100 Greatest Quotes from fundamentalist christian chat rooms
![Edison Trent's picture Edison Trent's picture](https://www.rationalresponders.com/sites/www.rationalresponders.com/files/pictures/picture-9904.jpg)
This story is on Digg.com - great quotes from utterly stupid Christians (Yeah, we pretty much know that all of them are that way but these people deserve a medal for it).
Mirror (as of now the original is down due to the digg effect)
Here are a few out of the list:
Gravity: Doesn't exist. If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them. Or the space shuttle in space should have the astronauts orbiting it. Of course, that's just the tip of the gravity myth. Think about it. Scientists want us to believe that the sun has a gravitation pull strong enough to keep a planet like neptune or pluto in orbit, but then it's not strong enough to keep the moon in orbit? Why is that? What I believe is going on here is this: These objects in space have yet to receive mans touch, and thus have no sin to weigh them down. This isn't the case for earth, where we see the impact of transfered sin to material objects. The more sin, the heavier something is.
Make sure your answer uses Scripture, not logic.
(Talking about an eleven year old girl who was raped and then buried alive)
god was sacrificing this child as a way to show others the light. much as he did his own child. what a beautiful gift he has given us.
I wish God didn't have such stupid people following Him.
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Deja vu.
Yep. This should be required reading at church every sunday.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Edison Trent, yeah, that popular site is damn depressing
, why do you, (or whoever), call yourselves theists ?
"Theism — The belief that gods or deities exist and interact with the universe. "
Hamby, I want that ' da da award ' .....![Sealed Sealed](/modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-sealed.gif)
Atheism Books.
Because I have seen events happen in my life that are not easily explainable without a deity or divine providence. I used to be a strong atheist until the evidence in my life pointed elsewhere. In my opinion personal experience is the only way to conclusively prove a Divine Being...
Edison Trent, is that a personal good luck thing you would wish for others ?
I don't necessarily think it's good luck, but I do wish that all would come to believe in the God who loves them... I know your position though, you want the evidence. I sought it and found it, I can only pray that you and everyone else here will do the same.
Edison Trent, Do have any brief thoughts regarding Buddhism god ideas.
You say "god that loves them", while the buddhists seem to seek to better realize the god we are, as all is one ?
Is god really separate from ourselves ?
Atheism Books.
There is great power in realizing that while we are individuals, we have much in common. Though I doubt that God is who we all are collectively... even Jesus whom you cite often as saying "The Father and I are One", says in John 14:6 - "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." No man comes to God but through Jesus, as we see here Jesus puts Himself above everyone else as the sole way to attain heaven.
I read Jesus as an example of what each of us need be, need realize of ourselves.
I think the real jesus idea is as the buddhists also tried to say,
This is god/heaven now, and was to the end of superstition and separation.
Really ahead of it's time collectively, and even still not understood .....
Atheism Books.
Managed to post this in another forum without realising it was on here. These are some of my favourites from the list:
Matthew Tole
This is my favorite so far:
"For example, there is evidence for the wh0re of Babylon due to a 666 mile long penis in Mexico."
"The powerful have always created false images of the weak."
There are a lot of things you could be proud of, but staggering levels of cultivated ignorance should not be on that list.
My favorite (so far):
I can sum it all up in three words: Evolution is a lie
JohnR7, Christian forums [Comments (195)] [2006-Nov-04]
And these people want this kind of bullshit added to an already weak curriculum in public schools. What's next, a Holy War? Oh, never mind.
I didn't even read all of the way through the list--these people are a threat to just about everything! (Except for those who confine themselves to KJVOnly nonsense. That is certainly silly, but at least it's not any worse than that!
"Faith does not fear reason."--Pope Pius XII
"But it should!"--Me
.. and I grew up SURROUNDED by idiots that spout crap like this day in and day out.
People that believed that intentionally invoking nuclear war would be a good idea as it would hasten the Rapture kind of crazy.
*shudders at the memories*
After reading some of these pearls of faith, I am left with one unavoidable conclusion: This is the kind of people eutanasia was creater for. Terminally ill? unbearable pain? bah! You have nothing against these cases of the walking brain dead, hell if we were just a bit more honest, we would be calling them by their proper name: zombies.
But seriously, I would not want to meet some of this morally correct people in a dark alley, or anywhere else. Here's some such examples:
theSAVED, even jesus hates you.
So, is this like Sherri Shepherd's "I don't think anything predated Christians" thing?
*An atheist rises and ask "but what about 'loving thy enemy'?" to which Apologist quickly replies: "But we do, we're trying to save the soul, your bodies don't matter you know? they're not even matter according to the bible"
But this one REALLY takes the cake:
It's this kind of thinking that sometimes makes wish the world really ends in 2012. Damn, now I'm depressed.Think I'll go play with my dog and ponder if I ever was evolved from a household animal.
Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.
That sites like a horrible wreck.As much as I want to tear my eyes away I just can't. Even sadder is that when I was a fundie I said very similiar stuff. Forgive me rationalism and logic,I knew not what i did..
Guess I'll go burn some christains at the stake now and have gay sex.then to my funeral where no one will cry since I'm just a filthy atheist..
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
I had to stop reading after the first 20. I couldn't take it anymore.
I wish I could come up with stuff like that, each and every one put a smile on my face.
Pure gold
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
Haha, that was my favorite quote of all time. Aw, you only took a snippet of it. I wish I could find it again.
Edit: Formatting
Edit: Yay, I found it.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
I wish my life was that entertaining!
Are these for real??? Amazing if true!!
Watch "Freedom From Religion" web documentary series
Glad to see you grew out of those ideas Loc! But I'm curious to know...can you give us some idea of what your mindset was like back then?? I mean, how could you truly believe that kind of stuff?? You are very valuable to us atheists because you can give us an insight into the thinking of people like that, having been "one of them" in the past.
