Want to write to The History Channel?

Many of you are probably fans of documentaries, as I am. I used to be a big fan of The History Channel, until a couple of years ago when they started showing literally hours' worth of religious programming in the mornings and late evenings. Some of you have probably noticed this, as well. If you've ever taken the time to watch these shows, you know that nearly none of them are presented as true historical documentaries - almost none explore the actual, historical basis for religious stories. They are presented in a light that suggests that religious beliefs are completely historically accurate. This is destructive to history itself, as well as insulting to the intelligence of The History Channel's viewers.
If this bothers you as much as it does me, please join me in writing a note of dissatisfaction to The History Channel. Here is the email address for Viewer Relations: [email protected]
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They really do it a lot around Xmas/Easter. I commented about this here before, I notice they also do a lot of pseudoscience - UFOs, Psychics, Bigfoot, etc.
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I do not fully agreed that the History Channel religious "documentaries" are totally worthless. As to which ones are truly historical, it seems they leave that up to the viewer to decide (bad). Though many of them come across as factual. I take any documentary shown on TV as someone's personal opinion and try to weed out what is factual vs what might be factual vs what is actually slanted.
I started noticing years ago that they have two types of show producers: the fully religious and the anti-religious. Which one produced a specific show became obvious to me after a few minutes into them. Listen to the terminology they use and how they explain various statements. If BCE/CE is used, they are anti-religious. Some shows were trying hard to contradict the accuracy of the bible. (Sorry, do not remember the show titles.)
Their shows "Banned for the Bible" and its current sequel "Banned from the Bible 2", some shows on the developement of the concepts of the devil, heaven, hell, and Revelations took negative views on how they developed in society. I taped a copy of "Banned from the Bible" for a Catholic relative. They only watched a few minutes of it. "Did not want to watch that crap" as it attacked their beliefs.
Too many of their other shows are hokey and deceptive. But what on TV is not?
"What the world needs is an enema." Jack Nicholson, "Batman"