Anti-HPV vaccine irrationality
It's mind boggling to me how some fundies oppose the vaccine for HPV (a major cause of cervical cancer) because it "may lead to promiscuity." They actually want to keep cervical cancer as a way to discourage people from pre-marital sex. Un-fucking-believable.
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but matt if they do get HPV and later become saved god will cure them, duh /sarcasm
Some people are against taking that vaccine because they think it might be unhealthy. I read that 3 girls died after taking it and more than a thousand others got sick. I don't think it's irrational not to take it when the vaccine might make you sick and even if you take it you could still get hpv anyway.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
It's not just the fundies. In Ontario, Canada, the Catholic school board is against HPV vaccination in teenagers.
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The web site for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that after 11,000 tests of the vaccine, there have been no serious side effects. The most common side effect has been soreness at the injection site. You can read about it at
I agree with the statement that most fundies believe that the vaccine will lead to promiscuity, which is the same thing they believe about condoms and contraception. This all has to do with their belief in divine retribution; if you are promiscuous, you deserve to get much the same way that many of them believe that if you are gay, you deserve to get AIDS. It's a sick, sadistic belief, but one that many fundies have.
I urge you all to read this blog entry about the HPV vaccine:
She makes some very good points in favor of he HPV vaccine. Of course, there are also the crackpots that think that vaccines lead to autism...don't even get me started on THAT one.
You can't rationally argue out something that was not rationally argued in.
This is actually a big issue here in Texas, I work at a hospital and the Doctors here are totally for it, Stupid parents who think that their kids will be even bigger whores than they already are, oppose this because they think it promotes promiscuity. Well considering 9 out of 10 births at the hospial are from teenage girls who's parents were too stupid to teach them about birthcontrol in the first place, I think it only stands to reason they would oppose something beneficial.
Co-Founder of the Atheist/Freethought website
Check it out
that website says 2006. judicial watch filed a freedom of information act request in may of 2007. the fda report said that 3 people died after taking it and 1,637 had adverse reations including 371 serious reactions.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
If the vaccine has legitimate safety issues, that is a perfectly good reason to not administer it. The issue here is that people are opposing it for religious reasons and that is the epitome of irresponsibility.
Atheist Books
Those same religous people would oppose an AIDS vaccine on the grounds that it would somehow increase homosexuality. Their ignorance never cease to amaze me.
Conversly, the disease (HPV > cervical and anal cancer) makes you sicker.
This is true for any vaccine. One's immune response to a vaccine can vary for various reasons. I still get mine and my son still gets his.
Even if one is only considering the odds--getting the vaccine is the more prudent option. Either one of us is probably more likely to die on the highway than to suffer an unwanted vaccine reaction. Adhering to your logic then, no one should use the streets. That is compartively the more irrational position.
Too bad stupidity isn't poisonous.
if there was a better way of getting around than using the streets then i would say that as well. you can avoid hpv just by using a condom and making sure that you and your partner get tested.
please pump your kid full of that shit it makes absolutley no difference to me. if they go into a seizure and bite their tongue off you can say at least they avoided anal cancer.
oh, and welcome to the forum.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
Oh, come on. You can't eliminate risk. There is risk in just being alive.
We have had fourteen years of pumped shit--no wailing or gnashing of teeth thus far. LOL
The anal cancer comment is in reference to an article I read where the vaccine was being advocated for homosexual males (or maybe just juvenile males)also because HPV can lead to anal cancer too. At this point I don't believe that the FDA (US) has approved HPV vaccine for males homo or otherwise. Imagine the uproar that would cause in the religious community!
Thank you! I'm liking the place.
Too bad stupidity isn't poisonous.
i'm not against taking vaccines. vaccination is beautiful and wonderful and makes us all happy and safe and all that bullshit. but you are clearly ill informed here. there are more than 100 strains of hpv most of which do not cause cervical cancer. the hpv vaccine protects against 4 of them.
so why do you think it's less of a risk to take a vaccine that probably wont protect you anyway and is known to have serious side effects including paralysis, bells palsy, seizures and even death when you could prevent hpv by wearing a condom which in and of itself is harmless? what kind of risk assessment is that?
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
There are ONLY four types of HPV that cause genital warts and attack the cervix. The vaccine has proven be 100% affective in the 6 thousand women that were tested in a clinical trial. Over HALF (not an exaggerated statistic, look it up!) of the sexually active men and women in this country are infected with genital warts. The only problem with using condomns to prevent HPV is that THEY DON'T WORK. Genital warts can be present anywhere on the penis/vagina and more often than not, are in places that condomns don't cover. So go ahead, don't get the vaccine, you won't be bothering me.
"Persistent infection with a subset of about 13 so-called "high-risk" sexually transmitted HPVs, including types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, and 68 — different from the ones that cause warts — may lead to the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN), penile intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), and/or anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN). These are precancerous lesions and can progress to invasive cancer."
"The study found that, during 2003–2004, at any given time, 26.8% of women aged 14 to 59 were infected with at least one type of HPV. This was higher than previous estimates. Of the four types prevented by the Gardasil vaccine, however, only 3.4% were infected, which was lower than previous estimates. Of the high-risk types that cause cancer, 15.2% were infected.[6]"
1. Walboomers JM, Jacobs MV, Manos MM, et al (1999). "Human papillomavirus is a necessary cause of invasive cervical cancer worldwide". J. Pathol. 189 (1): 12-9.
6.^ a b Dunne EF, Unger ER, Sternberg M, et al (2007). "Prevalence of HPV infection among females in the United States". JAMA 297 (
: 813-9
don't do any research just make comments. why should anyone know what they are talking about before they speak anyway? i grow weary of this.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft