BBC reporter, Scientology Air Dispute
BBC reporter, Scientology Air Dispute
By ROBERT BARR, Associated Press Writer Mon May 14, 3:37 PM ET
LONDON - A 40-second rant by a British Broadcasting Corp. reporter, shouting angrily at Church of Scientology official while researching a documentary, has become fodder for a simmering dispute now playing itself out in Internet video clips.
John Sweeney's outburst came as he was interviewing Tommy Davis, a Scientology spokesman who had objected to Sweeney's use of the word "cult." Sweeney's rant was captured by BBC's Panorama program, to air Monday, and Scientology video cameras.
"I look like an exploding tomato and shout like a jet engine and every time I see it, it makes me cringe," Sweeney said in a story posted on the BBC News Web site.
"I apologized almost immediately, Tommy carried on as if nothing had happened, but meanwhile Scientology had rushed off copies of me losing it (my temper) to my boss, my boss's boss and my boss's boss's boss, the director-general of the BBC," Sweeney said.
The Church of Scientology, whose members include John Travolta and Tom Cruise, shadowed the Panorama team with its own camera crew.
A church spokesman denied that Sweeney apologized, and said the organization was putting its own documentary about the dispute on the Internet.
Mike Rinder, a Los Angeles-based spokesman for the Church of Scientology, said he had taken the documentary to the BBC.
"Not one of them would look. The arrogance that has been displayed in this is a little beyond comprehension," he said.
The first clip on the Scientologists' documentary shows Sweeney describing the BBC as sometimes "hideously hidebound" and hampered by bureaucracy. "There are people there who claim salaries who frankly are morons," he says.
Excerpts of the Scientologists' documentary have been posted on YouTube, apparently taken from one of the 100,000 DVDs of its program that the church distributed, Rinder said.
Another clip on YouTube, from the same documentary, shows Sweeney at a movie premiere shouting at Travolta, "Are you a member of a sinister brainwashing cult?"
The BBC offered links to its footage and its own news report on its Web site.
Panorama's editor, Sandy Smith, said Monday he was "disappointed" by Sweeney's outburst but added that the Church of Scientology has "no way of dealing with any kind of criticism at all."
Rinder said it was not the first time that the church had made its own recordings of reporters doing stories about it.
Sweeney refused an invitation to visit the church's headquarters in Florida, Rinder said.
"When we found that he was refusing to literally come inside the building, it was at that point that we went, 'OK we better document this,'" Rinder said.
Sweeney said his outburst came while he was touring a Scientology exhibition in Los Angeles, "Psychiatry: Industry of Death." The exhibit included a mock-up of a Nazi torture chamber, he said, adding that he lost it in the "Mind Control" section of the exhibition.
"I have been shouted at, spied on, had my hotel invaded at midnight, denounced as a 'bigot' by star Scientologists, brainwashed — that is how it felt to me — in a mock-up of a Nazi-style torture chamber and chased round the streets of Los Angeles by sinister strangers."
Rinder said the material in the exhibition came from psychiatric archives. "It's all documentary and its all on video, that's why we did it," he said.
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Scientology: Even the Christians Think It's Crazy
It's a shame that reporter lost his cool. That's exactly the type of response the scientologists thrive on. They use it as part of their propaganda of persecution.
There's a guy that runs a website called "XenuTV." This guy knows how to handle the cult members. Mainly it's because he knows all their secret tricks such as "bull baiting." I don't think the BBC reporter was aware of their propaganda tools or their techniques for stirring up hostility. If he had, I doubt he would have exploded like he did.
I will add, I didn't see the documentary.
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Freedom From Religion Foundation
Scientologists - Even the mormons don't know what the fuck they're thinking.
(edit for clarity)
I hate the word scientology, it's so misleading. I looked into them once many years back because based on their name I thought they were like us. I thought it was an atheist group that had unified, I had no idea that they were the craziest of the bunch. I went running.
I don't see how any middle-class person can afford to be a scientologist. You pay thousands of dollars for each level you reach.
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Freedom From Religion Foundation
If you watch more than the soundbite that the news usually presents you'll see that the outburst by the journalist was a 'controlled' one. It was to make a point, and not a bona fide emotionally fueled one.
The Scientologists are an interesting bunch with an even more interesting history. Their founder L Ron Hubbard was an indirect student of (in)famous occultist Aleister Crowley. Of course not much is known about this because the Scientologists don't want to be associated with the occult and the occultists don't want to be associated with Scientology.
Though I can't find a source for the following statement I am sure that Crowley made the comment that Hubbard was the only person he came across that was as a natural to the occult as Crowley himself. And that's quite a telling statement considering his ego. In essence, Scientology is occultism (specifically eastern) redressed in Science fiction language. The idea of thousands of intelligences inhabiting the body and interfering with normal thought functions etc. is not a new one no matter how alien it may sound. It has been a part of Chinese (and other) esoteric thought for a long, long time.
I think the journalist screwed himself here. Scientologists aren't your run of the mill delusional folk. You absolutely cannot use any emotion when talking to them or they WILL make you look bad. 99% of their bullshit is based on emotional reactions. They've got it down to a science. The only way to really show up a scientologist is to make them emotional. It cracks the entire foundation of the thousands of dollars they spent clearing themselves of said negative emotion.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You can watch the actual BBC Panorama documentary online for the next few days untill the next episode is aired on UK TV.
I don't blame Sweeney for blowing a gasket. That Tom Cruise look alike scientology representative was a nasty piece of work IMO.
Myspace Music page
Here you go, I made this to go with your quote =]
If you can't afford to pay for courses, they put you to work.
When the free/discount trial courses run out, if you can't afford any auditing, they offer you a "course" as an auditor trainee. It's presented as a course where you learn to become an auditor and get some auditing along the way. But in effect you pay a (smallish) fee for books and then barter X hours of work auditing their paying customers for Y hours of auditing for yourself. (X is always greater than Y.)
Theoretically you'd be able to work your way pretty far up into the organization working for them (recruiting new members, treating paying customers in "training courses" that teach you how to perform increasingly expensive treatments) without having any money. Whoever thought of this part of the scheme was pretty smart: equal opportunity exploitation.
"After Jesus was born, the Old Testament basically became a way for Bible publishers to keep their word count up." -Stephen Colbert
Wow. In essence, you become their slave. That is just creepy!
I wish that Christians would take a look at Scientology and ask themselves how much more evidence they have of their own beliefs. Would they find believing in body thetans any more ridiculous than believing that a cracker is the body of a mangod that's been dead for 2000 years?
'The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference.'
- Richard Dawkins