So, I had a discussion with a theist today.

We met at my college where he asked me if I could take a survey. We got to chatting about religion then, and we followed it up today at a coffee house. I haven't had many discussion with Christians before, but I have seen a lot of discussions and debates online (like on YouTube). I have a solid knowledge of the Bible, but I don't claim to know it cover to cover. Likewise I don't delve into science as much either. I'm more of a philosophical atheist. I got him thinking about the questions that religion couldn't answer for me. He seemed receptive, however he seemed to have an excuse for each question that stopped any futher discussion. When I questioned God's meathods, he of course said (and I bet you know what I'm going to say, so let's say it together) "it was in His will. We can't possibly understand how God works."
However, I did enjoy talking to him, and I believe he enjoyed talking to me as well. He said he had met many other atheists at my college (pity I haven't met many myself though). Anyway, I think he seemed like a genuinely nice person, and I don't believe he was putting on any guises. I look forward to meeting with him again to continue our converation. Maybe I'll have to print out that list of Bible contradictions to show him as well.
JESUS SAVES!!! .... and takes only half damage!
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I debated with 4 Mormons today. They are coming back on Monday to answer some hard questions I have given them.
These are the questions they agreed to answer next time:
I love doing live debates. :]
Atheist Books
I meantioned your 1 and 2 to my theist friend today. I also asked him what you will do once you get to heaven. Your purpose on Earth is to serve your God right? When you're in heaven, what purpose will you have? I imagine it would get very boring.
JESUS SAVES!!! .... and takes only half damage!
I talked to a theist today and I pointd out to him the part in the bible where two she-bears kill 42 children. He says to me, "That right there proves to me God wrote the bible, not man." I say, "Why?" "Because, A man writing this part would've known it'd scare people off of God."
What? "You see I don't know why God would do this, but I know, with the culture of the time that it was accepted." He says.
I asked him if he thought a story like this would scare superstitious people into believing Yahweh.
I replied, "By your logic I'd figure Hell would be more than enough for a man to write about and scare people off, so why was that written by God?"
I didn't get an answer, but maybe I didn't get my point across clearly.
I suck at signatures.
So he believes God wrote the Bible because there's stupid stuff in there that is likely to turn off potential believers?
Lazy is a word we use when someone isn't doing what we want them to do.
- Dr. Joy Brown
Religion is a system of beliefs, and the more successful it is, the more likely it has come up with rationalizations for nearly every possible objection. Much better to just ask why they believe than to try to find specific examples of contradictions in scripture because chances are that they are far better versed in their scripture or religious practices than you are. In my experience, discussing topics that you both are relatively equally versed in is far easier and more productive (e.g. you don't run the risk of him/her feeling like you're taking advantage of his/her ignorance and vice versa). Rather than dig oneself deeper into a hole with more and more specifics that the theist will inevitably counter with a cop-out, e.g. "It is God's will," I'd focus on hearing why he believes and questioning his/her reasons. After all, it is the theist's burden of proof.
"If I don't think something can be explained conventionally, it must be magic. And magic comes from God!" -everyday religious person
Those can be relitively easy to make excuses for by an experianced apologist. But the answers they come up with will be excuses, not evidence.
I'd ask them why they are so desperate to incert superstition as a cause to everything when in their daily lives outside the issue of deity belief they DONT rely on superstition. They dont pray for a toilet to poop on, they seek one out. They dont pray for gas to magically appear in their vehicals, they go buy it. They wouldn't keep a job if their boss said, "Just have faith that your paycheck is good".
Ask them if they can put a sample of spirit sperm under a microscope for you. Ask them if they are willing to spear each other in the side and let the blood drain out of their body and see if they rise after 3 days.
The point is not to convert them with that, it wont, but it will frustrate the crap out of them and always be in the back of their mind from that point on. It isnt a cure, but it can be a seed to lead to cure their illusion.
I like attacking the magic, not to cure as an emidiate flyswatter, but a long term seed that can grow in their minds to lead them to what they should be doing, questioning the absurdity of their belief.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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