the end of faith and it's sequel

i'm in the middle of reading sam harris' "the end of faith" (i know, it's been out a while, i'm a bit behind on my reading list) and i'm loving every page of it. i'm curious if anyone here has read his follow up "letter to a christian nation", and whether or not it's a worthy sequel to "end of faith". i'm a 25 year plus atheist, so much of what is said in "faith" is simply a better worded version of facts and ideas i already knew, but i still find his insight fascinating and an excellent read. "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
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Yes, I've read both books. In "Letter" he argues issues that readers of "End of Faith" brought up to him in letters. Issues, such as the bible as a moral code of living, Christians being more charitable (he brings up Mother Teresa), the argument that atheists cause more evil, and the nature, or "goodness" of god.
He dismantles these one by one.
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that definitely sounds like something i'd enjoy. looks like i'll be making a trip to the bookstore. "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
definitely pick up Letter to a Christian Nation. Its so brilliantly small, but packed full of wonderfullness. lol, but seriously, purchase it, then hand it out to any Christian friends or family.
It really isn't a "sequel" though.
Finally got paid yesterday (would have been more useful to be paid BEFORE my brother's wedding, but oh well), ordered both of these, atheists handbook and a few emblems last night. Now to wait for the package to get here. These are just some of the books I've been very eager to get my hands on.
Oh, and Dave Mills (I know you read this site) fear not, your stuff will be in my next order from evolvefish.
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