Wow, I think everyone should see this....

I was an atheist before this video, but after watching it i don't see how anyone could not be an atheist. It's about a 30 miniute video that put religion in a perspective that i have never seen before and left me with a sense of awe and strong betrayl. In short this is the history of religion in video form. Please watch.
I really think this should go somewhere where more theist well see it but i don't want to post it their, so perhaps somebody with better debating skills well post this for me in a better place if you feel it is neccesary.
Warning the following post may be offensive to certain people. Theist are not advised to read unless they are prepared to debate!
Side effects include possible deconversion, rational thought, and the lack of fear in the easter bunny.
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Wow, amazing. I posted it on so theists will see it.
Thanks man, it's just that i would of never thought that religion was created from observing(sp?) the stars. So i have a question, could the basis of religion be one of man's first attempts at science, and explaning it to the ordinary man(during that time),gone horriably wrong.
Warning the following post may be offensive to certain people. Theist are not advised to read unless they are prepared to debate!
Side effects include possible deconversion, rational thought, and the lack of fear in the easter bunny.
Yeah, religion was invented to explain the unexplainable, originally through observation (like science). Like the video said, the sun was observed to take away the darkness and bring life and warmth. Science and religion split over methods. Science is constantly trying to prove its self wrong, religion is constantly trying to prove its self right.
Thank you for sharing this. This is by far one of the coolest things I have ever seen.
Also, Medievalguy, could you please post a link to wherever you posted that video at? I want to read the replies.
Yeah, really cool video, though I've seen all of the ideas in it before. Unfortunately, some of the details of the various god myths are a lot more vague than often presented. Don't just assume everything is true as given, actually examine the facts before discussing them with any serious, debateable christian. I've made that mistake before, and it can be pretty embarrassing. The Egyptian background to Judaism and Christianity is very compelling, I will say. And yeah, I'd love to see some other christian responses too.
Do You Worship an Evil God?
Fascinating. Now my question is, why isn't there already a fiction/mystery book out there, exactly like The Da Vinci Code, that popularizes these notions and skepticism, thus making our job of spreading atheism much easier? Who wants to start writing!?
The Enlightenment wounded the beast, but the killing blow has yet to land...
Interesting, nothing new. However, the train wreck that he presents as the egyption mythos casts the rest of his arguemnt in doubt. The whole thing sounds more like a 'conspiracy theory' video rather than a scholarly work.
It's only 26 minutes long. It explains how Christianity is nothing more than a religion copied from several others that are identical to it that were based on sun worship, and how christianity has just taken those old sun worship religions and replaced the sun with Jesus. Possibly the most interesting documentery regarding religion i've ever seen.
I'd say the main problem with the video's portrayal of the egyptian myths is that it ignores the immense complexities of the ancient egyptian beliefs. The various egyptian gods evolved significantly over time, with various cults with differing views coming to dominance, and various deities being combined with other deities over time or being forgotten completely. And yeah, this video and most of the literature about this kind of stuff does have a definite 'conspiracy theory' feel, as well as questionable information.
Do You Worship an Evil God? But I do not see any comments.
(edit) Ok, alot of posts poped up between the time I hit reply and the time I posted. :P
I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.
I agree that this type of idea would make a very good fiction novel.
I too get the conspiracy theory feeling after watching videos like this. It's very fascinating but I do question how valid it is. I guess this is why we research.
I've seen many of these points before, but this is definately the best put together documentary I've seen on the subject.
However, that being said this guy also has a half hour video on 9-11 being a conspiracy so in my opinion the person making the video isn't the greatest at doing proper research. So although there is a lot of good info in this movie, it should really be looked at more closely before basing any opinions on it.
"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan
I didn't really like this one, because he gets quite a few points about astronomy wrong. For example, he says that during Christmas, the Sun is in the constellation Crux (The Southern Cross), but at that time, it is in Sagittarius, its not even its closest time to Crux (that would have happened in October). So while yes, the story of Jesus obviously comes from earlier mythologies, and many of those mythologies draw on Astronomy (especially the Sun), sadly a number of his conclusions are all wrong, simply because they are based on an incorrect understanding of astronomy.

I'd say that's an understatement; I am however glad I'm not the only one that got the 'creepy vibe' from this.
Thanks for the replies everyone, and yeah i posted it in here first because the internet theist seem to all have phD's in just about everything. Besides my knowledge about the universe right now is limited to the earth goes around the sun and it sometimes wables, and we all come from an exploding star. But hey if you want to be the next best selling auther then make this into a story.
Medievalguy i looked at the thread you started up over on, and it looks like only one theist responded and it wasn't even a real response. I guess they don't want to wast their time watching a video that can cause them to become skeptic in their beleifs. Oh yeah, wahts up with everyone on that board attacking everyone else's faiths. Its like some of them are trying to argue that santa clause is more real than the easter bunny.
Warning the following post may be offensive to certain people. Theist are not advised to read unless they are prepared to debate!
Side effects include possible deconversion, rational thought, and the lack of fear in the easter bunny.
Great video - I've heard most of this before in one form or another, but it really brings the points together and slaps you in the face with it's raw facts approach.
Should be a manditory watch for all christians.
"All it would take to kill God is one meteorite a half mile across - think about why." - Vorax
Visit my blog on Atheism: Cerebral Thinking for some more food for intelligent thought.
Mod edit - post deleted per Freethinking Anonymous rules.
a truly excellent video! just makes xianity all that much more laughable..
Yeah, I know what you mean!
The Gisburne video contained a lot of info that can be heard in The Naked Truth. He even uses dialogue from Jordon Maxwell near the end.
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This video is completely fascinating. I just wonder how much of it was false, since I don't know anything about Egyptian mythology or astology.
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God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
Yeah, okay, maybe I'm just too nice to Jesus mythicists.
Do You Worship an Evil God?
Unfortunately, only 1 person responded to the thread I posted on she laughed at the video.
Wow, I really enjoyed that video. I do, like some others, wonder how much of it is actually accurate, but it presents it's points in a very fluid, understandable way. I don't regret spending 26 minutes watching it in the least. It was very informative.
I also was browsing that website and saw a video done in England about a 16 year old girl executed in Iran for "crimes against morality" that just made my stomach churn. I think it's important to watch stuff like that because it really exposes the world to us in a lot of ways and, at least, opens my eyes to things I am very nieve about.
I think I'm still in shock over that last video...
Prayer: How to do nothing and feel like your doing something.