Letter to the editor in my local paper

*Sigh* Friday, May 18, 2007
Sheldon Harper's May 9 let ter to the editor outlined Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's "ignorance of basic science" for declaring his nonbelief in evolution.
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is the sorriest excuse for theory in the history of science. Random mutation, the entire basis of evolution, has never created anything of benefit - let alone something complex, like a nose, an eye socket or a man.
Every single one of the documented "evidences" for Darwin's evolution theory has been proven to be a mirage: fossil records (not one transitional species has ever been discovered), E.B. Ford's peppered moth experiment (blatantly falsified), Ernst Haeckel's embryo drawings (it has been documented that they were doctored to make human embryos look like those of fish and chickens), and the list goes on and on.
As a Catholic, I have no problem accepting a scientific explanation for how God created the Earth, animals or mankind. I do, however, have a problem with theories that have been exposed as false being taught as fact in our schools and in our newspapers.
--William R. Haney
"You are 'atheist' simply you are PSYCHO or IGNORANCE. That's why even youself feel like not EXIST on this world."
~Yahoo message board poster
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Well, you gotta write in man.
That's.....how do these people even exist?
I read stuff like that and want to spit fire. I don't understand how a functioning adult can actually THINK like that and still be able to live "normally" in society. I mean come on.
I live in a really religious area and I can't even read the letters to the editor in my local paper anymore. They are all about whether or not adults should be allowed to have beer with a meal in a public restaurant because after all "what would Jesus do" or how the media is influencing us. Someone wrote in that the media was the "arms of Satan" itself and if you want to fight against Satan (and his army of gools that are trying to sway your thoughts and actions in this most perilous time) since the second coming is going to happen soon, we should all turn off our TV's and stop reading news papers.
So here we are. There's a Catholic who doesn't want evolution to be taught as a fact in the public schools because evidently every shred of proof isn't fact. So let’s teach creation. Some magical dude up in the sky (hereto after referred to as "Sky Daddy"
just caused it all to "happen". So let’s teach that to our kids. It is just so much more logical. “It was magic, little Johnny! And only God possesses it. So fear him and love his creation or be damned!”
After all... Everyone knows that fossils were put on the Earth by God when he created THIS planet from bits and pieces of dead planets that he had previously created. The animals never actually LIVED on Earth. They are all from OTHER planets and are all proof of Gods magnificence. It’s all a big test of faith. Duh! Anyone who doubts that evidently watches too much TV and drinks too much beer with their meals in restaurants.
Prayer: How to do nothing and feel like your doing something.
WEll this catholic is going to hell, because as of now, the catholic church believes in evolution. Unless this new pope decides otherwise. I do find it ironic though how the catholic church's pope can decide divine issues. I guess beaurocracy reaches the high heavens.
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Doesn't that make any Catholic that doesn't think evolution is true a heretic?
You sound exactly the same way I do after I read something like this. Then I pace around my apartment ranting to my fiancee about how all the people who would like to destroy science should be made to give up all the benefits of it.
My wife doesn't even listen to me anymore, I don't think. She just kind of looks at me and waits to see whether I'm going to have a heart attack or through the sofa out the window.
I know about as much evolution as most of the xian nutbags do. I know the misconceptions and generalizations. Even still, I can't wrap my mind around the assertion that a super-wizard is somehow MORE reasonable than an idea worked out by scientists using the information they have available. I mean, that's quite a hop of logic.
Here's the biggest problem...
Reading a letter like that actually makes the reader, himself, stupider. Very few people (a talented bunch, indeed) are capable, through words alone, of making other people less intelligent.
Congratulations, William R. Haney, you have the power to spread ignorance like a social disease.
The road to truth is paved with evidence.