Tortured for Christ

This is from an advertisement in Reader's Digest (one of those annoying cardboard inserts):
Get your free copy now!
There's also a "story" page which gleaned this tidbit:
Between 1945 and 1947, Richard distributed one million Gospels to Russian troops, the books often disguised as Communist propaganda.
Does that mean they were disguised so he could get them into Russia or to get the Russian troops to take one?
[edit - there's also a phone number to get a free copy 1-888-843-1051]
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yeah, my wife and i saw that ad, too. must be a pretty good book if their giving away for free
They're so inconsistant they can't get their order page right. It says US orders only, 1 per household, but then it allows you to enter a country other than the US. And it has the Canadian postal code and province options.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I thought this part of the guy's biography was particularly uplifting.
I'm trying to decide what's more nauseating; his wife attempting to shame him into speaking out and risking his life instead of doing it herself, her use of emotional blackmail to get him to do it, or her zealotry being such that she'd rather see her husband tortured for years in a Romanian gulag than remain silent about Christ.
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Lazy is a word we use when someone isn't doing what we want them to do.
- Dr. Joy Brown
I actually found their story somewhat inspiring. If you take away the fact they were standing up for a delusion and replace it with something you DEEPLY believe in and hold true, you'd probably consider him a hero.
It's a shame he did it all in the name of religion, though.
I stumbled on this from google yesterday. in my answer to Joy Browns undecisiveness would be; If youd stop for a moment to put yourself in the same senario, and put on what they belived for a moment, and the things they cared about, like their country and, of course, Christ.
And if for a moment knew Christ, and what it mean to believe in Him..
Then it would be easier to understand why his wife said that to him. Like, why did she said "I dont wish to have a coward as a husband". Maybe they went to that place so they could testify their belief to the people beforehand, and maybe Richard Wurmbrand feared at that moment seeing everything that was happening, and His wife saw that. And contrary to western customs, what she said wasnt meant to be in an selfish way, but to help him emotionaly to do what he proposed to do in the first place.
About Christians being totured, this only seems unfamiliar here. But if you look at history, Christians have been tortured ever since the beginning. Even Christ Himself was. And He said beforehand that it would happen, like it happened to Him. But skepticism has kept many from considering what He said in His biographies. But like I said, consider some of these things for a moment.
Their zealotry led them to prison? perhaps. But without a doubt communism did their part. Think about the contrast of that atheist system of belief to the couple's. For a christian to remain silent about his belief, is to Deny it altogether. That that would be like becomeing a dead man walking.
If you see today, in the most atheist countries, is where religious revivals are taking place most intensly. Maybe, because when u try to take away God from someone, u dont take away just a name, or an idea. It involves life and death. And that speaks deeper than anything in the human mind. After all, humans are the only species that are conscious about their inevitable death. These things are unsurpressible in the mind. Thats why, you could loose your sleep. But God is still there.
Really? What revivals are taking place in Iceland, Japan, France, Norway, Seden, etc? They're the most atheistic countries today and the people are quite happy. Jesus is a myth, not history. And by the way theists don't belong in the FTA forum.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I didn't see indecisiveness from her, I saw a very firm and clear decision to make a terrible moral judgment on her husband's behalf and hold him, like a slave, prisoner to her view of what is right. I don't care how much I care about something, it is not and can never be my place to insist that someone else care about it as much as I do.
If knowing Christ means you become willing to throw your real-life loved ones under a bus for him, I would deny the evil prick even if he showed up right in front of me.
Calling him a coward and insisting that he subject himself to arrest and torture was "helping" him? Sorry, but your entire worldview is just fucked. Which is not surprising, seeing as you think that enslaving your moral judgment to the forged musings of a mythical character is justified.
So Christians are supposed to want to be tortured? This keeps getting better and better. See my first point: even if she thought he should want to be tortured, she had no right to expect it of him.
How would staying silent about something amount to denying it? Can't a person believe something in silence? I thought God knew your thoughts! Of course, it is important for churches to tell people that not speaking is tantamount to denial because if people don't yammer on about their religious beliefs then others might not be converted. Holding the belief is a personal, spiritual act. Talking about it is a political act.
Oh, and FYI, communism is not an "atheist system of belief." Apart from the oxymoron (atheism refers to lack of belief), nothing about communism requires atheism or vice versa. The first Christians were communists.
Actually, there are no religious revivals going on in countries where atheism is prevalent, except the US. That is because religion has become pop culture in the US through televangelism. Everywhere else in the developed world, religion is in decline.
I don't think fear of death is a good reason to make up a fantasy about an afterlife and live your life as if that fantasy is true. Do you?
Atheists do not try to take God away from anyone. We try to point out to people that they don't "have" God and never did.
Lazy is a word we use when someone isn't doing what we want them to do.
- Dr. Joy Brown