What if a religion succeeded other than Abrahamic religions?

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What if a religion succeeded other than Abrahamic religions?

What if the Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Cannanite or other ancient civilization thrived longer and had more influence on modern civilization than Judaism/Christianity/Islam? What if Mithras, Apollonius of Tyana or Zoraster was worshipped in modern times?  What if early Celtic, Norse or Germanic beliefs were still held today?  How would modern Europe, North America, or other countries be different in present day?   

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If Egyptian religion had

If Egyptian religion had become the dominant one-

*People would wear the Eye of Ra around their necks instead of the cross

*We would mummify the corpses

*Churches would be pyramid shaped

*The Stargate franchise would have been as contraversial as The Da Vinci Code is for us