Gullible much?

I just have to share this experience with people who hopefully can appreciate it in the same way I did.
So today I'm sitting in the break room at the hospital attempting to enjoy my chicken salad when I realize that there is some soul saving going on in the room. I was going to leave, but I figured it might be funny at the very least. This eager nursing student was sitting with his Bible talking to another nurse. I listened as he explained to the poor girl his personal confusion that anyone would want to be a Catholic over being a Protestant since it is a "later version of the church". "The Catholics aren't from when Christ was here." This was enough to make me choke on my pita. Then he had my attention. After he wows us with the pains of hell and other nonsense... the other nurse says "Oh yes, I believe the Bible is entirely literal." They enjoyed their moment of mutual ignorance and then she drops this beauty...
"See the problem is that I'm a naturally gullible person. Before I trusted the Bible, I didn't know who to trust. Now I know that if someone goes against the Bible, they are leading me in the wrong direction."
Poor dear. It made me sad.
“The four most over-rated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex and picnics.”
-Christopher Hitchens
"I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of Him."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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I get to go to a church full of people like that, and it really is sad. You could have exaggerated your choking to get their attention, and then used the opportunity to show how stupid her thinking is by saying the same thing she did, but using the Koran, or Moby Dick.
Pitas are awesome by the way, good choice.
Do You Worship an Evil God?
I'm fairly certain they realized that I was viciously mocking them inside my head. I try to keep things civil at work... and certainly while I'm eating my lunch. It doesn't do well for employee relations to call someone a dumbfuck...which is exactly what I was thinking.
I read your other post and I completely know what you mean about coming back here from Europe. I studied abroad twice and it was tough coming back to the good ole Bible belt.
“The four most over-rated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex and picnics.”
-Christopher Hitchens
"I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of Him."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Well, I guess their god saved you from choking, huh?
Naturally gullible? Geez. I wonder if she would stick to her guns if she heard something rational.
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Thank you Hank, for saving me from your evil pita which you, in your infinite wisdom, knew I'd choke on ahead of time. This poor girl proclaimed her own ignorance as if she should be congratulated for it. That is one of the aspects of theism that has always just pissed me off. I remember being congratulated for my ability to NOT think critically. Blindly believing is something to praise? For some reason it bothers me more when women do this around men in order to impress them. Being ignorant is not sexy. "I'm an idiot" should not get you laid. I'm so bitter.
“The four most over-rated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex and picnics.”
-Christopher Hitchens
"I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of Him."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
I know I'm saying nothing new here but I just have to express how much this confuses and depresses me.
To believe one arbitary 'truth' in order to protect you from believing other arbitary 'truths'. Is there any hope for someone like that? Should we just give up and put those people in a padded cell where they can't hurt themselves (or us)?
It's so sad that fear of being lied to can drive people to totally accept another lie rather than devolping some critical thinking ability. I seriously pity these people. Their world is so much smaller than ours, and they would fight visciously to never see outside theirs.
I think that we human beings have a defect - intelligence. It just makes us unhappy with the current situation and depressed because we can figure out that we are going to die. We question things, which leads to differences of opinons and conflict within the tribe. Religion is the cure for intellect. It makes us that bit less intelligent so we can be happy with the way things are and not have to deal with mortality. It answers our questions and makes sure everyone has the same set of answers, keeping the tribe together.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!