How to respond to angry Christians
This is from my blog...
Scroll to the bottom. lol. What's a good, civil way to respond to that?
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How to respond to angry Christians
Posted on: July 29, 2007 - 4:20pm
How to respond to angry Christians
This is from my blog...
Scroll to the bottom. lol. What's a good, civil way to respond to that?
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
Can't see anything. I'm not on MySpace.
Well, nevermind then. I already posted my response. Anyway, I think this is still a good topic. Since I live in Texas and come from a family of stupid redneck Christians...I could use some advice. lol.
The guy who posted his comment also e-mailed me. He asked me if I have ever seen The Passion of the Christ and that it will explain everything....LOL.
I told him I had seen Star Wars too, but it doesn't make it a true story.
myspace links are screwy... to get the real link you have to do tricky things... I've heard one way to get blog links to work is to get to it under a different login. For mpslinks check out this.
You could also use this to link to your blog:
Thanks man....let's try that again.
My former high school friend's only response to me is that I am stupid, an idiot, that my blog makes no sense, that he knows the truth and Passion of the Christ explains everything...
When I told him that I've seen Star Wars and that it doesn't make it true, his only response was that I was an idiot.
LOL...kinda sad, really...he's making Christians everywhere look bad.
[MOD EDIT - fixed link]
There is no point in trying to use reasoning with those that can't reason. Unfortunately many theists, perhaps the vast majority, simply do not wish to think or question or use reason. That's why it's so hard to get the points across. I think it's either lack of proper education, ingnorance, stubborness, fear, social pressures, lack of logic, unquestioning blind faith (probably more than I can think of atm) or a combination that leads to this mindset.
I am always in wonderment that the human mind is able to study itself yet agog that so many minds are able to use the mind to deceive itself.
Dude, this isn't a response about Christians, but to the post about life. My suggestion: move to New York City. You don't need to drive, the population is 61% female, religious fundies are a tiny minority, and there's lots of work for movie extras.
I don't have a weird name, but I did grow up in Texas with autistic spectrum and social anxiety disorders. Both of them improve the older you get.
"After Jesus was born, the Old Testament basically became a way for Bible publishers to keep their word count up." -Stephen Colbert
lmao. God, I need a shrink. lol. I always get sad and mad really late at night and when I do, it's like being drunk. I say stuff I really don't need to tell people on there. It's like I forget that my page is open to the entire world.And yeah, I'd love to move to NYC...I've always wanted to live there.....maybe someday. That's a long-term goal.