Watch "Freedom From Religion" web documentary series
"You are very valuable to us atheists because you can give us an insight into the thinking of people like that, having been "one of them" in the past."
Okay, mike, I know you directed that question at Loc, and maybe I'm wrong for sticking my nose in here, but it wasn't all that long ago that I was a believer (albeit on my way out the door.) So I'll see what I can do. Here's what I see, looking back:
1. Trusted sources: Let's face it: children have lots of faith (i.e., trust, in the perfectly ordinary sense of the word,) in the adults around them. So, if the adults in one's life think that, say, attending Mass every Sunday and holyday of obligation is important, that's liable to rub off.
2. Apparently good logic: I use the word "apparently," because of course I now have some appreciation of the errors that are used to defend belief in God, in Jesus, etc. My point here is that if things look convincing to those who don't know any better, religion will *look* "rock solid," even if it is anything but.
3. Emotion-based conversion experiences: If someone can give you an emotional high that they can then attribute to "God," or "the Holy Spirit," etc., then this "evidence" can help keep a person convinced.
4. Hellfire and brimstone: Never underestimate the threat of a painful eternity to frighten people into irrational behavior. This can keep a person believing long after reason has known to have failed. This is the voice of experience talking.
5. Desire: There are indeed some peaceful, loving notions to be found in almost any religion. This, of course, is bait for the mousetrap, so to speak, but the mental image of a loving deity of some sort, who at least is capable of making everything be allright, gives a person real hope (by which I mean to say that the emotion of hope is actually experienced; I do not mean to imply that such hope has any actually extant object.)
Anyway, that's what I can think of, for now.
Well, since I had grown up with it and attended private christian schools my whole life, I didn't understand how someone couldl not believe. To me the truth of god was as clear and true as the very air I was breathing. For many years it didn't occur to me it might not be true. I have shared my story here many times, so I have it written for your reading pleasure(or displeasure
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Wow! Great answer Conor! Thanks for that, it makes much sense!
Watch "Freedom From Religion" web documentary series
Powerful and personal stuff Loc! And very well written. Thank you for that. I understand, I really do. My journey was similar...but not nearly as intense!!
Watch "Freedom From Religion" web documentary series
(Just so you all know, I am an Atheist and a Blue Tory)
Jesus didn't put Himself above everyone else...God did! Jesus followed God's plan.
Don't think I've seen so much hate in one place before. That makes me sad.
My upbringing was similar to yours in part, minus some of the intensity (I escaped to boarding school) but with all the same confusion and fear bred by a doctrine of threat. Thanks for sharing your story, Loc. Atheist pride. I understand you.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
I couldn't read much of that crazy Christian tripe, since I have a limit to the amount of BAT SHIT CRAZY I can intake on a daily basis.
To all those raised in religious households; I'm sorry. I am grateful for your input though, as the closest I got to religious indoctrination was going to, then getting kicked out of my half sister's dad's Southern Baptist church all before I was six. I questioned one too many of their delusions, and had the audacity to bring up evolution in Sunday "School". My mother never told me she was an atheist, she just told me to read about all the world religions and their histories and make up my own mind when I got older. As I also had access to a home library of thousands of books, mostly about science, history and the like, religion didn't stand a chance in the battle for my mind. So I never really believed in any deiti(es) and have always been baffled as to how people managed it. Hence why I'm always interested in the explanations given for belief by ex-theists; so I can get closer to understanding what about religion people latch onto.
"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
"A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished." Mikhail Bakunin
"The means in which you take,
dictate the ends in which you find yourself."
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme leadership derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!"
No Gods, No Masters!
"Science is good for some things but I don't see much applicability when I'm visiting a hospital room of a terminally ill person."
That's where science comes in with a lethal and painless injection(which should also be used on people who say and actually believe these things).
"Final judgment by God and assigning people to Hell is not an act of hate, but love. I do not believe in a God of hate. When God ordered the Israelis to smash the heads of babies on the rocks and kill everyone in the Old Testament, I consider those acts of love, not hate.
God acts out love and just because his actions do not fit into my world view or align up to my sense of justice, I will continue to trust in the justice of God than any person."
Yeah.Also, do you remember that Hitler guy? Wasn't he just the most loving person,even though he was a mass genocidal lunatic?
"right now christians are the most oppressed race in america. The oppression is growing worse then the nazi oppression of the jews. The liberal US is intentionally being a poison to christianity. Can anyone tell me why their trying to destory our nation?"
If only this was true.
It actually worries me that there are people in this world who say things like these.
"I don't believe in afterlife, although I am bringing a change of underwear."
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. It disturbs me to no end to see such a level of hypocrisy combined with the nauseatingly self-righteous assurance that their views are "correct."
i just bookmarked the site. whenever i want a good laugh ill just visit thee!![](/sites/www.rationalresponders.com/modules/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/082.gif)
The stupidity, it burns.
I hate ideots......
1st off, how the hell does the first theroy work? I didn't know baseballs sin, because thats on the ground!! Im pretty sure that for something to have gravitational pull, it needs to have a large enough mass..... I commit a lot of their so called "sins" in the bible (i take the "LORDS" name in vain almost everyday, like when i say omfg...) and im not fat, or "heavy as they put it.
2nd off, your holy words were written by man, and their all in all, illogical, violent, and contradictionary to its other rules.... Whats a better source of knowledge? some fairytale, or your own human logic? (your not supposed to answer that)
3rdly, that was a life, a beautiful life, gone. Dead. so young. I wanna kill whoever said that.....
i AGREE, i believe in an all, and that it exists in the universe, ande that it exists in us. In a scense, we are gods, we have the power to give life, to take it away, to control it, and to setence and judge others..