Silliest proofs/reasons the bible must be true

Not counting vauge prophecies and the circular logic of the bible says the bible is true,so it must be true,what are the dumbest reasons youve heard
"proving" the bible as truth?
Dumbest one i ever seen sofar was the bible must be true because it is so old,and fiction wasnt invented yet.
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
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"God said it! I believe it! That settles it!"
Not sure if that was about the bible, but still..
Well, here's one from another thread currently in progress:
All of the mythical and mostly pagan stories of pagan gods that the bible blatantly rips off aren't really plagiarisms or thefts, but merely "foreshadowing".
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
I might end up being a thread hijacker here, which isn't my intention in the least.. but it reminds me of a rant I have regarding people who believe in the bible.
I really like it when a Christian will say they believe in the bible because it makes the most sense, so you ask them "well what about the old testament" and then they say "well that doesn't count because then God made a new covenant with the people, which is the New testament, so that's the only one that counts.." uh huh...
My favorite reason that I've heard why someone believes in the bible (also book of Mormon in this context) was when my mother told me that "there is no way this world is all just chaos. The book of Mormon and bible prove that."
Prayer: How to do nothing and feel like your doing something.
I remember, i think, that in Atheism:The Case Against God Smith quotes some Theologian who says "The resurrection is true because it is absurd" *rolls eyes*
Yep. My favorite goes something like this:
"You see, faith is the foundation of belief. If god had made everything perfect, there would be no reason for faith, and our faith would be in vain. Since we have to have faith in the Word of God in order to believe, that faith validates the truth of what we have faith in."
I'm paraphrasing a little, because I can't remember the exact words, but I'm not trying to make it sound ridiculous. That's pretty close to the exact words as told to me.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Mine was from a my head-master when I was 10, "If the bible is not true, then why are there so many Christians?"
It's true because there are tons of facts to back the Bible up!
... okay... where are those facts? God put dinosaur fossils here to "trick" us? And he must have created trees with rings already in them just to test our faith.
JESUS SAVES!!! .... and takes only half damage!
I don't know a lot about the bible, but I read one debate where the christian brought up "gaps in the fossil record". Just him bringing that up was pretty silly.
"Who, like some evil Atlas, turned the world upside down upon their shoulders, and made shams and delusions into absolute truths, and absolute truths into inviolate heresy?" Elliot Merrick, True North (this may be a misquote, but is close, I don't have th
Not really a reason the bible must be true but...
I went off on some tangent at work about invisible things (unicorns and the like) and how it's impossible to prove they don't exist. My co-worker who happens to be quite religious speaks up and says,
"I can disprove them. No one has ever seen them".
Quickly realizing his mistake he walked away and didn't speak again the rest of the night.
Don't you just love it when they pwn themselves?
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Credo quia absurdum
Tertullian: Natus est Dei Filius; non pudet, quia pudendum est: et mortuus est Dei Filius; prorsus credible est, quia ineptum est: et sepultus resurrexit; certum est, quia impossibile.
Translation: "The Son of God was born: there is no shame, because it is shameful. And the Son of God died: it is wholly credible, because it is inappropriate. And, buried, He rose again: it is certain, because impossible."
Tertullian's quotation actually implies a rejection of Fideism, in that he asserts that the Apostles, being reasonable people, would not have believed in something as out of the ordinary as the resurrection of Jesus Christ had they not seen it firsthand.
It's my sig (see below): damn strait Ken meant that about his bible...