New Movie about Church abuse of Children

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New Movie about Church abuse of Children

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I was once in a confessional

I was once in a confessional at a catholic church and the priest started asking ME questions as if my confession was not good enough. First of all, a priest asking questions steps outside the doctrince of confession. If a priest has to ask you of your sins, it defeats the purpose of confession. anyway, he started asking me all kinds of wierd sex related questions..and wanted detail...He asked me about masturbation, and what I thought about when I masturbated etc.. I walked out of that confession...freaked out and extremely uncomfortable....I did not give that freak fodder for masturbation..that's for sure.. I was 16. Fuck the church (but not literally).

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MarthaSplatterhead (not verified)
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LeftofLarry wrote:I was once

LeftofLarry wrote:
I was once in a confessional at a catholic church and the priest started asking ME questions as if my confession was not good enough. First of all, a priest asking questions steps outside the doctrince of confession. If a priest has to ask you of your sins, it defeats the purpose of confession. anyway, he started asking me all kinds of wierd sex related questions..and wanted detail...He asked me about masturbation, and what I thought about when I masturbated etc.. I walked out of that confession...freaked out and extremely uncomfortable....I did not give that freak fodder for masturbation..that's for sure.. I was 16. Fuck the church (but not literally).

aw shit for crying out loud. Sad I bet this shit happens all the time. I am soooo glad my kids don't go to church.

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Thank the Flying Spaghetti

Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster I didn't go to church as a kid!

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at least the flying

at least the flying spaghetti monster never touched anyone.....yet!!! Puzzled

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Whoa, that's sick. Did you

Whoa, that's sick. Shocked Did you report him? My church had a youth minister that pulled the same type of shit. It started with hugs and pats on the back, then eventually progressed into fondling. I was never a touchy feely type of person, so I tended to avoid him a lot. Several girls ended up coming forward and said that he's been grabbing and fondling and he'd even asked one girl if she'd ever given anyone a blow job. He was immediately relieved of his position.

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wow, im going to support

wow, im going to support that movie no matter where is comes out. Thats fucking disgusting

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I'm not trying to spam. I

I'm not trying to spam. I know that I've posted this in another thread. However, I feel it is relevant.

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