The insidious ways theist friends try to convert you

So, I'm sure we've all had these experiences: theist friends try to bring you into their faith. I'd like to share a story that really bothered me. Am I overreacting? Being a conspiracy theorist? Maybe you guys can offer some insight:
I have exactly two theists friends with whom I actually discuss my atheism. One of them is barely theist herself and even admits that "it's you guys who have the evidence" (so why she's a Christian, I'm not sure). The other is a staunch Catholic who seemed really interested in learning about atheism and not at all interested in trying to convert me. She even interviewed me for her documentary about authenticity among Christians. I told her I was interested in seeing the finished project, so she invited me to see a screening of her bible study group. I agreed to go, and sat through an incredibly unsettling and irrational Bible study group to see the 20-minute documentary. When they had "partner prayer," I pulled Alex into the other room and we just talked instead of praying. Well, she started sounding a little conversion-happy, and I was a little upset about that but let it slide. However, a few days later, we had been hanging out and I had just gotten to her apartment to drop her off, and she pulls a bible out of her purse and says "you know, I didn't even know I had this with me, and I noticed it when we were out, I have no idea how it got in there, and I thought...well, I don't want to seem like one of those people, you know, but I thought I should give it to you." Say what?
I declined taking the bible, saying I already have one (which is true), and I went home and tried not to be too annoyed. But when I began thinking it over, I thought, just maybe, she was being so cool about my atheism as part of an elaborate plan to convert me. So I'm wondering...what experience have you guys had with this kind of thing? Any insight? How hard is it for people to get it through their heads that I am an ATHEIST, not a girl in search of religion?
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Pascals' Wager.
haha your not crazy shes just a sneaky little thing.
haha i ilke the whole , oh my what did u know a bible in purse how ever did it get thier:P
was it magicly booked marked ont he chapters of accpeting jesus aswell
My extended family is not overly religious, most call themselves christian but aren't church goers. That is except for one uncle who is very active in his church.
Since a very early age it's been obvious to my family that I'm an intellectual. I like reading, like science etc. Generally for my birthday this uncle would give me a book. These books were fiction but the authors clearly had an evangelical agenda.
For example, one called "The Tombs of Anak" (Book 3 in The Cooper Kids Adventure Series) by Frank Peretti. Has the protagonists stop and pray whenever they get into trouble. The best bit is on the second last page. Someone who had been acompanying the protagonists on their adventure but wasn't a christian (A Muslim I think but it was a great many years ago that I actually read this book) Says:
"If you have the time, I would like to know more about your Scriptures, and about your powerful God, and about His Son."
Fortunately I was cynical enough at that young age to just find the book funny.
The one that enraged me was when I recieved a card from him with the mesage "I know you like science so you should enjoy this." Most of you probably can guess where this is going now. It was a 12 month subscription to "Creation" (see That's right he's a creationist. I had never heard of creationism up until then (I don't live in America so I've been spared the worst of it). Ironically it made me even more antireligous. How dare they try to use my interest in science to destroy my understanding of science.
I hate to think what might have become of me if I had been given that before my understanding of science had a solid foundation.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
ParanoidAgnostic: Now I really wanna read some Cooper Boys stories! They sound awesome.
TrickyNikki: Without being there there is no way that I could possibly judge whether your friend is an insidious weasel. However, you seem to be moderately confident that there's a good chance just going from your title and the post.
So, try to catch her out?
What if you tell her that you've taken the Atheist challenge: that you are unsavable. Will she lose interest and stop being your friend? Or will she argue that no, you can still be saved? Or will she just accept it and remain your friend?
Hrm. Can anyone think of any other tests to throw at someone to see if they are really a tying-to-convert weasel who just wants you as a tally on their conversion sheet rather than a friend?
