A Constitutional Monarchy for America?

This, you've got to see...
So, there's this dude from Denver CO, Bob Enyart, who has his own (extreme fundamentalist) radio show and is pastor of the Denver Bible Church (http://denverbiblechurch.org/enyart.html). He's a dangerous guy; I've had my own personal dealings with him years ago.
Well, he proposes that the United States should do away with its present form of government and its current Constitution and become a Constitutional Monarchy. He offers a draft of his proposed "constitution" under this new Shadow Government.
Oh, and this is NOT A JOKE.
Crocoduck - A missing transitional link that theists have been hoping does not exist...
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That's not a constituational monarchy, that's a dictatorship.
Canada is a a constituational monarchy. This would be nothing like it.
You should let him know then. He has a live call-in radio show. I'm sure he would love to debate the semantics. www.kgov.com
Crocoduck - A missing transitional link that theists have been hoping does not exist...
After reading his arguments against our current form of government, it's clear that he doesn't actually understand how it works.
So, it seems highly unlikely that he would be able to suggest even a functioning replacement, much less a better one.
Great, so now we can be like Israel was in the Old Testament stories, a monarchy governed by "god". A better form of government would be a benevolent dictatorship, but that's just my personal opinion. The only problem is finding a benevolent dictator.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
Agreed. Though a large number of christians think we have one.
"I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don't agree with each other, but that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator," Bush joked. -- CNN.com, December 18, 2000
(Bolding mine) Or is it a joke? A news release from the White House suggests it may not be ...
National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive
Crocoduck - A missing transitional link that theists have been hoping does not exist...
It can be argued that in a way, the bushs represent a limited monarchy already
Bush has already taken too many liberties away from us. I'm just dreading the day when they try to implant the radio chips inside of all of us. When that day comes, I'm leaving the US, period.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
I am all for a constitutional monarchy; however, I must be the monarch.
Bush isn't trying to be a Constitutional monarch, he's trying to be an absolute one.