puppet or a slave
And as sure as the sun will shine
I’m gonna get my share of what’s mine
And then
There is so much more I could go on and on regarding this subject.
"The Ruling Class" with Peter O'Toole. Although not an atheist film, it's complete satire and very British humor.
The best quote:
Society Lady: "When did you first realize you were God?"
Jack/Jesus: "When I realized that every time I was praying I was really talking to myself."
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Almost reminds me of "The Preacher and the Slave" by Joe Hill - easy to find lyrics with Google.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
"The Preacher and the Slave" is a great song! I love the version of it done by Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips called "Pie in the Sky" on their "Fellow Workers" album. Some of the other songs on that album touch upon atheist and anarchistic themes. Definitely worth checking is their second album together, "The Past Didn't Go Anywhere."
That sure is a kick ass song. Have you heard the Poison Idea version?
I didn't know Poison Idea did a version of that song. The lyrics are so relevent to rational thought.
There's a band called Velvet Acid Christ. They're pretty anti-religious, and not bad, overall.
I'll fight for a person's right to speak so long as that person will, in return, fight to allow me to challenge their opinions and ridicule them as the content of their ideas merit.
Modest Mouse's "Bukowski"
Woke up this morning and it seemed to me, that every night turns out to be A little more like Bukowski. And yeah, I know he's a pretty good read. But God who'd wanna be? God who'd wanna be such an asshole? God who'd wanna be? God who'd wanna be such an asshole? Well we sat on the edge of the river, the crowd screamed, "Sacrifice the liver!" If God takes life, he's an Indian giver. So tell me now why, you'll tell me never. Who would wanna be? Who would wanna be such a control freak? Well who would wanna be? Who would wanna be such a control freak? Well see what you wanna see. You should see it all. Well take what you want from me. You deserve it all. Nine times out of ten our hearts just get dissolved. Well I want a better place or just a better way to fall. But one time out of ten, everything is perfect for us all. Well I want a better place or just a better way to fall. Here we go! If God controls the land and disease, keeps a watchful eye on me, If he's really so damn mighty, my problem is I can't see, well who would wanna be? Who would wanna be such a control freak? Well who would wanna be? Who would wanna be such a control freak? Evil home stereo, what good songs do you know? Evil me, oh yeah I know, what good curves can you throw? Well all that icing and all that cake, I can't make it to your wedding, but I'm sure I'll be at your wake. You were talk, talk, talk, talkin' in circles that day, when you get to the point make sure that I'm still awake, OK? Went to bed and didn't see why every day turns out to be a little bit more like Bukowski. And yeah, I know he's a pretty good read. But God who'd wanna be? God who'd wanna be such an asshole?
Cursive's "Babies"
Baby, baby, baby
This world must seem
So immense compared to the womb,
And baby baby,
Your head must seem
So much smaller than you assumed
Your whole world
Seems to center around you
Be easy to make the mistake
That maybe you’re why the world was made,
Baby, baby, baby,
You learn so fast,
You seem to carry a special gift
Maybe you’ve been given
To this world to make a difference
Such delusions we all struggle with
But the beautiful truth of it is
This is all we are,
We simply exist
You’re not the chosen one
I’m not the chosen one
But we don’t need anyone
Let’s not choose anyone
A daughter of hope and fear, religion explains to Ignorance the nature of the unknowable. -Ambrose Bierce
Judith by A Perfect Circle is one of my favorites songs, atheist or otherwise. Great lyrics and even better melody.
The first time I heard that Jesus song from Crass, I was 15 and I thought it was the most insane thing I had ever heard. It was so great! I think they actually went to prison because of some of their songs.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
I'm pretty sure mc chris is an atheist. I make this assumption based on the "Jesus has a four foot dick" skit.
Check out Phillip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy - the first book "The Golden Compass" is about to be released as a major motion picture staring Nicole Kidman
also check out
Technically faith is just the opposite of paranoia - the irrational belief that someone is out to help you ~ The Vandingo
I can strongly recommend "The Second Coming." Rented it from Netflix. It was made for British television. Would never be shown in the United States. A real inspiration.
Mary Poppins is a non-Christian movie. A woman floats down from the sky and preformes miracles including changing cough medicine into cherry flavored syrup. She teaches a family about love and unity and forgiveness. Then she flies away and the family lives happily ever after.
And nobody gets nailed to anything.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
To also jump on this ANCIENT thread, the recent penguin CG film "Happy Feat" is definitely a story that endorses freethought. (not one I expected to, going into it.)
I think that A Wilhelm Scream's "God Loves a Liar" is anti-theistic, but the lyrics are pretty vague and could probably be applied to anything.
They're absolutely gut-wrenchingly becautiful melodic hardcore punk. No one in the genre can quite stand up to them, and their lyrics keep getting better and more poignant.
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
an "Atheist music" RRS FORUM would be great, with mp3 free download links, to spread onto the world .....
Example, "Atheist Music Table of Contents" , Lyrics are there but the free music is missing, ??? WHY ? $$$$$
listed in categories, punk, country, rap, etc ....
music is indeed an important useful communication TOOL , go for it RRS .....
Atheism Books.
I actually love Sufjan Stevens music, and he is very religious. I always combat it with something like Bad Religion afterwards though. Anti-Flag have some pretty good anti-clericalist lyrics too.
Here's another link listing atheist music or groups as well as info on humor and other things.
"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson
I actually do the same thing after listening to Sufjan Stevens, but I try to avoid the really religious songs.
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
Pretty Much anything by Corporate Avenger... My favorite is "Jesus Christ Homosexual."