Why Only Target Judeo-Christian Thiesm?
I was raised in a strictly secular environment from before I can remember, brought up by parents with a healthy, nurturing, and completely humanistic approach to life, child-rearing, etc. And it's a great breath of fresh air, 20 years later, to be reading and hearing so much about the resurgence of free thinking principles and people's interest in athiestic thought. However, in examining and joining this site, I've become a bit dismayed at the lack of totality in terms of atheistic oversight on all theistic religions. Most of the posts, forum discussions, and espcially the blasphemy challnege videos, deal directly with the concept of the judeo-christian god (the videos themselves are 'blasphemous' only through adhereing to a ridiculous biblical verse).
I'm wondering, as true athiests, where are the arguments against the "heavenly mandated" words of Muhammad? What about those seeking to urge rationalism over the belief of Hindi avataras, devi's, and demigods? Even some basic argument against the ideas of reincarnation/karma/dharma that propagate some eastern religions? Most arguments are leveled mainly at Christianity.
Being an American, and a practical atheist, I can sort of understand. Some of those national religious statistics cause more than a few cringes (When the evolution question was popped at the first GOP debate, I was embarrased for our country and it's possible future). But, as athiests striving to make a difference and help logic and rationale overtake theism, shouldn't we be focusing on all theistic faiths and religions. Shouldn't we try and shine the light of reason for all, instead of the religion that may pervade the United States and western society in general?
Perhaps I'm just afraid that theists (be they christians, jews, muslims, hindus, etc) will be looking for a sight seeking serious debate on the subject of theism, will find this sight, and start thinking that maybe all of these people aren't really dedicated to spreading rationalism and reason so much as they are just trying to 'fight the power' or chase away their own religious upbringing in an act of online defiance (fuck you, mom, I'm on youtube. take that to bible study!!).
Am I making sense? ANy thoughts on starting forums dealing with more than just the jude-christian god?
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If you have a real look aroudn the site youw ill notice their are posts regarding other theism other than jude-christian.
also most of us come from palces where chirstainty is the main religion hence why thier is such a foucs on it , if i was in say india i would be dealing with thier religions
i am also pretty sure that this topic has been posted like a billion times in the last week
The problem is simple, really, as I see it. Atheism is a response theism, and theism is an entire class of belief systems. As such, we need to wait for some theistic belief system to be presented before we can respond, and since most of the theists who post here are Christians, they get the most attention.
On the other hand, some of the things that are discussed are fairly generic responses to theists, so even if presented by Christians, the same ideas could be applied to other forms of theism as well.
I think it would be great if other types of theists posted here regularly, but so far they usually don't.
It's only the fairy tales they believe.
Absolutely.. I've always hoped other gods would pop into our conversatons but it always seems to be that pesky judeo-christian god.
Welcome TallOne174
How do you think we could attract people of other religions to reason with?
First you do need to research the "True Scottsman" fallacy. You just used it in this post and is very typical of theists.
Secondly, what would your solution be? Anyone can be a critic but is much harder to offer up solutions. What exactly are you doing yourself to "make things better".
I think there is a lagit usage of the "good cop" and "bad cop" tactic. Knowing when and where to use each is the key. But to make blanket statements about how atheists should behaive in a given situation only speaks to your idea of utopia, not what reality is when you are faced with it in a realtime situation.
So here is your oportunity. Offer a solution. But dont presume that there is one set magic bullit that will "poof" make things better.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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First of all welcome to the forums. As far as your question/concern about focusing on the judeo christian faith, I'll say this. We have had debates with muslims on here...perhaps not so much on other religions, however, we will address any other religions that may come up. Part of the problem is that the predominant religion in the United States is christianity and it is christianity that is inserting itself in our political, judicial and social system. Our primary focus is on Christianity for that reason. I do agree with you that all theistic religions are irrational. A ghost impregnating a woman to give birth to a messiah is not any more irrational than a man on a white horse returning to earth to kill off corruption and restitute virtue.
If an irrational claim is made here, we will try to responde to it the best we can. I do encourage you to stay around and post stuff if you feel it necessary, perhaps we do need someone knowledgeable on the hindu or other religions. As of now, I don't think we've had any theists come on here besides christian, jewish, and muslim. You are welcome to stay and post about the irrationalities of other theistic religions. Perhaps a great discussion may ensue.
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I don't. Frankly it's all a load of bollocks.