Bible thumpers all over campus

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Bible thumpers all over campus

passing out new testaments...they are sitting in front of entrances to the buildings, opening doors for people and passing out new testaments.. I need to do something, but...I'm at work and can't get fired for it.

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Bible thumpers all over campus

Just have the Biblical errancy post made into a book and pass that out, while standing right next to them.

"Religion is like a badly written contract - most people don't read most (much less all) of it, believe what the other party says, and execute with the best of intentions and naivety."

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Re: Bible thumpers all over campus

LeftofLarry wrote:
passing out new testaments...they are sitting in front of entrances to the buildings, opening doors for people and passing out new testaments.. I need to do something, but...I'm at work and can't get fired for it.

They do that at my school, too. Stand beside them and pass out "The Challenge". I think that would be pretty funny. Either that or light one on fire. You might get physically hurt for that though, which is unfortunate that we even have to consider that.

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Bible thumpers all over campus

Just ask for a few hundred copies as you've ran out of toilet paper.

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Bible thumpers all over campus

It seems to be a project of some sort. Myspace:Atheism Vs Religion has been under assault (perhaps a strong word here) by someone asking a miriad of survey questions about how "the church" can better reach college students.

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Bible thumpers all over campus

Az wrote:
It seems to be a project of some sort. Myspace:Atheism Vs Religion has been under assault (perhaps a strong word here) by someone asking a miriad of survey questions about how "the church" can better reach college students.

It's not new, at least not at my school. They've passed out new testaments ever since I've been going there, at least once a semester. I'm usually in a hurry to get to class so I ignore them or tell them they made their god up and walk on by.

I think it's funny how they just hand out the new testament.

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Bible thumpers all over campus

They just hand it out hoping you'll like it so much that you'll come back and purchase the old testament Eye-wink

I typically carry a backpack with me wherever I go, since I like to have my laptop, a book, and a few cd's with me, I've recently been considering bringing along some atheist oriented literature with me for those cases where I run into various theists passing out crap and preaching. Haven't thought about it lately since I haven't run into any since at least december, but I suppose it's always good to be prepared.



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Bible thumpers all over campus

qwak wrote:
They just hand it out hoping you'll like it so much that you'll come back and purchase the old testament Eye-wink

I typically carry a backpack with me wherever I go, since I like to have my laptop, a book, and a few cd's with me, I've recently been considering bringing along some atheist oriented literature with me for those cases where I run into various theists passing out crap and preaching. Haven't thought about it lately since I haven't run into any since at least december, but I suppose it's always good to be prepared.

I put a couple of TGWWT in my backpack.

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Bible thumpers all over campus

When I was going to LSU there would often be nutty preachers in Free Speech Ally. I thought they were hilarious. One told me I should wear skirts so I could find a gentleman for a husband--and suggested that I should be in college to find a husband. I think one of my favorites was someone saying that the demons from rock and roll cause homosexuality. And, of course, you can't forget, masturbation causes homosexuality!

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Bible thumpers all over campus

Shit.. with all the metal I've listened to and all the jackin off I've done.. I guess satan forgot to trick me into being gay.

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Bible thumpers all over campus

CynageN wrote:
Shit.. with all the metal I've listened to and all the jackin off I've done.. I guess satan forgot to trick me into being gay.


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Bible thumpers all over campus

stand right next to them with a bunch of porno and hand it out
thell be suprised how little some one cares about jesus when theres porn
and at least the smut would be given in the same place

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Bible thumpers all over campus

or have people give you the bibles for porn

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Bible thumpers all over campus

shorty wrote:
or have people give you the bibles for porn

hahaha brilliant!!!