T="theists who's posts are fun-to-read, truth-seeking and insightful". Your own T will be different, but Tdewi includes { Avecrien, Cory T, crocaduck, JHenson, jread, wavefreak }
sneaky..sneaky... don't you just love it when your extra bible that you were planning on giving away just happens to fall in your purse. I'm sure it happens to xtians all the time.
I too have family that just won't give up. My parents are constantly sending me care packages that include both little scripture hand outs and copies of news articles that refer to regious actions. My mother even signed me up for a couple magazine subscriptions, and boy, let me tell you, it's HARD to get out of those. Don't bother trying to explain that you are an atheist as the reason you want to cancel a gift subscription. I sware that just gets you on more mailing lists.
Every card they send has some sort of scripture within it, and when i try to explain how i don't want to get stuff like that, the only comeback my mom can give me is "oh.. honey, don't talk like that"
After all these years, i just add the stuff to my recycling bin and move on. I don't even let it bother me anymore.
I find it mindboggling that theists think that by sending you their propaganda, you'll instantly let go of all rationality. We've all had it happen.
Instead of wasting money on magazine subscriptions and bibles that are going into the trash heap, I would suggest they make a donation to charity.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Personally, I think that it's fair game so long as it's not once sided. She wants to bring you truth and happiness and there's no reason why you can't reciprocate...

Perhaps a copy of "The End of Faith" or "The God Delusion" might magically appear om your bag one day!
Oh man, now that's a good idea! I just might have to try that...
Don't forget a nice DVD of The God Who Wasn't There.
Ok, I'm probably going to get reamed for saying this, but...
If you are straight, now you have some idea what it's like to date a woman. If you have dated a woman, you shouldn't have been surprised at all.
The last serious girlfriend I had would put a plan into motion with a simple, innocuous little statement, and six months to a year later, she'd hit me with the follow up that had been built, brick by brick, meticulously... and always with a smile on her face.
Men are much more confrontational about conversion. (In my humble experience.) Women try to trick you into getting yourself in a position where you're more likely to give in... just like when they want you to put a freaking garden tub in the guest bathroom.
Ugh. Am I venting?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I've never been able to "flirt" a man into doing anything although I hear some women can do it.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Well I am straight, so, heh, that's kind of funny. I've never noticed myself making sneaky little plans, but then again, I spend half my time in LaLa Land.
it's like SURPRISE SEX!!
lmao as once being a devout Christian, i can tell you for SURE that not only I, but others did indeed conduct ELABORATE plans to convert friends. it's really sneaky, and i've lost friends in the process but i justified it by reminding myself that it was god's will and that it was better than i tried. i remember in my prayer/bible study/small groups how we'll all talk about our week and how we tried to get closer to our non-christian friends so we can eventually influence them. i think i also probably had one of the most non-christian friends. in fact, most of my fellow christians in my church had very little non-christian friends. i eventually learned to be really good at hiding any ulterior motives when hanging out with my non-christian friends (which is probably why i had one of the most non-christian friends in the first place) and come to think of it, i stopped being so creepy by ever trying to force-feed my beliefs.
Christians also have this thing where they measure each other's "coolness" by how many non-christian friends they have and also by how many non-christians they've been able to bring to church or BS (bible study). yeah, i get all embarassed and blush whenever i reminiscence back to my good ol' christian days lol.
"If I don't think something can be explained conventionally, it must be magic. And magic comes from God!" -everyday religious person
Now i feel jealous, I want friends to try to convert me
. I think it would be fun, they can try to convert me and i'll try to deconvert me. It would be a fun game. Of course i am sort of masochistic when it comes to debating theists and just talking about religion anyway so that could be showing.
Also i don't think on this same note that i would be mad if they tried to do these sneaky things to me, i'd welcome it. In fact the situation with the bible i'd ask them how much they know about the bible and then figure out if they actually need to the read the bible not me. I am pretty sure i know much more then any christian i personally know about the bible so it would be hard for them to not disagree with the above point.
Ok enough ranting for me i'll shush.