Point of Confusion

This was printed in my local news paper this morning. Its a "letter to the editor".
All things point to God-created universe
Monday, June 18, 2007When God said "Let there be light," the big bang ensued, things went flying in all directions and what some perceive to be chaos was perfect mathematic harmony.
The universe as we know it was held in suspension, or direct command by sound waves. From where? From the very voice of God when he said "Let there be light." It still echoes today.
I look at the simplicities of bird feathers and find that under an electron microscope the fractals are of such never-ending proportion that finite meets the infinite, similar to water crystals, only they react to positive and negative sound vibrations with a display of brilliant colors or shades from black to gray.
National Geographic published an article with a cover photo of what appeared to be an aerial view of a rain forest canopy with four or five discernible layers.
On the forest floor were dinosaur-like creatures. What the photo really showed was the magnification of the human skin 1 million times. Creatures burrow under our skin when we shower, reappear after drying, and dig up all the loose and dead skin follicles. This is what blood hounds pick up.
Our ears have a natural insect repellent. If they didn't, bugs would crawl in our ears. I am curious, if it took so long for man to evolve, how long did men have bugs in their ears?
Is any of this getting through, or is it really beyond you?
I think I have the wrong attitude. I hear stuff like that constantly, as I'm sure all of us do. I never say anything. I am bothered so much by it, I always figure that the person's mind is way too set for me to change it so why waste my air trying? So I think and I stew, but I tend to remain silent except for my blogs and various things of that nature, which is probably why this website has turned into such a haven for me.
The crux of the matter is that I really do feel as though the atheist group is doing a great job at being more vocal, and I think we need to be. Yet I still find myself more times than not sitting there thinking "what will it change if I say anything?"
So I seem to be stuck in this weird point where I want to speak up so badly, and I sometimes do, but I also wonder if it would really change anything if I did. Does anyone else feel like this ever? I tend to just sit there and stew when I hear these theists rant and rave and froth at the mouth about this that and the other thing. On the occasion I will speak up if the raver has reach a point of stupid I cannot tolerate any longer, however, I have been taught for so long that you "respect people and their differing opinons"... I think that's my problem...
I don't know what I'm saying so I'll do myself a favor and close here.
Prayer: How to do nothing and feel like your doing something.
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What will it change, if you don't?
I feel your frustration. There are times I would love to chime in. Unfortunately for me modern prescription pharmaceuticals have screwed with my recall. My thoughts also seem to get lost in translation from my brain to my mouth. I don't always get an opportunity to form a coherent thought before the other person heads off on another rant. Nonetheless, I do my best to speak out wherever and whenever I can.
If this letter irks you, and I'm glad it does, try your best to speak out any way you can.
That's why I'm glad sites like this exist. There's always someone who can state our side so eloquently. You guys are doing a great job.
Stand up early, often and loudly. Write a letter to the paper regarding this edititorial, make sure an opposing view is posited.
We can't sit back, stew and say nothing. Silence has not moved us forward, it has only served to hold us back. Make your voice heard, make your viewpoints known. It may not change the mind of the person you are directly writing/talking to but others will hear your statements and it may have an effect on them.